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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
Chain Chomp
Posts: 381
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
I was messing with using free playing MIDI tracks and it's very cool, but it's hard to manage at the same time as audio tracks.

How about being able to sequence them from the audio tracks? I was thinking, while in record mode holding the trig as if to p-lock, then hitting MIDI and it would default to the MIDI track with the same number, if you held MIDI down and turned the level knob it'd let you select any of the 8 MIDI tracks that are in free play mode.
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Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
One shot tracks NOT playing free. So when you change pattern the track will just play once, and then stop.

"Timestretch rate" turns op the tempo instead of slowing it down.

"Pitch rate" turns the pitch and speed up instead of down.

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Game & Watch
Posts: 2668
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
not sure if this is possible, but i would like to de-couple the Midi sequencer from the Audio sequencer. So when the Octatrack changes pattern, the Midi sequencer side of things does not change.

this is so that i could use the Midi CC rotaries on a Midi channel to control visuals on a VJ program.

if the Midi sequencer changes along with the Audio sequencer when a pattern change comes along, all the Midi rotaries are going to be reset to whatever they are on the next pattern.
And this would then result in "jumps" as i turn the Midi CC rotaries again.

to avoid this, perhaps there could be an option in Preferences to choose the Midi sequencer to just be set to one basic setup pattern/parameter group.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1114
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
previewlounge, I have an idea for a bit of a workaround for your situation but it involves using a computer, MIDI interface and VST host to process your MIDI.
In the PizMIDI bundle there is a VST called midiCCReset which acts like a "capacitor" for CC values, always storing whichever last value for a CC it saw and then releases these values in a burst when triggered either by a program change message or manually etc.

The way this would work for you is you would send your MIDI track and program change messages to this VST and send the output of the VST back to the MIDI track, then each time you change patterns on the OT, the last used CC parameters from the previous pattern would be sent in a burst back to the MIDI track of the new pattern.

The pizmidi website seems to have disappeared but I found the plugs here:

Anyways, not as ideal a solution as your suggestion I know, but at least what you are trying to do is possible with a bit of effort.
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King Koopa
Posts: 311
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
actually I think elektron already have a fix for you preview -- buy another OT

I would love if it were possible to select multiple tracks for SRC3. I used to do this through the cue outs, but I've started using those in studio mode as an FX send instead. maybe hit the MIDI button in rec setup 1 to pop up a little submenu, like how you do mutes in the arranger.

another that's probably been requested before -- name CCs! I mean, there's 80 of them...
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 647
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
It must be somewhere in this huge thread, but :
- Ability to record chords for the ARP.
- Ability to p-lock ARP parameters.
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King Koopa
Posts: 311
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
good news chap -- both of those are already possible.

edit: should note that recording chords is kind of fiddly though, since the sequencer is not truly polyphonic. i.e., you can't have overlapping on/off messages for different notes, if that makes sense.
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Posts: 124
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Mmm, I have a request: please, delete from the manual the voice "looper device" from pag 2 where it says "SUGGESTED APPLICATIONS OF THE OCTATRACK".
You cannot call looper anything which cannot UNDO a wrong overdub.
Simple like that.
And another request: before making other products you should fix the bugs and limitations of the existing products. The way you just forget of the Octatrack and put it aside make me feel I cannot trust in Elektron as a company.
I do not even want to know how can it have happened that you made the pickup machine and just forgot that people will need to undo overdubs.
But I really hope you will dedicate some time to the OT now, especially to the pickup machines, because the live looping scenario is huge and growing, and as it is now, the OT as a looper is not competitive at all.
Lot of effects, lot of jingles, and no undo????
Please just have a look to the other companies, have a look to what the loopers can do, and please, make it possible for the OT all what the OT hardware can support.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 647
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
OOOps, this was supposed to be posted in the A4 FR.....
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 352
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
I would like to see an easier way to get in the sample edit menu. Make the bpm per sample easier to edit, etc. These parameters should be integrated with the current parameters. Like another menu with corresponding knobs. I'm not sure how this would be done. Maybe I'm wrong, since there is that complex structure of the program->Set-> track-> etc. Also make everything easier to save, such as samples and sets and programs. Each require a different save.

And I also forget where the Track 8 as master menu is. They should have that option on the track menu. Example: On track 8. Select Func+Edit.
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