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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Lounge Re:EU Album: MACHINE (1 viewing)
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King Koopa
Posts: 311
Re:EU Album: MACHINE 14 Years, 2 Months ago

I mean information about the tracks. How people approached the concept.. gear used. blabla..

Just like i said in my previous post.

Edit; ah.. you've already edited your post. Ok. Just reading a text file wouldve been nicer for me. but hey. Then ill just vote for the most awesome tracks!
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:EU Album: MACHINE 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Btw massive props to kirlian for getting this sorted and out to people... collecting and cross checking this was a huge task, thanks man!
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King Koopa
Posts: 311
Re:EU Album: MACHINE 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Ive already narrowed it down to 22 tracks. Now its gettin hard
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Posts: 2387
Re:EU Album: MACHINE 14 Years, 2 Months ago
makko wrote:
Ok. So where do I find the information about the tracks?

Why did people make what they'v made. The gear used. And so on...

Otherwise im just voting on stuff that i like and think is well produced.

we ended up with 73 tracks, very few of which included the track information in the tags like we asked for in the criteria for track submission on the first page of this thread.

itunes track information/tagging window actually provides a pretty comprehensive "submission form", but surprisingly, very people used that method. instead, i got .txt files and tons of emails with all the info in the email and so on.

What it amounts to is that some people followed the instructions, some didn't. I went the easier route- which I to say I stuck with the original submission requirements to determine what to include or not. I may collate all of the email and additional txt files I got and put them in a text file for those interested, but my idea with going the simple route was to let the music speak for itself, and those who followed the submission guidelines would have the benefit of their track information being included for those interested. at the moment, it would have taken me at least another few evenings to collate the information on the tracks that didn't include it in the tagging, thereby delaying the voting process even longer than it has been.

a good number of people included zero information as well. there are some tracks that have a title and and acronym for identifying information and nothing more.

not to knock anyone... the music is awesome and i am overjoyed that so many fine musicians chose to submit. thanks again.

let the cream rise.... riiiise to the top.
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Re:EU Album: MACHINE 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Certainly, the lucky few whom appear on the compilation should describe how they made their tracks.

I had some information in the ID3 tags, but had to re-encode at the last moment, so that info was lost.

Oh well.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 397
Re:EU Album: MACHINE 14 Years, 2 Months ago
a lot of these tracks seem to be demonstrations of glitch virtuosity, and they sound very similar to one another.

a minority of tracks really stand out.... but when they do they blow my face off
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Game & Watch
Posts: 1829
Do dumb shit with glow sticks.
Re:EU Album: MACHINE 14 Years, 2 Months ago
mome rath wrote:
a lot of these tracks seem to be demonstrations of glitch virtuosity, and they sound very similar to one another.

I had the exact same thoughts. Lots of samey, albeit good, IDM & glitchy tracks. It will be hard to pick out the ones that stand out in a pool of 50 in the same vein.
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Posts: 186
Re:EU Album: MACHINE 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Maybe you guys should limit the amount of glitchy tracks?

Sure have that style represented but not let it take over the style of the album.

We should look to try and give as broad a sonic/style range as possible of which these machines are capable of?

I remember when I bought the first compilation album and thinking it was too much in the same vein, more diversity this time please.

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Killer Beez
Posts: 1128
The home of Future BASF
Re:EU Album: MACHINE 14 Years, 2 Months ago
I too think we should keep this from being an Autechre/Venetian Snares tribute album.

There are quite a few tracks in here that go way beyond that aspect of the Elektron boxes, and that's really what's exciting to me - they're really adventurous without losing sight of the musical imperative.
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Posts: 2387
Re:EU Album: MACHINE 14 Years, 2 Months ago
glitched wrote:
Certainly, the lucky few whom appear on the compilation should describe how they made their tracks.

I had some information in the ID3 tags, but had to re-encode at the last moment, so that info was lost.

Oh well.


I am going to go back through and collect text files and email track information and mail it to the voting crew. It'll take a week or so though. It interesting to know how people worked and related to the concept.
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