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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Site Suggestions Site Bug & Features Request Thread (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Site Bug & Features Request Thread
Hammer Bro
Posts: 648
enapa lirar monolåda, 2 x sidstation och uv!
: )
Re:Official Bug & Features Request Thread 16 Years, 6 Months ago
I think it would be nice if the starter of a thread could be displayed somehow, would be easier to navigate if so...

Otherwise i think it works very nice now...
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 648
enapa lirar monolåda, 2 x sidstation och uv!
: )
Re:Official Bug & Features Request Thread 16 Years, 6 Months ago
.... another little detail that can improve my elektronusers visits, would be if in the forum index threads latest poster could be displayed, så you fast can se if someone replyed after you did...

Very small details... but the devils is.... lala

: )
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Posts: 2839
Re:Official Bug & Features Request Thread 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Can't you do something with the Show Latest Posts needing two clicks because it's quite annoying. I'd rather have it take longer to load the page than displaying some redundant info... or at least make it refresh itself after 1 sec or so... I only check the latest post when after logged in, I seldom keep logged in for hours.

i'm sorry two clicks is such an inconvenience to you. it's not a setting i can adjust. it is, for now, the way the forum software operates. you may consider using the RSS feed if this way is such a pain for you.

BTW, big images f*ck up the layout at least on Opera 9. See for example

Couldn't the images larger than width of the available space have their width attribute field fixed to max width? If the avail space is 800 then image with 1024x768 would be capped to 800x600... And the maybe clicking the image would open a popup/layer with 1:1 image

this isn't an error, and i have already spoke on this within this very thread. currently if people post images larger then 490px it will create horizontal scrolling. i did this because on the older site inevitably every week i'd have to reply to a post where someone had posted a large image and it got truncated. so then i would tell them all images larger then will be automatically cropped.

so on this site this version i decided to let users be responsible for their own sizing. if users can't obey the size restrictions of the message window it will still post the image but create horizontal scroll bars.

your idea is the old way of doing things. which in the end means more work for me. it is possible to post larger pictures now, post them as smaller, and then make them clickable. you can see this 'clickable' photo option in this thread:

here's an example:

in the above photo i've done nothing more then click and use the 'Boardcode' default (img) tag. needlessly to say this works, but it requires users to use the feature appropriately. when some posts a photo, and uses the 'Boardcode', the (img) tag automatically defaults with a (img size=470). if the image is larger the image will be clickable and have a ' + ' in the right hand corner indicating it as such. so it's already enabled, but requires user to either use the sites (img) tag by default or take the time to edit their posts if the thread width is blown.

i really don't know what more to do to assist. the tools are in place, i have made the (img) tag default to's all there. the horizontal scroll bars are even in place for those whose images break the forum width. i feel the current way works best. while i'm the admin, and we have moderators, users are empowered with the tools to make their images and this forum look either tidy or like shit. the path of least resistance in this situation was to create tools that cater too all scenarios.

i hope this clears it up for you.

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 Last Edit: 2008/01/25 23:27
Posts: 2839
Re:Official Bug & Features Request Thread 16 Years, 6 Months ago
enapa wrote:
I think it would be nice if the starter of a thread could be displayed somehow, would be easier to navigate if so...

i'll look into this. it may be a minute but i will add it to my list of possible improvements.

.... another little detail that can improve my elektronusers visits, would be if in the forum index threads latest poster could be displayed, så you fast can se if someone replyed after you did...

i will also look into this. this i believe is possible. again, it may be a little while till i get around to this but i think it's possible.
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Posts: 2839
Re:Official Bug & Features Request Thread 16 Years, 5 Months ago
Quick update on the how images are now handled in the forum. As of now, larger images can be posted but a horizontal scroll bar will appear within the post. not the whole thread. Check the example:

the above example shows how when an image is linked and is wider it will now use the horizontal scrolling.

additionally by default, if you click on the:

you get:

which by default limits the size to 470px. well within the forum width requirements.

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 Last Edit: 2008/01/25 01:06
Posts: 2932
Re:Official Bug & Features Request Thread 16 Years, 5 Months ago
friggin. awesome.

nice work, actuel.

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Posts: 3802 - Specializing in mastering and mixdowns of electronic music.
Re:Official Bug & Features Request Thread 16 Years, 5 Months ago
Just a heads up that wide images are messing up the text as well:

That happens on all posts on the page, not just the one with the large image.

My own wishlist is an E-U WebClip icon for iPhones and iPod Touch. Geeky, I know, but it's simple to do:
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Posts: 2839
Re:Official Bug & Features Request Thread 16 Years, 5 Months ago
can you refresh you browser a few times Tarekith. i've tested this in all browsers, your's is still displaying the thread the old way.
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Posts: 2839
Re:Official Bug & Features Request Thread 16 Years, 5 Months ago
Tarekith wrote:

My own wishlist is an E-U WebClip icon for iPhones and iPod Touch. Geeky, I know, but it's simple to do:

this i can do. just give me a day...i'm suppose to be working
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Posts: 3802 - Specializing in mastering and mixdowns of electronic music.
Re:Official Bug & Features Request Thread 16 Years, 5 Months ago
actuel wrote:
can you refresh you browser a few times Tarekith. i've tested this in all browsers, your's is still displaying the thread the old way.

Yeah it's working fine now here, sorry about that.
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