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TOPIC: tIB on gameoflife: Impressions, Pixelated
Re:tIB on gameoflife: Impressions, Pixelated 11 Years, 1 Month ago
Well - this is blinking marvellous Andy

Audio-wise it sounds fantastic : great mastering job - really well balanced, nicely under control but with plenty of dynamics - hasn't just had this shit squashed out of it. Really 'airy' too with plenty of stereo cleverness going on.

But more importantly ...musically it's the dogs cajones. 'Pomeroy' is all brooding & industrial, but with quite lovely melody tucked away at it's centre & sets the tone really nicely.
I think I'm a bit in love with 'Diffusion' as it's got that buried funk that I adore in the best electronic music - heck it's virtually techno at it's core. stunning.
'Taroko' sounds like it's from Japan or the Far East somewhere - I think that's a combination of both the scale it's primarily working around, the feel & syncopation of the percussion & also just the sonic pallete : I kept thinking of some of Ryuichi Sakamoto's more niggly stuff. ace.
'A particularly Violent Dream' is a complete change of well, everything... it comes in like a breath of soothing air.... a quite beautiful little melodic / harmonic interplay & then we get the fantastic percussion which somehow underpins & yet leans all over the feel of the melody part. You're quite a genius at doing this on a high-wire balancing act Andy - it should all fall over but it doesn't. Great track.
'DAHKShuunt' starts off like some machine designed to test the strength of high-tensile wires or something & then turns into a funky chug through a robotic assembly line...
Basically this is as good if not better than anything being produced by anyone, anywhere right now. Brilliant work.
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Posts: 160
Re:tIB on gameoflife: Impressions, Pixelated 11 Years, 1 Month ago
Wow, I'm blown away by your response mark, thank you very much indeed! A couple of points...

Pomeroy I wanted to sound a bit 80s- I like the idea that you can do retro without doing retro... That may or may not make sense!

Diffusion I wanted to be as straight techno as ill ever get- four four, bass funk and a dark sound palette. I cocked the mix up and had phase issues so a few fixes were needed- given the choice I'd bring the bass forward more, but it wasnt an option with the mix problems. Richard did a great job of saving that one.

Taroko- yup, you nailed it; name after the mighty taroko gorge in Taiwan- an amazing place with a non paved major road running through it that you walk along.

AVPD was all about melody, which as it ended up was really naive... So I went about destroying it. I'm pretty sure that aspects of that were (unintentionally) lifted from somewhere else- I heard something after on an advert that had a similar thing going on. My first track to start life on a piano, and the dream it relates to remains the most violent thing my imagination has ever conjured. Poor ray mears!

Dahkshunt was a toy around with a similar rhythmic patch to avpd- it was one of those things that kind of wrote itself- no syncs, just a patch and a vaguely tempo matched rhythm. It somehow plays it out well, I think it's the weakest track but I know someone who liked it the best! It's certainly the most wiggly.

Incidentally the track order was wrong on the download- taroko should follow avpd as track four, with dahkshunt five. It's been corrected so may be worth downloading again for the fades and links between tracks.

Thank you again for the feedback, its great you like it!
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Re:tIB on gameoflife: Impressions, Pixelated 11 Years, 1 Month ago
tIB wrote:
Happy to share my latest EP on

"Impressions, Pixelated"

Preview vid:

EP (Available for free download):

Elektron, modulars and other bits and pieces. Created by me, mastered by Richard Scott @

Sounds & video are sweeeet!
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Posts: 160
Re:tIB on gameoflife: Impressions, Pixelated 11 Years, 1 Month ago
Thank you sir! Amazing what you can do with a single image and some spare time!
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