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TOPIC: mpc
Posts: 1312
mr. applehead
mpc 18 Years, 2 Months ago
has anyone compared the sound of the mpc1000 to the 2000?
im interested to know if the 'old' sound is retained in the new products or if the 1000 is crisper & cleaner.
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Posts: 51
Re: mpc 18 Years, 2 Months ago
Yeh the new ones dont have "that" sound anymore. At least not that I have heard. If you need a sampler with that nice sound more than you need a sequencer, try to find an old Akai s900 or s950 sampler. They sound great, lots of Portishead drums sounds are played through that machine.
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Posts: 1312
mr. applehead
Re: mpc 18 Years, 2 Months ago
ok - thanks for the response. kinda sux though, i was thinking that black mpc1000 looks ok but if the sound is weak.. perhaps the 2000 is the way to go. i am considering a sampler/sequencer to go alongside the mduw and for controlling other gear. if only elektron made one!
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Posts: 51
Re: mpc 18 Years, 2 Months ago
I guess it also depends on what kind of way you record. Step Edit patterns, or real time recording. I read somwhere that the mpc1000 step editing is a pain. I was also under the impression that you can use the MD for controlling other gear, so that in itself is a sequencing sampler.

Or theres this Signal Arts Maps sequencer that Dangulberry brought up earlier. Looks very nice. MAPS

Other alternatives would be getting a Yamaha rs7000 and add an external drive for samples. Woulnt cost much at all, ive seen rs7000's for under 500. That way you can sequence, sample and even use the interal sounds if you wish. Not a bad machine really.

I do agree though, I wish elektron made a dedicated sequencer. Or a dedicated sampler. A nice small tabletop sampler, no sequencer in it, just alot of space for samples, and the ability to mangle the samples.
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Posts: 34
Re: mpc 18 Years, 2 Months ago
or get a nice Emu E6400 ultra... I love their sound... the filters are superrrrb...

I have the mpc 4000 but still use the 4000's ins for filter sweeps.. they are
nice and dirty...
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: mpc 18 Years, 2 Months ago
The sound isn't weak in the machine... it's just CD quality. If you are looking for dirt...go vintage. If you are looking for a machine that has tons of sampling time, is HD capable, accepts CF cards, has built in effects, time stretching capabilities, etc... go with a new machine. Also, two things I love about the new machines... you can layer four sounds on every pad and you can chromatically spread one sample across 16 pads so you can play basslines and melodies.
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Posts: 1312
mr. applehead
Re: mpc 18 Years, 2 Months ago
ok thanks for the tip on the maps sequencer! as far as the others go, rs7000 is no good for me. i have used the rm1x and hated it. im not looking for dirt as such. a sampling sequencer with some distinctive sound would be ideal. Emu E6400 ultra looks like a nice complete unit but with an interface that is not really suitable as a main sequencer and after using the elektron interface its hard to imagine using any other! im happy using the step record function of the MD and am running many machines from it but its not the most spontaneous way to sequence. if the MD recorded midi note info that would be the shit. the monomachine looks to have got it right but i dont need the sounds and it would seem like a waste to buy it just for the sequencer. mpc1000 could be the answer for want of a better one! so if elektron could make a new machine i would like it to be a dedicated full function midi sampling sequencer with effects and 8 cv gate outputs! please?
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King Koopa
Posts: 283
Re: mpc 18 Years, 2 Months ago
umm, i sure wouldn't say that the mpc2000 had 'that' sound either. there's not too much difference between the sound of the 2k and the 1k, the 2000xl always sounded a bit thin to me. also, the '16 levels' function for spreading a sample across the pads isn't new.

that said, i think you'll be happy with the new black MPC-1000. it's a good machine with some great features, should work great paired with the MD and whatever else you have. if you're not completely happy with the sound/features of the sampler, old rack samplers are cheap as hell these days. in that case though, ~$1000 is a lot of money for just a sequencer. it's hard to say.

another option (which i'll probably go with if i ever get another 1000) is to buy a used 1000 for less money and then buy a black case from Akai or VST Service (~$80). that might work...

EDIT: just noticed you're in Australia(??). that might make things a bit tougher?
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: mpc 18 Years, 2 Months ago

jbuonacc wrote:
also, the '16 levels' function for spreading a sample across the pads isn't new.

I didn't mean to imply that this was new...but the layering of 4 sounds per pad is new I Due to this feature...the MPC1000 I use never sounds thin.
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King Koopa
Posts: 283
Re: mpc 18 Years, 2 Months ago
right, i think you could only layer two sounds on one pad on the previous machines(? it's been a while).

as for 'thin' - depends what other sampler (or older MPC) you're comparing it to.
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