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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: OT feature requests
Game & Watch
Posts: 2845
OT feature requests 13 Years, 8 Months ago
I sent these in to support (along with some bug reports)

1. Simple sample mode, for taking lots of samples in succession. Hold
mixer button, press REC (transport button) up pops a window, with all
the inputs and sources, release REC, the six knobs set the levels as
required, and a input meter flashes along the bottom of the screen (or
use the step LEDs!) the OT is in sampling standby mode pre-sampling
500ms so that when you press REC sampling begins and if you were not
quick enough with the button the OT has your back. To stop sampling
press REC again, now the file is in memory and the OT plays it back
and asks if ok, press yes to go to trim screen or no to retry. Or it
could be set to ask if ok yes saves it with a default name and the OT
is ready to take a new sample, or no to retry. The play and stop
buttons can be used to start and stop the sequencer whilst sampling.

2. 128 Machine - Like the flex machine but instead of the rtrg and
rtim, it has a knob to select one of 128 samples loaded into the
track, a second knob allows interpolation (not sure if that is

3. Trig behaviour - What about an option like how slide is done, where
you can go into a menu and select for each step whether it is played
normal, played alternate half/every other time, or random chance.

4. Midi tracks could be set for each track whether to be Key (MnM
style, arp, keyboard entry etc) or Drum (like the MD midi machines) I
really like both types.

5. The option for tracks in the same pattern bank to have their own
samples from the 128 loaded, rather than a default which is global to
the bank/set.

6. Scale setup - If I select a 15 (or 12 or whatever) step length it
would be nice to have the next 15 steps start on a new page rather
than on step 16, it makes it difficult to keep track where you are on
say a 4 bar pattern. The unused leds could simply be skipped and the
buttons deactivated.

7. Make the filter envelope able to be trigged by trigless trigs.

8. Clearer indication of which page when editing in the sequencer, the
LEDs are hard to distinguish which is current page sometimes - what
about something on the LCD to show.

9. Mixer mode page - Can you make the encoders act as mutes when
pressed for the inputs and main and cue, an indication could be to
invert the knob. Would be very handy live and whilst sampling.

10. An option to use the cue outputs as alternate outputs (so in a
global menu set whether the cue signal is removed from the main mix)

11. A mode (perhaps in early startup menu?) to allow the OT to send
and recieve samples via turbo midi from and to the MDUW
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King Koopa
Posts: 235
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 8 Months ago
darenager wrote:
I sent these in to support (along with some bug reports)

6. Scale setup - If I select a 15 (or 12 or whatever) step length it
would be nice to have the next 15 steps start on a new page rather
than on step 16, it makes it difficult to keep track where you are on
say a 4 bar pattern. The unused leds could simply be skipped and the
buttons deactivated.

I don't have an octatrack yet (but will Friday woohoo!), but think those all sound like killer requests, except I'm not so sure on that scale setup. Just based on how things feel to me using the mnm and md (and thinking about how id love to have disparate step lengths within one pattern), and from previous other step sequencer use, I'd prefer everything stay consecutive. What if the division is 17/32? Or 7/16 for that matter - that would be a bunch of paging for a small number of steps to edit. I hear what you're saying, but this is the nature of the 16 step beast, and I've actually gotten to like viewing odd meters in multiple row sequencers based on groups of 8 or 16. Apples and oranges really, but I foresee being right at home with how I understand it is currently set up.
Edit: thinking that through further - not sure what is meant by 'next 15 steps'. I better shut up until I get mine.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1122
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Static recording would be nice (recording directly to the CF card without time limit)
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Posts: 110
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 8 Months ago
blackshark wrote:
Static recording would be nice (recording directly to the CF card without time limit)

This is my number one wish. Something like master track recorder, or something along those lines. Where longer performances could be captured.
I emailed this to Elektron along with a few bugs a couple of days ago.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2845
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 8 Months ago
bsmith wrote:

I don't have an octatrack yet (but will Friday woohoo!), but think those all sound like killer requests, except I'm not so sure on that scale setup. Just based on how things feel to me using the mnm and md (and thinking about how id love to have disparate step lengths within one pattern), and from previous other step sequencer use, I'd prefer everything stay consecutive. What if the division is 17/32? Or 7/16 for that matter - that would be a bunch of paging for a small number of steps to edit. I hear what you're saying, but this is the nature of the 16 step beast, and I've actually gotten to like viewing odd meters in multiple row sequencers based on groups of 8 or 16. Apples and oranges really, but I foresee being right at home with how I understand it is currently set up.
Edit: thinking that through further - not sure what is meant by 'next 15 steps'. I better shut up until I get mine.

What I mean is like if you have for example a 4 bar 15 step pattern, the option to set it as 15/60 rather than the current scheme, where steps 1-15 appear on bar 1, then step 16 (the first step of bar 2) appears on step 16 of bar 1, by the time you get to bars 3 and 4 it is very difficult (for me at least) to know where I am in the bar. So in the way I requested steps 1-15 of each bar appear on steps 1-15 of each bar in the sequencer, this is how it would work on say a TR-606 and it is very simple to use.

But I do see your point of being used to the Elektron way, I'm not asking for that to be dropped, but just for the option to change the right hand number (steps in pattern) if the division is 17/32 then it could be the same way as it is, same for 7/16. But years of being used to the way other gear works I find it awkward using the current scheme.

FWIW on the occassions that I do work in say 15/16 I just use 4x 1 bar patterns chained, but it is not ideal as it uses more patterns.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2845
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Yeah static recording would be awesome too.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1114
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Likewise, I do not even have an OT yet, but assuming I'm not missing that it already can be done, I would like to see "scenes" also be able to relate to step pattern data but instead of morphing the steps, the fader would just morph parameters between scenes as normal but when the fader reached either extreme direction it would load the pattern gdata associated with that scene. Get it? Instant accass to pattern variations as part of scenes! If someone tells me it already does this, I am going to crap myself!!
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King Koopa
Posts: 257
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 8 Months ago
I'd like to have more inbetween steppings when setting the original speed of a static track.

At the moment it's in .25 steps, which is a little bit too rough, if you do anything else than your own tracks which are on these perfect full BPMs..

I have a track which seems to be 129.978 (measured it in Cubase), and it runs out of sync after a few bars when I use 130 BPM as original tempo.

Without that feature using tracks recorded from old vinyl (usually without full number BPMs) for instance won't be doable running along the other tracks...

That's the biggest issue for me at the moment...
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2845
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 8 Months ago
^ Have you tried going to the bars field and changing that, it will adjust the tempo in finer increments.
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King Koopa
Posts: 257
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 8 Months ago
darenager wrote:
^ Have you tried going to the bars field and changing that, it will adjust the tempo in finer increments.

Do you mean the "len trim (bar)"-thing under the original tempo?

I guess that's a very useful thing if you have your track end exactly on a bar border...

But once more, I guess I need finer original tempo increments...
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