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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: OT feature requests
Posts: 55
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 5 Months ago
ark wrote:
Specifically, I would like to suggest that when you set a trig in the sequencer, it does not actually get set until you release the button after pressing it.

good point here,
maybe while editing you can preview through headphones, and perhaps edit many trigs and get a new thing going, then a button to introduce these change to the whole mix when happy.
at the moment, its not really on the fly composition without making a cacophony to the audience :0 or am i missing something?
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Posts: 55
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 5 Months ago
gurulogic wrote:
Likewise, I do not even have an OT yet, but assuming I'm not missing that it already can be done, I would like to see "scenes" also be able to relate to step pattern data but instead of morphing the steps, the fader would just morph parameters between scenes as normal but when the fader reached either extreme direction it would load the pattern gdata associated with that scene. Get it? Instant accass to pattern variations as part of scenes! If someone tells me it already does this, I am going to crap myself!!

when I first studied the spec and hype online, i mistakenly worked out that this was the case,
that the scenes would interpolate between 2 whole rows of P-locks, so if you had many pitch p-locks to give a unique melody, you could fade into another melody with all the strangeness inbetween!. i would love to see this implemented......major feature request for me.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1114
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 5 Months ago
now that I have the OT, I see this can be done be switching patterns as you morph a scene with the fader. Regardless, it would be a cool "option" to include patterns with "scenes".
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King Koopa
Posts: 215
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 5 Months ago
Another one: I'd like to be able to set loops independently of the sample playback start point. So you can loop a synth line with lots of delay or reverb and have it start dry when the loop starts playing.

edit: oh that's possible already
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1114
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 5 Months ago
Function + parameter while in record mode (or similar) to set a default p-locked value to all steps in the current pattern. This would help reduce the tediousness of manually p-locking new values step by step when copying a pattern to a new slot. Or maybe a lock values to pattern option?
Something like that..
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Posts: 59
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 5 Months ago
a suggestion for the mixer.

when in mixer mode it would be nice to have control over all track levels.

one way. when holding down a TRACK button the master LEVEL knob controls the level of that track. the other PARAMETER knobs could also be assigned other mixing functions like panning etc.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1114
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 5 Months ago
I just sent this piggy backed with a bug report to elektron:

I have a thought for sample management.Say I load a folder (or 20GB ) of samples onto the CF card for intent of use in a project, and of these samples I only use half initially, and then some other samples get replaced by interal mix downs, I now have a folder full of samples that I only need a third of, but which ones are in use and which can be deleted?
One solution that I think would make a lot of sense would be a "collect samples" function that would move or copy all samples used in a project to a new folder created specificly for that project so that then the root "pool" could be edited as desired with no fear of screwing something up.
This would also facilitate easier sharing of projects across machines, as well as make it easier to consolodate specific projects to different CF cards when working from larger audio pools.
Of course, I am sure you guys will think of an even better way!
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Posts: 59
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 5 Months ago
isn't this what the purge function can do?
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Posts: 64
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 5 Months ago
I definitely would love to see Ark's suggestion implemented: trigs taking effect only when releasing them (or some button combo, kind of like holding down function while muting/unmuting on the MD).

Associating a pattern with a scene would also be killer, as mentioned above.

I would very much like for the slice-grid to auto-snap to zero crossings. Whenever I make a slice grid and the set the trigs to auto-linear, there is always a lot of audible clicking when triggering the slices. Am I perhaps doing it wrong? It would be nice to play a sliced loop in its original sequence without clicking at every slice point.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1114
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 5 Months ago
goofypriest wrote:
isn't this what the purge function can do?

No. "purge" clears sample slots that are not being used to free up memory. I am talking about an suggestion for efficient file management on the CF card.
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