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TOPIC: Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues
Game & Watch
Posts: 1910
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
So that rules out your interface. Sounds like the Mono is twigged. Back up all your stuff for starters and go for Elektron support. You could try a factory reset too or try to re-send the latest OS.
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Posts: 35
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Yeah, I've been in contact with Elektron from the start of this issue, and it looks like I've stumped Daniel from Elektron. I've tried Factory Reseting and Re-Installing the latest OS and DigiPro Manager still is giving me the same error message.
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Posts: 35
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Well, I'm still stumped about what's going on. Could I have just gotten a Mono with bad hardware or something? I mean, I've tried restoring the OS, and empty restart multiple times, and different MIDI and Computer combinations. To be fair though, they have all been on OS X Lion because that's what I have access to.

Maybe someone out there has the magic answer. Elektron just stopped replying to my messages as well which is kind of a bummer.
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
^ that's poor form indeed, have they asked for it to be sent in? im stumped, short of trying a different computer to send with.
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Posts: 35
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 7 Months ago
I don't mean to dig up a dead horse of a thread, but I figure I should update the solution for this for anyone else that had/has similar issues that I came across!

Basically I had to try as many different MIDI interfaces I could until one worked in transferring the DigiPro Waveforms. In my case, my Korg MicroKontrol (of all things!) was the MIDI interface that worked. My MOTU 828MKII, my Saffire PRO 24 DSP, my MicroKorg, and my E-MU XMIDI 1X1 USB MIDI, all failed in transferring the DigiPro Waveforms.

Daniel from Elektron basically kept telling me to keep trying as many MIDI interfaces that I could (and of course kept suggesting the TM-1, but I just didn't have $115 to spare on another piece of gear at the time).

So if anyone out there gets the "ERROR: Incorrect Length" when trying to transfer DigiPro Waveforms to their machines, try as many MIDI interfaces you have until one works, the only two that are guaranteed to work at this point are the Elektron TM-1, and the Korg MicroKontrol.

For all the MIDI interfaces I mentioned I tried using both Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7, and the MicroKontrol transferred on both operating systems.

Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone that helped me on this thread, and gave me suggestions! It's nice to have this community around and have so many people willing to help you out. It makes one feel not so quite alone in the both the digital world and regular world!
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Game & Watch
Posts: 1910
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 7 Months ago
Hooray! We love happy endings here
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Posts: 1
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 11 Years, 3 Months ago
I had the exact same problem, and thansk to this thread I tried using Maschine as my MIDI i/o and it worked! (the iConnectMIDI did not). Thanks!
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