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TOPIC: Change patterns on other machines with Octatrack?
Posts: 309
Change patterns on other machines with Octatrack? 13 Years ago

Literally cannot work out how to do this!

I can change patterns on my MD via my MNM and vice versa, as they both have control options to do so.

But how do I get the OT to send a message out to change patterns on either of the aforementioned machines, so they change in sync with each other?

Ideally Id have the OT sending a pattern change command to the MNM, and in turn, the MNM sending a pattern change to the MD, so they are all chained.

There doesn't seem to be any Program Change options on the OT, in the set up menus or the CC list- unless I have completely missed them?
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Re:Change patterns on other machines with Octatrack? 13 Years ago
tbh, i never used this method as it did not work for me. It would be great if somebody could explain
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Posts: 1312
mr. applehead
Re:Change patterns on other machines with Octatrack? 13 Years ago
does it record program changes over midi?
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Posts: 309
Re:Change patterns on other machines with Octatrack? 13 Years ago
does it record program changes over midi?

I've no idea, I'm trying to find out if you can change patterns remotely with it. If program changes are included in the CC list, then yes as CC knob movements can be live recorded. But I can't find Program Change listed anywhere. The MD and MNM have Program Change options, which I assume is for changing programs on non Elektron external gear.
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Posts: 129
Re:Change patterns on other machines with Octatrack? 13 Years ago
I gave up trying to switch patterns on the MD from the OT. On the MM, I make it happen using the Multimap and assigning note values played on the OT MIDI sequencer to MM patterns.

It's not pretty - and it's hella complicated! - but it works.
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Posts: 129
Re:Change patterns on other machines with Octatrack? 13 Years ago
You can make the OT send program changes in the MIDI note setup window for any track on the MIDI sequencer. Double tap the Playback / Note button to find it.

Being a setup parameter though - rather than a main parameter - it's not something that can be p-locked, and it's saved in a part. This makes it not very useful because it limits you to four program changes per bank (four parts in a bank).

It would be far more useful if it was a main parameter - like the MIDI CCs. Then you could have different program changes for each pattern, or even p-lock them to allow for changing programs while playing a pattern.
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Posts: 309
Re:Change patterns on other machines with Octatrack? 13 Years ago
Do you mean it is limited to four program changes, because it is only able to send them on channel 8 ? (i.e. if MNM multimap is channel 8)


Yeah, of course, that is why

If only you could hold Function and press a trig button to change external patterns...........and that is a vacant combination if I am correct?
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Posts: 129
Re:Change patterns on other machines with Octatrack? 13 Years ago
Sorry, that might have been a little fuzzy... It's limited to four program changes per channel per bank. A program change is saved with a MIDI track on a part, and it's sent on the channel that track is using.

For instance, my MM is set to listen for program changes on channel 7. I have a MIDI track on the OT transmitting on channel 7, and I assign a program change to that track using MIDI note setup for that track - i.e. double tap the Playback / Note button.

That program change is saved with the Part, and so I can only specify a different program change by selecting a different Part. There are only four Parts available in any bank. Hence 4 program changes per channel per bank.

Give me a few hours, and I'll dig out the settings I'm using to make the MM change patterns using note values rather than program changes. I'm not entirely sure I'm doing it the way it's intended - I keep meaning to send a long mail to Elektron for clarification - but it does do the trick.
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Posts: 309
Re:Change patterns on other machines with Octatrack? 13 Years ago
Thanks Scrag.

Yeah, set up now, thanks for the Prog Change info in particular. I'd completely missed that and I've had the OT for a few months now.....

That method works fine, I think I am happy to accept 4 prog changes max at present.

Reason being is 4 prog changes means 4 MNM kits (Im just using it as a sound module), so if I set out on a project knowing that is an aspect of the workflow, I suppose it is a restriction that may force me to start thinking more deeply about arranging - which is a weak point of mine with these may force me out of writers block when it sets in.

Shame I cant auto switch patterns on the MD - my MNM can do it manually if I press a trig key (trig keys 1-16 on MNM are set to trig patterns 1-16 on my MD).

Mmmmm......remote pattern trigs.........
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Posts: 129
Re:Change patterns on other machines with Octatrack? 13 Years ago
If you want to investigate using the MNM's multimap to change patterns, then here's how I set it up. The upside of this is that you can access all of the patterns on the MNM, and even switch them on the fly, i.e at any point during the playback of a pattern on the OT.

The downside is that it's a little kludgy to set up; it feels so clumsy that I'm sure I must have missed something!

First, pick a channel to use for sending pattern changes to the MNM. You mentioned the multimap channel on your MNM is set to 8, so we'll go with that.

Next assign note values to patterns on the MNM - do this here:

set the note range for the pattern, e.g.

C0 - C0 = pattern A01
C#0 - C#0 = pattern A02

Now select a pattern on the OT and create a MIDI machine using channel 8, with a default note length of 1/16. At the start of the pattern, place a trig playing a C-1 (i.e. "C minus one" - there's a mismatch between note values on the two boxes: C3 on the OT = C4 on the MNM, so C-1 on the OT = C0 on the MNM).

You'll also need to p-lock a second note on the same trigger. That note should be a C5 (which will be interpreted by the MNM as C4). The reason for this is that the note value also specifies a transpose value on the MNM. If you just play the single C-1, the MNM pattern will play back 5 octaves below. Not good.

[That last bit is where it all gets a bit weird for me. This took quite a bit of trial and error, so I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing this right... If anyone else knows better, please enlighten me!]

Select another pattern on the OT, and on the same channel 8 MIDI track, place a trig playing a C#-1 together with a C5.

Now, when the C0 note is played back by the OT, the MNM will switch to pattern A01. When the C#-1 is played back, the MNM will switch to pattern A02. By placing the trigs on the first step of the OT patterns, the MNM will switch patterns at exactly the same time as the as the OT.

There's a lot more to this - you can set the MNM to switch patterns exactly when the note s sent, or to switch when it ends the current pattern. You can offset the start position of the MNM pattern, and... er... some other stuff, too. I'm still working on getting my head around this...
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