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TOPIC: Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum
microkorg and the md midi 19 Years, 3 Months ago
the problem i have is this i make my md to tranmit the start and stop signal from the arpeggio from the micokorg.
it does stop in a way (like the notes and etc).
but the arpeggio itself keeps on playing.
there is a way to make it stop it says so in the manual of the micro but it doesnt work when i transmit these cc controllers from the md maybe the md uses another,
sort of controlmapping and i dont have the mappingcharts, on paper (need to know there names and places).

:-D tjebbestorm.
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Posts: 1368
OT, MD-UW Mk2, SFX-60 Mk2, SFX-6
Re: microkorg and the md midi 19 Years, 3 Months ago
And here I thought there was a domain called 'homail'. Shucks.

I don't have a MD, but I do have a MK. Can you break down your issue again? I had trouble understanding the original post.

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Re: microkorg and the md midi 19 Years, 3 Months ago
I think what he is saying is that he is trying to trigger the start/stop of his MicroKorg's arp. with the MD but...

When he hits the stop button on the MD, the NOTES on the MicroKorg stop, but the arp. itself keeps chasing through the pattern.....
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Posts: 1368
OT, MD-UW Mk2, SFX-60 Mk2, SFX-6
Re: microkorg and the md midi 19 Years, 3 Months ago
Man, no wonder I was confused. I thought he was talking about the MicroKontrol. It doesn't help that the gig bag that shipped with it says MicroKorg on it.

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Chain Chomp
Posts: 352
Re: microkorg and the md midi 19 Years, 3 Months ago
I've used it with a ms2000 and an Indigo 2. Both have arps that behave similarly with the MD. Even when I sometimes just have a single long sound playing it won't stop. Usually I have to press "stop" a second time to stop it.

Another thing you can do is trigger a short note again on the Korg.

Also if you are using a long note on the MD it will last the duration even after you press stop.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago
I have the MachineDrum... and like it a bit...but have a hard time getting it to sound the way I want... I feel like there might be too much control for always ruin a good beat by tweaking it too much. I'm a bit dumb. Anyway... what else is there out there? There's the Jomox Xbase 09 and 999, the MPCs (got one coming tomorrow), and the Vermona stuff. Outside of that you have to go old school (Sp-1200, TR-XOX, Oberheim DMX). What other new school drum machines are worth a look?

(By the way, I am keeping the MachineDrum for now...cause sometimes I love it...somedays I hate it) I make hip-hop inflenced stuff. I love the TR-808 and sometimes wonder if I should just buy the real thing...since most of the stuff I like on the MD is 808 / 606 sounding...or maybe the Jomox will better suit me.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1051
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago
interesting - are you having trouble with the MD because its so synth like? Thats what drove me to get the MD in the first place, cause its more like a synth than a traditional drum machine. Some folks just don't like that I suppose.
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Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago
Well, I love my 808. It's got a certain feel to it that's all its own. I really don't think it's been replicated elsewhere. Add the three programmable trigs to that and you've got big fun.

Bizarrely, I prefer my 707 to my Drumulator. Although I know the 707 isn't regarded as a classic, I just like the groove it has. Plus, the DIN Sync is handy to link up to my 202 and 808.

I think it's hypersubjective: you'll have to audition loads of machines and go with your gut feeling. Specs are very deceptive. For example, my old Yammy RX21 is hardly hi-fi but it suits a certain kind of song perfectly.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago

milkmansnd wrote:
interesting - are you having trouble with the MD because its so synth like? Thats what drove me to get the MD in the first place, cause its more like a synth than a traditional drum machine. Some folks just don't like that I suppose.

I'd say I'm just having problems making beats that I like. With all of the synthesis'd think I'd be able to make stuff I'd be more interested in than a normal MPC or Reason / Live set-up...but I haven't. I'm gonna give it more time though as well. I tend to make better music with a stripped down kit...than a ton of options.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago

Jyoti wrote:
Well, I love my 808. It's got a certain feel to it that's all its own. I really don't think it's been replicated elsewhere. Add the three programmable trigs to that and you've got big fun.

Bizarrely, I prefer my 707 to my Drumulator. Although I know the 707 isn't regarded as a classic, I just like the groove it has. Plus, the DIN Sync is handy to link up to my 202 and 808.

I think it's hypersubjective: you'll have to audition loads of machines and go with your gut feeling. Specs are very deceptive. For example, my old Yammy RX21 is hardly hi-fi but it suits a certain kind of song perfectly.

Well, I didn't mean low-end options... I've had most of them before. I was talking about the new school machines such as the Vermona and the Jomox stuff. My MPC1000 is coming my way tomorrow. I know that will suit my style. However, I like non-sampling drum machines as well.
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