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TOPIC: Which would you vote for and why?
Which would you vote for and why? 18 Years, 3 Months ago
Thinking of making a mojor analog purchase. Which would you pick? Or add to my list if you have any other suggestions.


----DSI Polyevolver

----Studio Electronics Omega 8
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Which would you vote for and why? 18 Years, 3 Months ago
I think I'd rather have the Poly Evolver. The thought of having four seperate evolvers with four seperate sequencers just does it for me... The Minimoog is too over-used and too tempermental in its old age. Omega 8...not really familar with it to tell you the truth.
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Re: Which would you vote for and why? 18 Years, 3 Months ago
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Posts: 51
Re: Which would you vote for and why? 18 Years, 3 Months ago
the vostok looks great.

Although I really do like the Studio Electronics gear. Back when i worked at a music store, and the first time I went to NAMM I fell for the Omega 8. The whole place is super noisy, all sorts of companies showing off theyr gear, but the Omega 8 cut right through the whole room. It was like the pied piper and we all just headed for it. The se1x and atc are also really nice.
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Posts: 154
Current \'gear\': Korg Legacy controller, Launchpad, Renoise.
Re: Which would you vote for and why? 18 Years, 3 Months ago

syrusate wrote:
the vostok looks great.

i'm still kicking myself for passing on the mk1 version of the vostok (wavetable osc!) for $1200 a couple years ago. grr.
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Posts: 51
Re: Which would you vote for and why? 18 Years, 3 Months ago
Man that sucks, that kind of price wont come around again.
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Re: Which would you vote for and why? 18 Years, 3 Months ago
The se1x and atc are also really nice.

What does the se1x do that the omega 8 can't? What does each unit "specialize" in, I guess. Thanks.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 373
Re: Which would you vote for and why? 18 Years, 3 Months ago
personally i love studio electronics stuff. i think the both the atc x and the se1-x nova edition are fuckin awesome, i feel that both units are good for bass a leads, you can really do some deep things with both units, that said it really depends on the track and which interface i want to use to achieve the sound for the specific track, like for some tracks i will specifically go in wanting to use the atc as the bass and the se1x NE for leads or vice versa, then sometimes i wil just wing it. basically the atc is very versatile due to its nature of having the 4 different filters, the 2600 filter is really nice considering i dont have the funds or knowledge to keep a 2600 maintaned in my studio environment also the atc x has cross modulation which seperates it from the se1x. and the se1x NE is nice because ytou have pots and a sine wave and distortion onboard.

all that said if i were in the market with the money you are looking at spending i would persoanally go with the Omega 8 and load it up with as many modules as i could afford, deffinitely get yourself one SEM module now or later.... then you have room for expandability and you have a really nice synth,

i cant really comment on the DSE items because i have little use with them, although on every board and list i am on they get good reviews from the users. although from what i read you either get it or dont therefor you either buy it and use it extensively or you dont take the time to learn the deep menus and you dont use it very much. the DSEs seem nice to me for the onboard sequencers, but if you sequence with yout computer a lot then the omega might be right up your alley.

also if you get the chance make sure you check out the FAQ page on the studio electronics synth page, there are a lot of comparisons there.
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Re: Which would you vote for and why? 18 Years, 2 Months ago
What's the difference between the se-1x and the se-1x nova edition? Thanks
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 648
enapa lirar monolåda, 2 x sidstation och uv!
: )
Re: Which would you vote for and why? 18 Years, 2 Months ago
I would go for a juno106,mono/polly and a ms10 instead of one expensive sizer, but a prodigy instead would be great to.
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