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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Science Labs Re:New OT Lab (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:New OT Lab
Re:New OT Lab 12 Years, 6 Months ago
With a few days to go, I suggest we talk about part 3. Things to consider;

Keep it itb
hard time limit
restriction of certain techniques?
Participants provide sound sources?

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Re:New OT Lab 12 Years, 6 Months ago
I intend to share all of my project files when the lab is done.

Like Daren said, I found this lab really interesting and educational. As I'd already said, the OT for me is more akin to a weird hybrid modular synth as sampling loops and playing like a DJ is just not my working method and probably never will be.

It's still an enigmatic little box and seeing and hearing what other people have done even just within the 'confines' of this lab makes me think that as much as I know and understand about the OT, there's probably just as much that I don't know or understand fully about it.

I have to admit, while lost down my own little modular rabbit hole for the last 6 months, I hadn't given much time or love to the OT and it had made me wonder whether or not at some point I might as well sell it. No sense in hanging onto gear that you don't use IMHO. After this lab though it's definitely cemented it's place in my setup.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2845
Re:New OT Lab 12 Years, 6 Months ago
I know we have gone on about it before but man that filter is just superb, it responds almost like an analogue filter, and a good one at that.

For the next lab I think we should stick to 1 sample again as it really encourages exploring, maybe something stupid like the dog bark sound from the Casio SK-1, or the orchestral stab from Planet Rock

What about making a 30 second soundtrack for an imaginary TV commercial?
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Re:New OT Lab 12 Years, 6 Months ago
30 seconds...harsh but maybe. What about 60 secs, imaginary film.
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Posts: 960
Re:New OT Lab 12 Years, 6 Months ago
neilbaldwin wrote:
I hadn't given much time or love to the OT and it had made me wonder whether or not at some point I might as well sell it. No sense in hanging onto gear that you don't use IMHO. After this lab though it's definitely cemented it's place in my setup.

Thats where i'm at - however i'm still considering cashing in on the OT (maybe to start a small modular.... ). I just don't think operating the OT will ever be second nature to me. Lab was good fun though and did make me use the dam thing for the first time in months. For me at least its still not a go to bit of kit like the MD is.
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:New OT Lab 12 Years, 6 Months ago
^ I'm much the same, if I think back to where I was with the mnm and md a year on to where I am with the OT it doesn't stack up. I have uses for it so I won't be selling but i can't see when I'm going to click so much that it becomes a go to machine like the other two did.... if after a year it hasn't become second nature I doubt it ever will. I can use it but I don't enjoy the experience of doing so as much as I do with the other two.

I'm going to attack the sequencer side of it this weekend I think.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1122
Re:New OT Lab 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Similar for me. Anyways, the OT made me respect the power of the MD+MnM combo more.

My main issue with the OT is how to position it in the setup. Melodies that are longer than just 4 bars, sound variety, FX? Currently, I'm focusing on MD+MnM and will engage the OT once a need occurs, e.g. to contrast the MnM with Sylenth1 sounds.

BTW, I'm deeply impressed by Dataline's Noise-Lab post!

@TIB: from my perspective, it might also take more than one year. the MnM took me about a year, but the OT is much less pre-structured, so might take longer.

Sorry for offtopic.
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Posts: 64
Re:New OT Lab 12 Years, 6 Months ago
since i liked the way Wesen MD tipps pdf is done/written, i thought about documenting my submissions kind of like that, 'cause this time we used an essential, scientifical, philosophical and easy to get sound which i think opens a door to anyone who wants to get his head around the OT and sound design/composition.
i searched the web for speech synthesis using white noise and other stuff and there's stuff to be found but in my opinion there'd be no harm having some more hands-on stuff around.
but i had good times reading your NES stories as well, neil pure history and a great source

for the next lab i suggest live ABCD input processing with like darenager implied sticking to 1sample/ 1stream and trying another classic sound like casio dog bark or orchestra hit.
...thought about the amen break

and i'm a fan of nate harrison's conpectual piece on that one:
so i can imagine using this documentary (there's much speech, some music) as an audio stream input for the OT. but it's quite long (like 20min).

soo, maybe a field recording stream like

i just throw this in

hm, coming from a casio sk-1, then scultpting samples with cool edit pro2, later reason, then found ableton live's sampler, got an mpc 500 and in the end the OT it's like slowly upgrading and i just can't see a better performance sampler out there and you can play it like an instrument if you're into that kind of thing
but integrating it in an already great setup/ studio seems to be a hard nut to some of you...

...have a good one,
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1122
Re:New OT Lab 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Maybe I should participate in this OT lab thing. TBH, I've no idea how you can get so much, especially melodies, out of a noise sample except by applying the comb filter to it. Dataline didn't even use the comb filter. Retrig? Flanger?

A tutorial or sysex would be nice from any of you "experimental pioneers"
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2845
Re:New OT Lab 12 Years, 6 Months ago
Its pretty easy to get melodic stuff by looping a small section, moving the start point can result in wavetable like sweeps, good with for example the LFO, you define the pitch by how long the loop is, but also can use the rate parameter. The main problem to overcome with the noise sample was the brightness of the sound once looped, often it would have a very sharp and bright transient before the looped section, here is where things like filtering and envelope parameters came in handy. It was quite interesting to use the start point to scan through the sample to find a tonal area suited to the kind of target sound in mind.

I found the noise sample quite well suited to plucked and string type sounds, and obviously percussive things too. In hindsight I think it was not as challenging to get a wide variety of sounds from as I first thought it might be.

I did not use any resampling as it kind of defeats the object IMHO, even though it was within the rules, for the next lab I think no resampling, not because its not creative, it is, but because it presents too many possibilities and I don't feel it makes it as challenging, and the idea of the labs is to challenge youself.
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