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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
Posts: 61
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 6 Months ago
gurulogic wrote:
can we pretty please have an option to save track mutes as part of a pattern or at least stored as part of a scene? It would make things a lot easier.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Please!
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1114
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 6 Months ago
I'm sure someone has already mentioned this, but the fact that the mixer mode is a far superior mode for live muting and soloing of tracks but then we can't access track parameters while in mixer mode sucks!

I propose one tap on the mixer button to switch to mute/solo mode with the track parameters exposed, a double tap takes you to the current mixer layout..Pleeeease?
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1114
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Really need something like the MD's ctrl-8p but wouldn't want to sacrifice a track to use it!
Might have to resort to external midi control..? (yea, yeah, I know "scenes" but I still like grabbing a knob for some things )
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King Koopa
Posts: 257
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 6 Months ago
gurulogic wrote:
can we pretty please have an option to save track mutes as part of a pattern or at least stored as part of a scene? It would make things a lot easier.


Also the Mixerpage plus parameter change thing. Awesome idea..
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2845
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Slice - I'd really like the option to kill (mute) and reverse individual slices, so say you had a breakbeat, set up your slices, there might be a sound in there on slice 6 you don't want, mute it without changing the length of the sample.

Trim - Cut/paste - It would be nice if you could set the start and end points to a section of the waveform and cut it out, it would be good to have the option for the gap to remain or for the data each side to butt up (oi! no laughing in the back!) depending on what type of cut operation. Also the cut data could be pasted into a new sample for further edits.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 534
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 6 Months ago
I really, really want a way to record into a flex machine's record buffer in sync without having to set a record trig and then turn it off immediately to keep from overwriting the recording.
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Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 6 Months ago
gurulogic wrote:
can we pretty please have an option to save track mutes as part of a pattern or at least stored as part of a scene? It would make things a lot easier.

That can be done either in the arranger or simply saving the level at zero. It would be inversely annoying to switch to a pattern and have the mutes change...
Same could be said for scenes—set them to volume. I'm not sure I follow how you'd picture them storing mute settings.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1114
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 6 Months ago
My counter argument to that would be that using the arranger can take away from realtime spontenaity. I suggest to have the fixed mutes per pattern as an option, not a fixed thing. Ultimately the option could be set per pattern but I doubt that would happen.
I tend to like to switch to specific patterns with some tracks not yet activated. Using scenes with volume locked is a good workaround but it doesn't fully account for bobbing your head and deciding on the fly for when to drop a track back in. It's not always easy (for me) to remember which track contains what, so when I see a bunch of unmuted tracks and the volume is down on some of them it can be risky to hit a mute button.

The Function + mute in mixer mode could also be an option but as it stands you cannot do this at the same time as changing a pattern.
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King Koopa
Posts: 250
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 6 Months ago
gurulogic wrote:
My counter argument to that would be that using the arranger can take away from realtime spontenaity. I suggest to have the fixed mutes per pattern as an option, not a fixed thing. Ultimately the option could be set per pattern but I doubt that would happen.
I tend to like to switch to specific patterns with some tracks not yet activated..

to have mutes assigned to patterns is a absolutely must for me.
Without this i can't work with the OT

That having mutes independent of patterns is a must for other people respectivly another way of working is clear enough too.
best solution is a choosable setting per project or maybe even per pattern.
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Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 6 Months ago
gurulogic wrote:
I'm sure someone has already mentioned this, but the fact that the mixer mode is a far superior mode for live muting and soloing of tracks but then we can't access track parameters while in mixer mode sucks!

I propose one tap on the mixer button to switch to mute/solo mode with the track parameters exposed, a double tap takes you to the current mixer layout..Pleeeease?

I remember mentioning this to elektron, maybe it will happen
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