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TOPIC: EU Album: Track Titles
Posts: 7925
tIB was here
EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Our goal is to generate inspiration and themes for musical exploration. Each track investigates a theme related to music and machines, which is reflected in the titles.


Obviously, we want to connect the music created with the machine concept; however, we can’t dictate an individual’s interpretation of that concept or the musical form or genre they wish to explore. Track names are a good way to guide the listeners interpretation of the theme, but they can also be used to guide musicians. We have come up with a number of different track names that we believe will help connect and inspire the machine concept and the music elektron-users make for this project. This ensures that every single piece connects with the theme. It’s also a challenge to develop ourselves as musicians. This is not an absolute order, one could come up with their own track name, but it does act as a guide for the invention of track names.

Track names:

Here are the track names we have gathered so far. Let's just pool as many as possible in this thread and let people choose their own titles to work on afterwards. Some of them are better, some worse....

Ant colony or Marching ants - referring to the machine-like, automatic behavior of ants
Atomic clocks
Automatic Architecture or The City Engine - an architectural approach where a computer program generates cityscapes based on a set of rules.
Biomekanik - biomechanics is an interesting field, and one that touches upon the machine-nature relationship. Mitosis - human cells splitting
Cog - keeps the machine running
Coulage automatic sculpture
Do androids dream of electric sheep? – Novel by Philip K. Dick. About Androids obviously.
Gattaca - From the movie.
Ghost in the machine – Refers to consciousness a la Descartes (actually to Descartes’ problem)
Grey Goo - unfortunate potential hazard of self replicating nano machines
G-T-A-C – Refers to DNA. Minimal techno, anyone?
Information – Isn't it what machines (at least computers) do?
Klaatu Barada Nikto – Refers to robot in the classic sci-fi movie The Day The Earth Stood Still
Magic Sound Sources - referring to Elektron.
Moore's Law - law of transistor growth in microprocessors
Are You Conscious? - Just cool name maybe referring to androids
Product of Tyrell Corporation - Refers to Bladerunner, maker of replicants
The Voight-Kampff Test - Another refer to Bladerunner. Test used to separate replicants from humans
Can they suffer? - Just a cool name referring to machines inner life
Sentient Machines - Another cool name?
Was Deckard a Replicant? - Everlasting question on Bladerunner
Hello World - refers to most basic computer program
Nautilus shell - it has a logarithmic shape, a natural shape with an identifiable mathematical shape
Retired robots - what happens to a machine at the end of its life?
Self-replicators – DNA or a virus. Both utopian and dystopian interpretations possible.
SYS 64738 - referring to C-64 basic programming language (reset command) and also to SidStation.
Tetsuo - Referring to the film ‘Tetsuo Iron Man’
HAL - Computer from Kubricks 2001
Joshua - Not quite sure actually??
MachinePop - just a name
Art of Machines - just a name
Computations - just a name
Input-Output - just a name
?? ??? - russian and meaning "Electronic computing machine (=computer)" (My computer wont do Russian at this point! Btw, very close to IBM!)
Servant of a Machine - just a name
4-bit Rainbows - Referring to Spectrum ZX
The Kardashev Scale - measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement
The Story Machine (just an intriguing name, as well as this:
Tik Tok Nation - Another refer to OZ, but this time more dystopian.
Tin Man – Refers to metallic man in the Wizard of Oz story. Tin Man has lost its heart, pretty emotional stuff. A love song?
Transistor music - Transistor is the iconic referent to computers, but it could mean Acid music as well (TB being a transistor bass for example).
Universal Robota – refers to Karel apeks play
Vertov Russian film maker who believed strongly in the machine ("We discover the souls of the machine, we are in love with the worker at his bench, we are in love with the farmer on his tractor, the engineer on his locomotive. We bring creative joy into every mechanical activity. We make peace between man and the machine. We educate the new man.")
Time coder - referring to a machine's ability to split up and "sectorize" time. Also a term that has a reference to the musical world
Quantizer - also a reference to the musical world in several ways, as well a despcription on how many machines can split up and categorize tasks, time etc-
Nanobots - "human repairing" machines - the saviour of mankind in the form of a "machine", created by man, inspired by nature (??)

In finding your own meaning to the suggested track titles we would encourage people to play detective using Wikipedia, Google or asking Jeeves. It is a great way to get familiar with the theme and gain insight into the subject. Of course, people may choose titles that are most relevant to them; if it’s a particularly popular I would encourage people to reconsider; it is unlikely that track listing will feature 15 tracks named HAL.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 3930
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 9 Months ago
HAL 0001
HAL 0002
HAL 0003
HAL 9000!

(bad) jokes apart: great selection of names...vey inspiring as well as the "machine" concept...there´s some interesting classic "machine" aesthetics that was used in science fiction, both literature and films...some of them could be easily transfered to a musical enviroment...for example there´s that kind of sterile places with hi tech devices in big white spaces with minimal design and no engine parts visible...then you got the industrial flavor of something like "aliens", with military-specs machines that are kinda brutal in both size and look...or even a more retro-futuristic approach with that kind of mechanical-driving machines...lots of ideas to choose from!
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2668
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Virginis 61 and the 3 Super Earths
(refers to the recently discovered solar system with possibly habitable planets, only 28 light years away)

Sea Bridge
(abstract reference to the 'bridge across the stars' in the amazing sci-fi graph/novel Lone Sloane by Druillet)

Tunes of Star Travel
(audio that intrepid space explorers may listen to on the radio)
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Id recommend anyone who wants to get back to synth/sci-fi basics to watch the early editions of the bbc synth Britannia documentry on youtube... lots about futurism in the late 70's and early 80's.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 3930
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 9 Months ago
tIB wrote:
Id recommend anyone who wants to get back to synth/sci-fi basics to watch the early editions of the bbc synth Britannia documentry on youtube... lots about futurism in the late 70's and early 80's.


also russian authors got a very special and different kind of science fiction than western ones

one of my favorites books is a compilation of russian science fiction short tales, with one of my all-times favorites: "the island of the crabs" by Anatoly Dneprov, an excellent relate about self-duplicating machines...the other good one in this book is "the forgotten experiment" by Arcadij and Boris Strugackij...incredible dark mood that resemble the athmosphere on tarkowsky´s "the zone"

and talking about "self-replicating machines" this is a really impressive bunch of well categorized info
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Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 9 Months ago's called Lick my love pump....
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Posts: 978
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 9 Months ago
.... de cloak

my ten pence worth.

- Unbalanced Connectors

- Mortice

- Worm Drive

- Path Points for a Four Bar Linkage.

- Kinematoscope.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 3930
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 9 Months ago
someone said "machine nation" in the other thread and this reminds me the machine´s country on the animatrix series, the palce where the machines live and start the world domination and the matrix itself...they call it "01"
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1218
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 9 Months ago
anselmi wrote:
someone said "machine nation" in the other thread and this reminds me the machine´s country on the animatrix series, the palce where the machines live and start the world domination and the matrix itself...they call it "01"
+1 My thoughts too! It's a great track name. If Polyslax isn't going to use it, somebody else must.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2113
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Toni wrote:
anselmi wrote:
someone said "machine nation" in the other thread and this reminds me the machine´s country on the animatrix series, the palce where the machines live and start the world domination and the matrix itself...they call it "01"
+1 My thoughts too! It's a great track name. If Polyslax isn't going to use it, somebody else must.

Hehe... yeah, I like the word play of Machine Nation and machination... certainly thinking of it as a working title.
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