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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Master EQ: Can LPF and HPF be Implemented? (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Master EQ: Can LPF and HPF be Implemented?
Hammer Bro
Posts: 784
MDSPS-1UW+ MKII Doepfer DARKENERGY Darktime MKS-30 Mbase01 A&H Zed14 Ensoniq DP/4 RNC 1773
Master EQ: Can LPF and HPF be Implemented? 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Using a CTRL-EQ machine does anyone have settings to construct a LPF / HPF with a Q setting that will work with the twist of 2 knobs one for LPF and one for HPF? I had a preset that a friend made in Ableton EQ4 that I would always use with a BCR 2000 with one knob controlling HPF and another for LPF...

If this canot be done I was thinking of building a HPF / LPF box that would connect to the MD's main left/right out...
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 724
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Re:Master EQ: Can LPF and HPF be Implemented? 13 Years, 9 Months ago
i may misunderstand what you are looking for....but....

create a CTRL-AL machine.

then play with FLTF/FLTW & FLTQ


FUNCTION & any of those will control the parameter for all of them at once.

those parameters basically cover what you want to do.....i think


p.s. FUNCTION & CLASSIC/EXTENDED resets to before your twisting!
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Re:Master EQ: Can LPF and HPF be Implemented? 13 Years, 9 Months ago
I don't really understand the question... surely LPF / HPF are shelving filters - you can't have a Q setting...?
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King Koopa
Posts: 315
Re:Master EQ: Can LPF and HPF be Implemented? 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Like Xmit said, the low and high filters in the master EQ section are shelving so there's no way to get them to behave like HPF/LPFs with Q and all but LFOS/D/M are blanked out so you don't get the usual machine low and high pass filters, when using a CTRL-EQ machine.
It would be good if you could route the output of some or all the machines into a stereo bus machine or something with gating and filtering...
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Posts: 2950
Re:Master EQ: Can LPF and HPF be Implemented? 13 Years, 8 Months ago
I think the only way to achieve this without using an external unit is the following, cumbersome technique: route the (physical) master outs into into the (physical) inputs with jack cables, set up two input machines to receive the two ins (pan hard left/right respectively), route these two input machines to outs 3 and 4 in the gobal menu. Outs 3 and 4 will function as your new master outs. Set up a CTRL-8P to control the four high/low left/right filter cutoffs.
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Posts: 2950
Re:Master EQ: Can LPF and HPF be Implemented? 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Edit: the above technique can of course be used with any effect within the track effect system, like srr, distortion, rhythmic gating, etc, Some of the INP machines even have envelope followers, enabling level-dependent automatic filtering of the mix. The options are endless.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 784
MDSPS-1UW+ MKII Doepfer DARKENERGY Darktime MKS-30 Mbase01 A&H Zed14 Ensoniq DP/4 RNC 1773
Re:Master EQ: Can LPF and HPF be Implemented? 13 Years, 8 Months ago
I'll go this route....

FUNCTION & any of those will control the parameter for all of them at once.

those parameters basically cover what you want to do.....
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Posts: 2950
Re:Master EQ: Can LPF and HPF be Implemented? 13 Years, 8 Months ago
cosmosuave wrote:
I'll go this route....
FUNCTION & any of those will control the parameter for all of them at once.
those parameters basically cover what you want to do.....

For your application (as I understand it), there are several disadvantages to using FUNCTION+parameter:

1. Any track that has a FLTF setting of more than 0 will have an offset. Say that track 6 has FLTF=64. This track will sound much more open than the other tracks, as its low pass cutoff setting will be offset and thus much higher.

2. Locks will override any FUNCTION+parameter tweak. Locks on filter will cause pops and abrupt deviations to your mix.

3. Altering parameters will alter the settings of all tracks, which won't be the case with the technique I described. The latter will be completely independent of the rest of the Machinedrum, almost like an external effects unit. This will match your original idea of building a HPF / LPF box that would connect to the MD's main left/right out... perfectly All you need is two jack-jack patch cables..

I've employed the same technique to use the MD as a filter bank, running its main audio through three or four parallell INP machines, bandpass filtered at different frequencies.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 784
MDSPS-1UW+ MKII Doepfer DARKENERGY Darktime MKS-30 Mbase01 A&H Zed14 Ensoniq DP/4 RNC 1773
Re:Master EQ: Can LPF and HPF be Implemented? 13 Years, 8 Months ago
I better start lookin for some schematics to build a HPF/LPF filter dongle box dohickey thing that can patch right into the MD...
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Posts: 2950
Re:Master EQ: Can LPF and HPF be Implemented? 13 Years, 8 Months ago
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