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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Science Labs SidStation Science Lab #1 - OSC: Triangle (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: SidStation Science Lab #1 - OSC: Triangle
Hammer Bro
Posts: 648
enapa lirar monolåda, 2 x sidstation och uv!
: )
Re:SidStation Science Lab #1 - OSC: Triangle 16 Years, 6 Months ago
actuel wrote:

* Do a live recording of the table, - minimum 1 min long.
* Trigger with C4 only, - multiple trigging is allowed.

hmmm.... read thru this again now, i triggered c4 from monomachine each 1st step of a 64step empty pattern..... is that wrong??? just to get some hands available to tweak....
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 648
enapa lirar monolåda, 2 x sidstation och uv!
: )
Re:SidStation Science Lab #1 - OSC: Triangle 16 Years, 6 Months ago
made another one just keeping one note held the whole track....
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 Last Edit: 2008/01/15 06:32
Posts: 163
MD-UW - SFX-6 - SidStation
Re:SidStation Science Lab #1 - OSC: Triangle 16 Years, 6 Months ago
I made mine triggering the C4 note with a MD pattern. Can't say I see no harm in doing that, but I guess Actuel is the one with the final vote in this matter.

Btw...there seems to be a problem when trying to upload files that are larger then 8 MB in size.

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Hammer Bro
Posts: 648
enapa lirar monolåda, 2 x sidstation och uv!
: )
Re:SidStation Science Lab #1 - OSC: Triangle 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Okej, then i guess i made two entrys.... then i like the second best...

My tablesong is long, probarbly over 8mb... need to get help from acutel!!

: ) darn i cant do anything right!! hihi!!
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Posts: 163
MD-UW - SFX-6 - SidStation
Re:SidStation Science Lab #1 - OSC: Triangle 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Hehe... I'll probably make another as well. Man, I had a blast hooking the Sid up to the MD! There's something magic about the way those two machines interact with one another. BTW, next time I do a Science Lab I promise I will at least try to make it four minutes or less.

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Posts: 191
Re:SidStation Science Lab #1 - OSC: Triangle 16 Years, 6 Months ago

have you ever experienced "auto reset" of sidstation? time to time i got my sid completely empty when i turn it on...

i'm using sid paired with mnm trought midi. perhaps it is a wrong midi message what sid got form mnm? or is there any sid internal battery what migtht be almost empty now?

any ideas?

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Posts: 163
MD-UW - SFX-6 - SidStation
Re:SidStation Science Lab #1 - OSC: Triangle 16 Years, 6 Months ago
I've got no idea really. If I were you I'd start a new thread in the elektron gear forum about this. Since more people will be guaranteed to read it, your chances of getting help with your problem will improve a lot. I'm sorry I can't be of more help.


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