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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Other Gear Re: More Alesis Gear Lust... (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re: More Alesis Gear Lust...
Posts: 1368
OT, MD-UW Mk2, SFX-60 Mk2, SFX-6
Re: The Spektralis 19 Years, 2 Months ago
I just upgraded to sfx60 to sfx6 this week, and I'm loving the keyboard and joystick. It makes the instrument, which I had been intensively programming before, much more interactive and playable.
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Re: The Spektralis 19 Years, 2 Months ago
I've been drooling over the Spectralis since it was called the Spectron. Everything I've read and heard was great, and it was going to be my gear purchase for the year. However, I wound up pouncing on the MonoMachine when they were delayed. For what it can do, the MnM is GREAT.

Can I ask you some questions about the sequencer? I've been looking for something (not software) that can sweep/tweak MonoMachine paramaters over extended time. Is the Spectralis up for this?

To be specific, lets say I've got a 32 beat/note pattern playing on the MonoMachine and I want to make gradual changes and spot changes to a few paramaters over let's say, 256 beats/notes, can the Spectralis drive that intuitively with its sequencer?

Any sort of apeggiators built in? Also, does it seem like there's any way to write your own code for the DSP's on it?

Also, are the realtime sequencing possibilites "all that" on the Spectralis? I really love gear that lets you build sequences as you're playing them. In some ways, the MonoMachine is a dream for that sort of stuff, but not always. I've been debating getting a Spectralis to compliment it, but she's a pretty pricey puppy. The more info I have, the easier it will be to take the plunge this summer.

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Posts: 2839
Re: The Spektralis 19 Years, 2 Months ago

glaive wrote:
I just upgraded to sfx60 to sfx60 this week, and I'm loving the keyboard and joystick. It makes the instrument, which I had been intensively programming before, much more interactive and playable.

interesting that you would upgrade from the sfx60 to the sfx60, i mean what are the main differences :-D .....just hand over that carrying bag!
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Posts: 1368
OT, MD-UW Mk2, SFX-60 Mk2, SFX-6
Re: The Spektralis 19 Years, 2 Months ago
I edited the original post, suckah!
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King Koopa
Posts: 249
Re: The Spektralis 19 Years, 2 Months ago
The sfx6 is awesome to play with, that's why I bought mine. Now I am thinking of selling my evolver triton electribes in order to get me one of these Spektralis
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Posts: 0
Re: The Spektralis 19 Years, 2 Months ago
i upgraded from the sfx60 to the sfx6 a few months ago, and my appreciation for the monomachine went to a new level. it's so much more immediate and gratifying.
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Posts: 122
Re: The Spektralis 19 Years, 1 Month ago
I also considered buying the specki. I tried it at the Musikmesse and I really think it's a neat thing. I just had bought it, but i have the MD and I don't want those sample-drums so I decided not to buy it.
Sure, the analog filterbank is neat but I had a look at the MFB Filterbox too (, there is no english page for this, afaik, sorry).
It sounds very nice and I already own the MFB Synth II, which is a true analog monster!
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Re: The Spektralis 19 Years, 1 Month ago
the MFB synths sound good and I considered buying one at one point, simply because they sound great for the price point. but after I found out about them throwing a DSP into the Synth Lite yet still advertising it as having analog oscillators, I haven't given them much thought since. they have since changed their tech specs for that synth to have digital oscillators, but they *tried* to get away with a huge lie there so I'm kind of scared to purchase anything by them since that... whether it sounds good or not, I don't like companies that lie to me
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Posts: 122
Re: The Spektralis 19 Years, 1 Month ago
yeah that's right, that's not okay. I always thought they advertised the synth _lite_ as digital brother of the synth, that was how I interpreted the "lite" part of the name.
Well, I'm totally satisfied with my Synth II so I don't mind what they did in the past and just suppress those memories in the future
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Re: The Spektralis 19 Years, 1 Month ago
well they do advertise the synth lite that way not, but when it first came out it wasn't. so of course people jumped on it; I mean, an analog monosynth for around $250, come on! then someone from Analogue Heaven got one, heard aliasing in the oscillators, cracked it open and found a DSP chip inside. it took a while actually, but MFB did eventually change the spec listing for the synth (though I don't believe they've ever commented on it). again, it's just a little too flakey for me...but the Synth II is tempting, as it sounds quite good
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