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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
Game & Watch
Posts: 2668
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
N_Rain wrote:
previewlounge, I have an idea for a bit of a workaround for your situation but it involves using a computer, MIDI interface and VST host to process your MIDI.
In the PizMIDI bundle there is a VST called midiCCReset which acts like a "capacitor" for CC values, always storing whichever last value for a CC it saw and then releases these values in a burst when triggered either by a program change message or manually etc.

The way this would work for you is you would send your MIDI track and program change messages to this VST and send the output of the VST back to the MIDI track, then each time you change patterns on the OT, the last used CC parameters from the previous pattern would be sent in a burst back to the MIDI track of the new pattern.

The pizmidi website seems to have disappeared but I found the plugs here:

Anyways, not as ideal a solution as your suggestion I know, but at least what you are trying to do is possible with a bit of effort.

fascinating workaround idea.. I like it.

for now tho, i will just use a Kore 2 midi controller. very economical in size and easy enough to make a template for.. already have a couple of templates for this.
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King Koopa
Posts: 311
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
udenjoe wrote:
I would like to see an easier way to get in the sample edit menu.
track button+bank is pretty easy...
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Posts: 174
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
^ not that I disagree but it only works on setup screens. I found myself trying to get to the editor on screens where it doesn't work.
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Posts: 62
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
^^ can you remember which ones ? honestly i can't find any place i can't get to the sample editor with that keystroke
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Posts: 174
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
zeropoint wrote:
^^ can you remember which ones ? honestly i can't find any place i can't get to the sample editor with that keystroke

Can't remember at the moment (away from OT) but I will check. I could be confused. I know if your in record mode that it the combp goes to trigs, but I could have sworn there was another case. Maybe I confused the two experiences.
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King Koopa
Posts: 311
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
copy all MIDI tracks - MIDI+copy
copy all audio tracks - mixer+copy
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Posts: 4
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Even it's probably already said in this big topic :

Please, the possibility to fix TEMPO in different banks (and even in different sequences...) !

For me, it's the only huge thing to quickly add.
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King Koopa
Posts: 311
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
hold trig and func+up/down arrows to change base MIDI note for a step. would be nice to just intuitively hit up 7 times to get a fifth or whatever. knobs are fiddly for this, and besides I'm a dumb electronic noodler who doesn't have intervals memorized for every key
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Posts: 2
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Hello All
I'm new here, just bought my OT 2 weeks ago.
I would love OT to be able to play a pattern imediatly after click instead of waiting for the prevous one to end. This would be cool to trigger for ex little drum variations on the fly and feel more intuitive.

Also better MIDI control and recording would be fine: I use a novation mininova connected trough MIDI and i am able to switch programs trough oktatrack but the bank change is not working, altough if i change it with an external controller (pcr 500) connected to the autochanel i can, it just does not get recorded.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 485
MDuw mkI/Octatrack/Analog Four/TT-303/Vermona Kick Lancet/Eurorack Modular System/Monotribe/Monotron Delay/Monotron
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
I would love to see all the effects available on both slots. I don't like the Reverb and Delay only being in slot 2. Sometime i want to throw the reverb into a chorus.
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