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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Other Gear Suggestions for good *stereo* effects units? (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Suggestions for good *stereo* effects units?
Posts: 67
Re: Suggestions for good *stereo* effects units? 18 Years ago
Sounds like you're really into your envelope filters, almost to the point of using the fx as a synth, so your choice of filter bank would be critical. Does it really need a 100% stereo path ? The trade off is quite serious if it means you can't use a mono stompbox, because even something simple like a RAT can give you a crazy fuzz and it has a lovely warm filter control pot. I don't think you will find that much grit in any stereo multi-fx or even a pod.

As for delays, if you want lo-fi and tweakable I suggest you check out the Roland SDE 2000. Put the return into a channel and open up some feedback, dub style. Right there is a howling sweepable mutation of your sound that is again, worlds apart from anything a clean stereo delay can offer.

Sorry - I know this is nearly the opposite of what you asked. Sometimes a huge stereo sound with a mono delay can be wonderful and more contrasting than stereo + stereo chain. If you can get a mono loop in there without destroying your vibes give it a go, or just buy two of each stompbox!
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Posts: 1312
mr. applehead
Re: Suggestions for good *stereo* effects units? 18 Years ago
ensoniq DP4 almost sounds analogue!
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Posts: 164
Re: Suggestions for good *stereo* effects units? 18 Years ago
I have an eowave filter bug. The thing is completely useless! The audio demos are cool, but my filter doesn't seem to do much of anything and unfortunately eowave doesn't respond to emails nor do they provide any online support for it (not even a manual!). It is easily the worst-made item I own...the power cable is really, really loose so that even very gentle knob twisting causes it to lose power so you are forced to develop a method where you tweak with one hand while the other holds the power cable in. :-o

I also have an alesis modfx philtre and a frostwave resonator. These two items are way cool and will really change sounds drastically. However, they may not be exactly what you're looking for.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 417
Re: Suggestions for good *stereo* effects units? 18 Years ago

booblitz wrote:
I have an eowave filter bug. The thing is completely useless! The audio demos are cool, but my filter doesn't seem to do much of anything and unfortunately eowave doesn't respond to emails nor do they provide any online support for it (not even a manual!). It is easily the worst-made item I own...the power cable is really, really loose so that even very gentle knob twisting causes it to lose power so you are forced to develop a method where you tweak with one hand while the other holds

Thanks for the warning! That's shitty. As for the DP/4, I am looking into that too. I have a friend who has one and offered to let me borrow it. I think that that unit, plus a dedicated MIDI controller might do a lot of what I want.

Thanks for all of the input everybody. Keep it coming.

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Chain Chomp
Posts: 417
Re: Suggestions for good *stereo* effects units? 18 Years ago

zart wrote:
The trade off is quite serious if it means you can't use a mono stompbox, because even something simple like a RAT can give you a crazy fuzz and it has a lovely warm filter control pot.

Yeah, I just got a second-hand Rat Turbo, and it is sweet! Running my x0xb0x through it is instant acid! I do have some use for mono stuff, as I have three mono synths, but the stereo stuff is for my MD and/or an entire mix.

As for two stomp-boxes to get stereo, this could be interesting, but isn't really workable for me.

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Chain Chomp
Posts: 417
Re: Suggestions for good *stereo* effects units? 17 Years, 11 Months ago

b0unce wrote:
I use the dual-sherman rackmount...its well worth the money, its a samplers treasure trove. Record a jam, then go into the file for samples and loops....or you can use it with subtlety to excite your signals and thats also most rewarding...
anyways, long story short I
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 373
Re: Suggestions for good *stereo* effects units? 17 Years, 11 Months ago
i highly reccomend:

jomox m resonator - awesome sound tons of routing but no midi

mutronics mutator - prolly the best stereo low pass filter, this thing is fat

sherman filterbank stereo version - enough info above

dacs freque - analog ring mod and frequency shifter, if you run your kick drum from the MD into this you will get some subsonic booms that will make your nuts cower to the inside of your body

i own all of the above except for the sherman but i have heard it many times and it is very cool,
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Posts: 0
Re: Suggestions for good *stereo* effects units? 17 Years, 11 Months ago

cchocjr wrote:

Well I didn't get a dual-sherman filterbank...just a plain 'ol single one (v2). And GODDAM DOES IT ROCK! Don't care that it's mono in. I'll either break doen and use it as an aux send effect or just run my MD straight through--everything out A. Now I got my filtering needs taken care of--and then some.


[end gloating]

Right on! I'm sure you'll be doing great things with it. I listen to loops & samples I've made with it, forgetting how I made them - but in awe at how good they sound.

Hey watson, I'm jealous of your mutator!...any chance you could upload some mp3 demos , just any old patterns/loops etc ? Do you find it to be noisey ?

I find it hard to find mp3 demos of this filter...(I know theres some realplayer demos at mutronics website - but I dont use realplayer..)
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 373
Re: Suggestions for good *stereo* effects units? 17 Years, 11 Months ago
i wouldt mind doing that for you but right now i am mixing and mastering my bands project and my computer and monitors are at home, and most of my gear is at the studio. i will make you some demos when i get done, shouldnt be more than a week. no i do not find the filter to be too noisy it even sounds good all the way open! it must not be too noisy in comparison to others either considering it is used in most studios. although that is not to say there is no noise, but on the other hand i have never heard a good sounding analog device that has character that didnt have noise, be it an outboard piece of gear, a synth and even amplifiers. hell even some of the most touted guitars are noisier than some shitty ones i have owned.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 518
Re: Suggestions for good *stereo* effects units? 17 Years, 11 Months ago
How about starting a small modular synth with just processor modules?

I don't know if I could go back to hardwired hardware after buying a modular.
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