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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Lounge Gear List Thread (you knew it was coming) v.2 (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Gear List Thread (you knew it was coming) v.2
Hammer Bro
Posts: 614
Re:Gear List Thread (you knew it was coming) v.2 16 Years, 1 Month ago
jsrockit wrote:
xibalba wrote:

have its still for sale for the third time

(ive been wishy washy about selling it) but ive bought a few chiptuney stuff so i gotta cut it offically

Wait, didn't yours have issues?

i thought it did but it doesnt i was/am a noob to midi sequencing and it was my mpc that had the issues/causing the problem

if you want mine your more than welcome to have a week to test it out.
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Re:Gear List Thread (you knew it was coming) v.2 16 Years, 1 Month ago
I'm very happy with my set up now -

Nord Wave - Multi synthesis - samples, FM, Waves, VA
MnM - Sequencing plus internal sounds
MDUW - drum machine and percussion provider
MEK - Hybrid bliss
Voyager RME - Analog Kicks and bass
FR Revolution - Oh Acid - sequencing the Voyager
Adrenalinn - FX for the monos + drum machine
K01 - melodies via neat scale function

in the living room I keep a small fortified Nintendo tower of 8 bit dreams.

My favorite 8 bit gear is midines. My favorite synth on a game system is the upcoming Korg DS10
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Re:Gear List Thread (you knew it was coming) v.2 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Nils wrote:
Yeah, it's the Mercenary Ed.
I haven't found more than one API second hand (at a high price) , and I got a much better price on a Drawmer here in Norway. Price is (sadly) a very decisive factor for me.

I like the fact that the 1968 has valves (gimmickry??), a "big" switch for better bass response (like on the API?) and dual mono as well as stereo operation (unlike the API).

i think you'll be happy w/the drawmer. it gets hi marks from lot's of people. i was weighing the 1968 vs api 2500 and ended up w/the api because i found a used one that was essentially new for a good price w/full warranty etc. plus a friend has the api and i was able to get lot's of info/samples from him etc.

either way. i think once you get into this league of compressor that there is no bad one. it's just finding the sound you that works for you... and honestly i think there are a half dozen compressors in that price range that will get the job done nicely.

oh, the tubes in the 1968 are no gimmick and having dual mono capability is great.
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Re:Gear List Thread (you knew it was coming) v.2 16 Years, 1 Month ago
jsrockit wrote:
stylinghead wrote:

Very pretty... great set-up.

thanks!! i forgot to mention nanoloop 1.3 and 2.0 as well as a midi cable for them. i would have mentioned lsdj but i never figured it out. might be for sale along with the cheetah.
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King Koopa
Posts: 235
Re:Gear List Thread (you knew it was coming) v.2 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Is the cheetah still for sale?
and how much do you want for it?
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 614
Re:Gear List Thread (you knew it was coming) v.2 16 Years, 1 Month ago
dibs on lsdj if you sell it
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 614
Re:Gear List Thread (you knew it was coming) v.2 16 Years, 1 Month ago
papertiger wrote:
ThinkTanx wrote:
Funny how most everyone around here has now sold their Blofeld's: PT, JS, and Actuel, possibly others I don't know about.

batni still has hers. . . but she never sells aaaanything. =P

I sold it because with the ti and the blofeld, it was overkill. I don't want that many polysynths. i know they both have different sounds, but i would have to learn both. personally, i liked the interface on the blo more than the ti, but the ti's sound and effects kill -- it's just a far more sophisticated (and concomitantly expensive!!) machine.

i did get sad when i packed the blo up and almost reconsidered, but i know that she is going to a good home, to someone who is really excited to get her.

there're just too many fun things out there. . . and now i've discovered guitar pedals! =O


hey PT did you ever decide between the DL4 and Echo Pro?

theres an echo pro on VSE for 425.00 from a great seller.
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Posts: 2932
Re:Gear List Thread (you knew it was coming) v.2 16 Years, 1 Month ago
i got the dl4 but am returning it. i like it ok, but this: has some serious midi implementation that knocks my sox off and will expand usability. i could parameter lock the delay settings via the mono or just tweak away -- nice to have options. plus it's upgradeable. I'm picking one up tomorrow and will let you know how it goes!

thanks for the echo pro tip -- in terms of ergonomics how things are set up (I still need to take a pic!) a rack unit wouldn't be ideal for me. i realized that after researching guitar pedals at 3 am. lol. still though, the echo pro is pretty sweet. i wonder why line 6 stopped making them.

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King Koopa
Posts: 219
Re:Gear List Thread (you knew it was coming) v.2 16 Years, 1 Month ago
stylinghead wrote:

i gotta say it's been really hard narrowing down what i will really will use and i've bought, sold and traded a shitpile of gear over the last six or nine years. is there a thread detailing people journey through kit to get to where they are now with their setup?

i feel you. i find it hilarious sometimes to think about all the gear i have bought and sold to get to where i am at. there should be a thread about the gear journey. but it kind of gives me a headache to think about it.

i do know that my set-up is exclusively revolved around the performance aspect right now. i don't even have an audio interface at the moment. believe it or not i am more productive now than ever.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 614
Re:Gear List Thread (you knew it was coming) v.2 16 Years, 1 Month ago
papertiger wrote:
i got the dl4 but am returning it. i like it ok, but this: has some serious midi implementation that knocks my sox off and will expand usability. i could parameter lock the delay settings via the mono or just tweak away -- nice to have options. plus it's upgradeable. I'm picking one up tomorrow and will let you know how it goes!

thanks for the echo pro tip -- in terms of ergonomics how things are set up (I still need to take a pic!) a rack unit wouldn't be ideal for me. i realized that after researching guitar pedals at 3 am. lol. still though, the echo pro is pretty sweet. i wonder why line 6 stopped making them.


oh yea the timefactor i thought i almost scored a great deal on it once on craigslist the person had it listed for like 200 but it ended up he listed it wrong ah well

there are a couple of neat youtube vids on it but since you will be getting one yourself im sure you will know how cool it is
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