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TOPIC: Re: Borrow processor power from other CPU's on network.
Borrow processor power from other CPU's on network. 18 Years ago
Anyone use this? Does it work well? This could be really handy if so.
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Posts: 0
Re: Borrow processor power from other CPU's on network. 18 Years ago
it has its uses, but not for live stuff or even jamming in the studio, I think the lag introduced is unusable for this purpose

you should try the demo, it works perfect - I cant recall what the limitation is/was but it was essentially a fully functional demo from what I recall..

I used it like so. I just got a iMactel, coming from a PC. I use ableton live as a host & for recording (would like to get logic for recording & mastering), anyways whatever host suits you is fine.

so I send the audio from a track on the iMac through wormhole and into the pc, also running a host (ableton again) this case using a reaktor reverb.
I'm essentially auditioning it....It sounds good, so I send the audio back through wormhole back to the iMac 'reverbed' and I record it....

Its not bad, not bad at all really...just not a 'use me live' type of thing.
the only better way of doing this kind of thing I can think of is using a lightpipe connection from one cpu to the next (adat - adat), which is considerably more expensive but obviously has its own advantages

there's a few things I'd like to know tho....for the pc i'm using an maudio firewire - I'm wondering if when I render audio on my pc, does my soundcard effect the quality of the rendered file ? does my soundcard effect the quality of the signal being received & sent by/to the iMac, even tho its all in the digital domain ?

I'm no expert, but I'm compulsive enough to worry about this kind of thing until a pro or technician sheds some light on it. I'm guessing the soundcard probably doesnt 'color' the digitaly rendered files...
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Posts: 825
Re: Borrow processor power from other CPU's on network. 18 Years ago

b0unce wrote:

there's a few things I'd like to know tho....for the pc i'm using an maudio firewire - I'm wondering if when I render audio on my pc, does my soundcard effect the quality of the rendered file ? does my soundcard effect the quality of the signal being received & sent by/to the iMac, even tho its all in the digital domain ?

no it doesn't. rendering is calculated by your software/CPU. the audio card only affects A/D and D/A conversions when recording/playing back.
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Posts: 0
Re: Borrow processor power from other CPU's on network. 18 Years ago
cool thx divi
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Re: Borrow processor power from other CPU's on network. 18 Years ago
i like this a lot more and have had great success with it.

i used a tablet PC to run Reaktor, for example, as a VST inside Live on a desktop PC at 24/96 with pretty negligible latency for my purposes.
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Re: Borrow processor power from other CPU's on network. 18 Years ago
i like this a lot more and have had great success with it.

i used a tablet PC to run Reaktor, for example, as a VST inside Live on a desktop PC at 24/96 with pretty negligible latency for my purposes.
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Posts: 0
Re: Borrow processor power from other CPU's on network. 18 Years ago only

i need to go from mac to pc
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Borrow processor power from other CPU's on network. 18 Years ago
Doesn't Logic Pro have this feature built in? You can distribute the processing to any number of macs over LAN, I thought...?
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Posts: 0
Re: Borrow processor power from other CPU's on network. 18 Years ago
not the same thing...

but ya, with logic you have this 'node' feature, but its only for linking other sessions of logic together

mac mini's are great for that, not to mention with the iMactels and mactel minis the cpus are screwed in, i.e you can put in intels new chips when they're released !!! ....cant do that with the macbooks, since the cpu is soldered to the mother board.

I'm not sure if swapping the cpu will be a breach of warranty or not tho...but apparently its simple. I'd definatly pick up a second hand mactel mini if I spotted one for a bargain. would be nice for a multitude of setups I reckon.
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