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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
Chain Chomp
Posts: 346
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 4 Months ago
plus 1000 on the Granular machine. i'd rather it be an effect then a sample engine. something along the lines of Audiomulch's DL Granulator would make me pleased as punch.

one of my wishes is being able to dynamically switch the Flex Rec's from pre to post and back and forth. it's a really neat feature of the line6 m13.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1122
Re:A new record mode would make looping easier 13 Years, 4 Months ago
Bergdahl wrote:
ark wrote:

So I have a suggestion for a fourth mode:

4) 1SHOT: Wait until you press [TRACK] and a source, then start recording at the next trig. Subsequent trigs have no effect until you press [TRACK] and a source again; recording stops when you reach RLEN.

With this mode, it would even be possible to set a record trig at every beat; then pressing [TRACK] and a source would start recording in sync with the next beat and stop after the appropriate amount of time.

I've sent this as a suggestion to Elektron.

GREAT idea!! a overdub mode would be great as well, soound on sound.. when will we see the LOOPMACHINE.

+1 hopefully, Elektron reads/implements this 1SHOT idea!

these recording shortcuts (pressing two buttons) are great, but in the current setup/OS i only rarely use them, because it's more important to have the recordings completely in sync. with that 1SHOT idea you can start recording very spontaneously and it's still in sync, great idea!!
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Posts: 5
Re:A new record mode would make looping easier 13 Years, 4 Months ago
what about random trigs?? would be very nice to set a likelihood for every trigger!
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King Koopa
Posts: 252
Re:A new record mode would make looping easier 13 Years, 4 Months ago
MK7 wrote:
Bergdahl wrote:
ark wrote:

So I have a suggestion for a fourth mode:

4) 1SHOT: Wait until you press [TRACK] and a source, then start recording at the next trig. Subsequent trigs have no effect until you press [TRACK] and a source again; recording stops when you reach RLEN.

With this mode, it would even be possible to set a record trig at every beat; then pressing [TRACK] and a source would start recording in sync with the next beat and stop after the appropriate amount of time.

I've sent this as a suggestion to Elektron.

GREAT idea!! a overdub mode would be great as well, soound on sound.. when will we see the LOOPMACHINE.

+1 hopefully, Elektron reads/implements this 1SHOT idea!

these recording shortcuts (pressing two buttons) are great, but in the current setup/OS i only rarely use them, because it's more important to have the recordings completely in sync. with that 1SHOT idea you can start recording very spontaneously and it's still in sync, great idea!!

+1 Yes please !!! I was thinking about the same thing, a one shot record mode.
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Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 4 Months ago
Hi, I have a Tenori-On I and want to know if OTTO could assign a different note number and midi channel to a sample, so you can play 16 samples per midi channel, in different mute groups.

And is it possible to play a sample in a chromatic scale with 4 note polyphony just like a microsampler can, but then 16 note samples on 16 midi channels?

Or a combination of the above ( 4 "note sample channels" / 12 "16 sample channels" )?
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Posts: 74
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 4 Months ago
ark wrote:
daandaan wrote:
I must say it seems a bit strange, a feature request thread for a product that's not even running a finished OS.

If the OS were finished, what would be the point of feature requests?

I know a guy how mixes up feature with future, what an ass
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Re:A new record mode would make looping easier 13 Years, 4 Months ago
just scrolled through these so, sorry if my requests are duplicated.

1 - realtime record of parameter locks and sample trigs. i am stunned that this isn't implemented already, given that the md and mnm have it. almost not worth mentioning as i imagine they plan on this anyway (otherwise, what is this, a freakin' jomox box?!? )

2 - option to trigger sliced loops by slice using the trig keys. i.e. slice it however you like (16, 32, 48, etc) then enter a mode where the trig keys trigger these intervals. so, trig key 1 is slice 1, trig key 2 is slice 2, etc. if you have it sliced by 16, you only need one page to trigger any slice; sliced by 32, you only need two (in scale setup) but need to scroll through them, etc.

3 - wish that delay and reverb could be on effect 1 but i'm guessing this is a dsp limitation? if so, could we at least be able to choose which of the two we use it on (if its on 1, it disappears from 2's menu until we clear it from 1).
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 476
Glitch.. yawn.
Re:A new record mode would make looping easier 13 Years, 4 Months ago
Here are my main requests after using this machine for a little bit.

1) Real time sampling needs to be far easier!! I think that by pushing track + AB for example could automatically assign a flex slot and your ready to go. Simply pushing the record button again samples either by holding it down or once for start / once for stop. Sampling AB+CD could be done in the same fashion by pushing both down etc... Quite often I have to play myself so using combo fingers to record is just a pain. I want external sampling to be dead easy on this thing, can't afford to miss out on sweet sounds just cos I have to menu dive!!!

2) Sampling needs to be longer - far longer. I want to sample entire songs and use this as a replacement for my computer.. my next request is real time recording to the compact flash card!

3) Need a way to identify tracks by a name in LCD.. live this is highly important

That's all from me really - that's my priorities
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1122
Re:A new record mode would make looping easier 13 Years, 4 Months ago
one section of the OT needs some improvement, if compared to DAWs: file saving

the OT records easily and quickly huge amounts of audio, but if you don't save in between, what takes long due to naming of samples the audio files are lost

just some DAW standard functionality where you name a track, e.g. Track 1 "MnM-Bass", resulting in autosaving of what is recorded to that track as "MnM-Bass_1.wav", "MnM-Bass_2.wav" etc. the recording workflow is very quick and powerful, but the saving still needs too much time in my opinion.

i guess, what makes an autosaving solution difficult on the OT is how to avoid that the CF card is not flooded by thousands of loops you don't even need. but maybe that could be solved with making autosaving optional per track.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 476
Glitch.. yawn.
Re:A new record mode would make looping easier 13 Years, 4 Months ago
Or you could just purge unused samples.
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