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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
Posts: 129
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Sure this has been posted, many times.
VOLUME actually adjusts VOLUME!
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 448
MD uw
Monomachine mkII +Drive
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Dont have time to scan these hundreds posts....but one of my feature request is: force the sample attribute to follow the BPM in its name.
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King Koopa
Posts: 311
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
undo edits in the audio editor. even just one level would be nice.
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Posts: 17
Octatrack manual FAIL 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Please publish a manual in plain english. Provide 1, 2, 3 instructions. Hire a professional copywriter!!!!!!!

I've had the OT several weeks and my hair is turning white. The manual is TERRIBLE. I'm not new to music tech or hardware sequencers, but every bit of progress I've made has been painful. Not because the machine's badly designed - it's not.

The manual fails to explain even basic stuff. In the intro to a topic, it's deep into technobabble before it's even set out what you might do with the feature in a music context.

It's a classic of its type - documentation by engineer!

Stuff the manual fails to explain in an understandable way:

  • What you can do musically with a flex machine that you can't with a static machine.

  • How to create and work with patterns in some kind of timeline. You wouldn't think that music had the dimension of time, reading this! I know about the Arranger, but how do I get my hands on the patterns in the first place? That chapter is gobbledygook.

  • How to create a sequence of chords in the MIDI sequencer.

  • What the different types of trig REALLY are for. WTF is a trigless trig??!?! I've read this section over and over and it's meaningless. It says what things aren't. But how do I use them to create my music?!?!?!?

  • What do I use a bank for? A part? A set as opposed to a project? 16 scenes per part, OK. But how do I use these in a song? Or in a live set. How can I make it all fit together so MUSIC comes out?! I'm trying to create music, not prove the existence of the Higgs Bloody Boson.

  • And the rest.

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Hero of Winds
Posts: 1597
OP-1 and Ableton Live (everything else is waiting for studio renovations...which are slow since I'm doing it)
Re:Octatrack manual FAIL 11 Years, 8 Months ago
seenfromspace wrote: I'm trying to create music, not prove the existence of the Higgs Bloody Boson.[/li]
  • And the rest.

  • Made me
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    Game & Watch
    Posts: 2668
    Re:OT Feature Requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
    Set is the universe, which contains the entire Audio Pool.

    Project is the galaxy, which contains 8 Banks.
    and 256 Sample Slots.

    Sample Slots are frequency vibration levels ranging through colour, infra spectrum, audio, material realm, gas, and plasma.

    Here is a secret: there are actually 264 sample slots. There are 8 magical hidden sample slots and these will be mentioned later. They define the difference betwixt Flex and Static playback machines.

    Bank is the sun, orbited by 4 Parts, 16 Patterns, and 64 Scenes.

    Parts are planets, they select what type of Machines are assigned to 8 Tracks.

    Tracks are continents and define whether the continent is populated mostly by Flex or Static.

    Flex machines represent sentient animals.

    Static machines represent the plant kingdom.

    Both domains of life are very close, with one exception.

    Flex machines may immediately playback samples from the 8 "hidden" sample slots named Recorder1-8.

    When choosing the Sample Slot for a Flex machine on a track, navigate upwards from sample slot 1 ... that is where the 8 Recorder sample slots are located. If any recordings are made to any of the 8 Track Recorders, these are therefore immediately available to a Flex machine.

    Conversely, Static machines may playback very long samples that stream from CF card.

    Track Recorders are video cameras held by alien observers, and are on the left of the Octatrack.

    Scenes are seasons. they may be used to scene-lock parameters of the 8 Tracks.

    The X-Fader is a vinyl 45 record. Has the A-side, and then the B-side.
    Thus, showcasing two different moods - two different seasons - two different Scenes.
    The planet (Part) is aware of its own 16 different seasons (Scenes), and remembers what seasons are currently in play. Hold Scene A button and press a Trig from 1-16. Ditto for Scene B button. X-Fader then mixes between the A season and the B season.

    Patterns are activity on a planet.
    Therefore, the Pattern knows which planet it is on. Hold Function+Midi and use Arrow Keys to send it to another planet. That action is then happening on another planet (Part). This may then sound quite different, as the other planet (Part) has a variety of different settings, Track machine types and frequency wavelengths.

    Trigs, P-Locks, and Trigless-Trigs are details of activity.
    Move the X-Fader either all the way right or all the way left
    (so it knows which season (Scene) it is playing ... if the X-Fader is midway, then any Scene-locked parameters will override P-locked parameters).
    Go into grid record mode set a regular Trig at the start to hear a loop play back as usual.

    Whilst in grid record mode, hold function and Trig on say position 13.
    it goes green.
    now, after achieving that,
    press on that trig, and move the Pitch parameter down a few notches.
    Press play and hear the difference.
    The sample does not restart at the green trig.
    It is just effected to be lower in pitch from that place onwards.
    This is the result of a green Trigless Trig (a detail).
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    Game & Watch
    Posts: 2668
    Re:OT Feature Requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
    so if you just remember...

    Set : Universe

    Audio Pool : Cosmic Dust

    Bank : Galaxy

    Part : Planet

    Tracks : Continents

    Sample Slots : Frequency Spectrum

    Scene : Season

    Pattern : Planet Activity

    Trigs and Trigless Trigs : Activity Details

    Flex Machine : Sentient Animal

    Static Machine : Plant Domain

    LFO's : Triadic Eliptical Orbit for each Planet

    Track Recorders : Aliens With Video Cameras

    X-Fader : Vinyl 45 with A side and B side

    ... you should be good to go.
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    Posts: 813
    Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
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    Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
    be able to name a BANK...........banks seem perfect for a song, so it would be awesome to be able to name them to keep things organized and know which song is which without having a key: B1=nightmare, B2=future visions, B3= a moment, etc.
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    Hero of Winds
    Posts: 1597
    OP-1 and Ableton Live (everything else is waiting for studio renovations...which are slow since I'm doing it)
    Re:OT Feature Requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
    previewlounge wrote:
    so if you just remember...

    Set : Universe

    Audio Pool : Cosmic Dust

    Bank : Galaxy

    Part : Planet

    Tracks : Continents

    Sample Slots : Frequency Spectrum

    Scene : Season

    Pattern : Planet Activity

    Trigs and Trigless Trigs : Activity Details

    Flex Machine : Sentient Animal

    Static Machine : Plant Domain

    LFO's : Triadic Eliptical Orbit for each Planet

    Track Recorders : Aliens With Video Cameras

    X-Fader : Vinyl 45 with A side and B side

    ... you should be good to go.

    I would ask that you change the X-Fader to a Transporter system with Spock at the helm, and a landing party including Kirk, Bones, and the ensign dude who will end up getting killed or maimed by something alien, then we're all set!!
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