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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Other Gear Re: Access Virus B and Akai MPC1000 (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re: Access Virus B and Akai MPC1000
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Re: Access Virus B and Akai MPC1000 17 Years, 11 Months ago
multi tracking is great, for sure.
indeed...i have a monosynth or two & a copy of ableton live, making multi-tracking a monosynth a can even do it in a on-the-fly fashion.

but the extra patches are useful on the nord lead, I dunno about the access virus tho - but on the lead each patch runs individually without any drawback or sacrifice, when you switch between them the nord leads interface is ready to tweak the parameters....real smooth.

when simply jamming or improvising, its useful to have four patches available so you can see that whatever sounds you intend on using work together (for layering sounds etc), before tracking each one individually for later editing.

in use with the md, I only used two patches...but I may use four sometime. I dunno, i dont see it as overkill the way its been suggested. I've got 16 slots available on the MD, why not use 4 nord lead sounds instead of 4 elektron sounds ? The rackmount nord lead sitting beside the MD, makes lots of sense...and its not like you're lost in the possibilities, its all simple and in front of you...

maybe I sound like a hypocrit now, but 4 of these patches I think is enough for me, no desire for 16 or 80...

I must do some more reading on the virus....its not like its a 16 or 80 voice synth, its like the lead in that it can run 16 patches at the same time (with each one available to be tweaked simultaniously & individually via midi) ?

or do you mean its 'polyphonic' with 16/80 voices of the same patch ?
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Access Virus B and Akai MPC1000 17 Years, 11 Months ago
I doubt I need 16 as well...but I know I could use 8 no doubt... so far all I use is mono'll be nice to have a poly synth with multitimbral capabilities.
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