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TOPIC: 'generative' song mode demo and new track...
Posts: 7925
tIB was here
'generative' song mode demo and new track... 15 Years, 1 Month ago

2 new bits and pieces up at the virb and soundcloud...

1 fAx2n1Al:
Song based on something a mate sent me ages ago... (its been that long since I spoken to a lot of my friends Ive now decided to communicate through a series of bleeps that may or may not sound like a fax machine .)
MNM and MD, first track since spending a couple of months away from the gear due to hols and moving house. Nice to get back to it though not the greatest thing Ive ever done. Good to get it down and out the way soI can move onto better ideas. Its not too serious and is my attempt at getting back into melody. (...which may or may not be funny when you hear it.)
Note: Im not sure if this is clipping in places- my netbook isntthe most powerful of audio devices!)
EDIT: I should also add that the ending to this is inspired by marvin gayes uninspired ending to mercy me... officially the worst ending to a song ever!

2 Song Mode Experiment:
An experiment in using song mode to create something (broadly) generative. HAd the idea while on me hols after listening to something seemily without any fixed tempo... was a bit of a eureka moment for me, though thats not neccesarily represented in this demo.
This is one 16 step pattern, with trig on every 4th step, plocked to different settings. Once that plays through its all song mode glitching through using tempo changes for pitch. Also monomachine playing live in polymode to add some 'effect'. Might well do a proper track like this eventually...

Be interested to hear if anyone else uses song mode in this way and as ever all feedback greatly appreciated.
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Re:'generative' song mode demo and new track... 15 Years, 1 Month ago
The song mode experiement is way cool. Can you talk a little more about how the Mono plays into it?
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:'generative' song mode demo and new track... 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Sure I can...

The mono is really low level in the background, just acting as a poly sound source for the sine sound that floats around in the background- I played that over the top while the md was glitching away: the human equivalent of a cat walking over a keyboard .
The seq on the mono is just running over 4 steps where the filters and vol are effected for clicky noises sake... Its all MD really.

I think there's a lot to be had out of this way of sequencing: Im going to try it again with a tighter kit thats a bit more thought out in terms of what noises Ive got going on.
Thinking lots of space in between the glitchy stuff.

Ta for listening
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Re:'generative' song mode demo and new track... 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Song Mode Experiment: LOVE IT!
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Posts: 71
Re:'generative' song mode demo and new track... 15 Years, 1 Month ago
love the song mode!
wish i can have a holiday and think up of someth like that
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Posts: 2950
Re:'generative' song mode demo and new track... 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Very interesting that sond mode thing. Not sure if I managed to bend my mind around the technical side of it though. Sysex please?
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:'generative' song mode demo and new track... 15 Years, 1 Month ago
@ Mike and Tonnu; Thanks very much, happy days...
Holdiays are great for ideas, though I do spend a disproportionate amount of time thinking about ways of using my gear...Id been getting gear envy of enapas wonder sequencers with different pattern lengths, this idea is my solution (though in no way does it allow for a change in patt length on each parts) and came about while I should have been orang utan spotting in the rainforests of borneo .

@ Nils: I will have to expand for now on how I did it; Excuse me while I geek out for a bit...

Kit setup:

The pattern used is 16 step. There are trig sounding on every 4 steps on every machine.
I split the sounds into variables and constants; for example as a constant I might have a snare that stays the same over the whole pattern, whereas a variable might be something like a glitchy retrig or pad sound. With variables I plock a variation on the sound on every 4 steps.
Eventually Im going to do this again with a greater number of variables; this track has a total of 4 variations on each 'variable' sound, plock memory allowing you could have upto 32 for each machine.
There are ram rec and play machines on 13,14,15,16.
Although this isn't set up on this demo, I will in the future put constants on say tracks 1-6 for drum parts, and variables over the rest of the kit.

Song mode:

Song mode only ever trigs steps of 2 pattern lengths. The sounds made are controlled by programmed mutes and the variations in pitch and length of sound is controlled by programmed tempo changes. The changes in 'variables' is a result of a change in the initial pattern step, in this case between steps 1,4,8,12.

This is an example of what the song mode window might look like using this method.
(Im doing this from memory so excuse me if Ive missed out a glaring parameter- I realise I missed out repeat but didnt really use it: I copied the steps when I wanted a repeat and changed the start point for variation.)

Patt / Step / track length / tempo / mutes

A1 / 1 / 02 / 150 / 1,X,3,X,X,X,X,X,9,X,X,X,X,14,15,X
A1 / 4 / 02 / 36 / X,X,X,4,X,6,X,X,9,X,X,X,X,X,X,16
A1 / 12 / 02 / 273 / X,2,3,4,5,X,X,X,X,X,X,12,X,14,15,16
A1 / 1 / 02 / 269 / X,X,X,X,X,6,7,X,9,10,X,12,X,X,X,X
A1 / 1 / 02 / 79 / 1,X,3,X,5,X,X,8,9,X,11,X,13,X,15,X
A1 / 8 / 02 / 165 / 1,X,3,X,5,X,7,X,X,X,X1,12,13,14,15,16
... and so on.

On the demo track there is something like 96 steps for a 1min 30 track. As a first attempt at this it ended up fairly random.

The way Im going to work with this in the future is building this into a song with more traditionally sequenced parts and also created loopsparts of a less 'random' variety using the loop setting. Im also planning on extending this track to flesh it out into something a bit than 1:30, possibly bringing in another variation of the kit on another step, or maybe elongating the current kit for more variable changes...

I will eventually upload a .syx, though it will probably just be of the song mode selection as there are a fair few samples in that particular kit (unless anyone really wants it all?).
Im at work now so if I get chance Ill do it later...

Thanks for listening and feeding back, if you want any more info let me know...
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1218
Re:'generative' song mode demo and new track... 15 Years, 1 Month ago
This is good stuff and seriously a creative take with the MD song mode. Have to dwelve into this later.
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:'generative' song mode demo and new track... 15 Years, 1 Month ago
^ Nice one... Im glad there's a few others as excited by this as I am.

I started to integrate this with another set of normally sequenced 16 step patterns last night... will take me a while to get what I want exactly but I was really pleased with the results: I think it opens up a lot of possibilities.

Im pretty convinced this is how the Ae vs Vsnares track on 45 was put together; if it wasnt and was just cut up in software then i still think it can be done in this way... I think its a mixture of this way of song seq'ing combined with a bit of standard pattern stuff.
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