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TOPIC: Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago

jsrockit wrote:
Well, I didn't mean low-end options... I've had most of them before. I was talking about the new school machines such as the Vermona and the Jomox stuff. My MPC1000 is coming my way tomorrow. I know that will suit my style. However, I like non-sampling drum machines as well.

I also had some problems when starting out with MD. I don't think it's because of its synth-nature. It's more like building the whole beatstuff from start to end for the first time. Surely I had played with samples and waldorf attack before that, but trying to do something serious, opened my ears for understanding that it needs a little bit more work than just go with the samples or presets. This might or might be your experience as well. It feels like, you come up with lot of patterns, but they all sound crap. Things get better when the ear adjusts to more subtle things in synthesis based stuff; sounds fit together better, dynamics improve and such. At least that happened to me.

Considering that, the best thing was I hadn't much money for different gear or such, so I had to get serious with MD and now I'm really happy I did. I'm just trying to say, exchanging gear or stuff like that isn't going to help on the long run. People need to learn the gear from inside out, after then the musical expression starts to grow. Well, at least I feel like this, your situation may differ and I respect that. Just wanted to share a point of view.
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Posts: 57
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago
Have you ever tried an Roland R-8 (mk2). It's not NewSkool but...

If you're into hiphop you'd probably like a lot of the sounds (...well i do),

Then it has loads of possibilities to sculpt your own sounds.

It has nice human feel options and you can do a kind of parameter-locks for para's like: tune / decay / nuance / pan / microtiming. Has an option to 'zoom in' and use and program between the steps. Ofcourse you can RealTimeRec. (but not me dB-))

1 stereo (main)output, 8 individual outputs, 1 phones output

The downside is: You can't change sounds when seq is running so it's not a nice as a jam machine.

It might be that other digital/sample-based Roland drumco's have same or more options: you might want to look at/listen to a Roland R70. Never used it myself but I read good things about that as well.

I almost forget to say it has 16 trigger pads (plastic though)

... for reference ... I never liked the new Roland's x0x's and more of that toycrap they're making nowadays (dance orientated stuff)

I had a R-8 years ago and missed it till i bought a R-8mk2 a few months ago.

It still rocks!!!

...but if you're getting your mpc tomorrow why do you need more.

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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago
maybe new gear isn't what you need...the MD is really flexible, not just from a sound design point of view but also from a workflow point of view. it sounds like you might be able to improve your workflow on the box and get more out of it. for example, are you using pattern copy/paste a lot to get variations of your drum loops? This would cure the "always tweak too much" problem, especially if you give each copy of the pattern it's own copy of the drum can tweak each one as much as you want without destroying the seed.

then again, if you are trying to make hip hop on this box, I can see where you might be running into dead ends. for me, the stock MD snare drum sounds leave a lot to be desired when aiming for any kind of breakbeat feel...that's probably the number one reason why I love the UW upgrade...a whole universe of snares 8-)
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago

then again, if you are trying to make hip hop on this box, I can see where you might be running into dead ends. for me, the stock MD snare drum sounds leave a lot to be desired when aiming for any kind of breakbeat feel...that's probably the number one reason why I love the UW upgrade...a whole universe of snares 8-)

Hmmm... you hit the nail on the head. I can get a nice 606 type snare that I love on this machine... but almost everything else I try is a bit off for my needs. It does come down to the snares. bass drums are easy...and so are cymbals. So are all types of cool non-drum sound effects. I've been layering snares...and noise...and am getting some nice ones that way. I like it enough to keep it for now...but may try a Jomox too. I'll buy it used and if it doesn't have a place in my set-up...then I'll sell it for no loss. The MPC is up my alley...I knew that already due to owning one a few years ago (went all computer and sold my hardware years ago). With the MPC, the MD and the Jomox 09...If I cannot make the beats I like...I probably shouldn't be making beats.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago

Friend wrote:

jsrockit wrote:
Well, I didn't mean low-end options... I've had most of them before. I was talking about the new school machines such as the Vermona and the Jomox stuff. My MPC1000 is coming my way tomorrow. I know that will suit my style. However, I like non-sampling drum machines as well.

I also had some problems when starting out with MD. I don't think it's because of its synth-nature. It's more like building the whole beatstuff from start to end for the first time. Surely I had played with samples and waldorf attack before that, but trying to do something serious, opened my ears for understanding that it needs a little bit more work than just go with the samples or presets. This might or might be your experience as well. It feels like, you come up with lot of patterns, but they all sound crap. Things get better when the ear adjusts to more subtle things in synthesis based stuff; sounds fit together better, dynamics improve and such. At least that happened to me.

Considering that, the best thing was I hadn't much money for different gear or such, so I had to get serious with MD and now I'm really happy I did. I'm just trying to say, exchanging gear or stuff like that isn't going to help on the long run. People need to learn the gear from inside out, after then the musical expression starts to grow. Well, at least I feel like this, your situation may differ and I respect that. Just wanted to share a point of view.

You are right...and I am not getting rid of it...just frustrated. Plus, I like drum machines like people like synths...I'd like a few of them. I'm probably the only fool who wants more drum machines than synths...well, it is probably typical of hip-hop production.
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Posts: 2839
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago

You are right...and I am not getting rid of it...just frustrated. Plus, I like drum machines like people like synths...I'd like a few of them. I'm probably the only fool who wants more drum machines than synths...well, it is probably typical of hip-hop production.

i can't believe that you don't already own an MPC or any of the other staple hiphop production units. not that you 'need' one to make hiphop...but if i find it quite essential in and even more so when i'm working with mcee's. an MD, MnM, MPC, some records, and possibly're set.

...not that that setup prevents me from wanting more :-D
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago
Had an MPC years ago...then went all software and a laptop. Not to mention my hip-hop isn't pure I really don't get into what you are supposed to have tool wise...I buy what I want. Now that I have the MPC again...I can't believe I left it for so long. The 1000 is cool do to the CF Car5ds and USB connections. I like to edit my samples in my computer. I decided that between the MPC and the MD...I should be set for awhile. I think I will most likely buy some more NI battery sample CDs instead.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago
that's cool....I can't wait to get my mpc1000....I'm holding out for the black one with os 2.0 though

I feel icky buying sample that just me?
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Posts: 2839
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago

ggoodwin wrote:

I feel icky buying sample that just me?

nope, me too. i have never bought one. there's just to many sound tools and sources out there to be paying for someone else to do what i can.

jsr > i feel you on not doing 'pure hiphop'. the mpc isn't a have to tool but there are plently of forward thinking producers that are pushing the envelope using classic tools. i suppose its really just how you use your tools. i wasn't suggesting in order for you to make hiphop you're required to have an MPC, but more just replying towards your frustration of finding MD alternatives. i don't see the MPC as anything but a great sequencer/sampler...i mean it can be anything you want it be. it is what ever you put into it and thats the beauty!

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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Other Drum Machines besides the MachineDrum 18 Years, 6 Months ago

ggoodwin wrote:
that's cool....I can't wait to get my mpc1000....I'm holding out for the black one with os 2.0 though

I feel icky buying sample that just me?

I don't buy any regular sample CDs... but the Native Instruments ones are top notch and different. Call me corny, but I actually like these.
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