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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
Posts: 51
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 1 Month ago
i think the tempo down to 30 bpm is a great break style (with other effects).
and if you change the tempo quick, it's really hard to go to the exact normal tempo.
so i think that two tempotrigs are very helpfull.
and the crossfader is always free for other stuff.
or if you mix two tracks with the crossfader in the same time you can pitch down the speed,
and then from one second to the other normal tempo with tempotrig button.

on a backbag-livegig i put only the laptop,OT,soundcard,akai mpd 32,headphones and cables into it. there is too less place for a plasticbomber like BCF200 in my backbag.
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Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 1 Month ago
DONAU wrote:
Don't know if this has been mentioned here before but... I would love to be able to duplicate the pattern that is playing onto another pattern without having to switch over to that pattern first. If you want to play live and build further on the pattern you're playing and want to make variations on that. It's tricky since you first have to switch over to another pattern AND THEN paste it in. If the next pattern in the bank is blank, then there will be a small gap in the music before you perform the "paste-command". Guess what I am saying is that I want to be able to copy the current pattern and paste it into the pattern that is waiting to be played next in the pattern chain BEFORE it switches over. Or is this already possible somehow?

Yes, please make this happen. PLEASE!

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Posts: 133
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 1 Month ago
neilbaldwin wrote:
DONAU wrote:
Don't know if this has been mentioned here before but... I would love to be able to duplicate the pattern that is playing onto another pattern without having to switch over to that pattern first. If you want to play live and build further on the pattern you're playing and want to make variations on that. It's tricky since you first have to switch over to another pattern AND THEN paste it in. If the next pattern in the bank is blank, then there will be a small gap in the music before you perform the "paste-command". Guess what I am saying is that I want to be able to copy the current pattern and paste it into the pattern that is waiting to be played next in the pattern chain BEFORE it switches over. Or is this already possible somehow?

Yes, please make this happen. PLEASE!

I have some suggestions how to make this work. If you for example would press the paste pattern command when there's a pattern next in the pattern-chain you would paste straight into the upcoming pattern. Example: if pattern A01 is started (and copied) and A02 is cued to play after pattern A01, pressing [FUNCTION + STOP] would paste A01 into A02 before the pattern switches over to A02.

Also, somehow, wouldn't it be logical to Copy, Clear and Paste patterns by holding down the Pattern button instead of the Function button? I.e. [PATTERN + REC] for copy and [PATTERN + STOP] to paste a pattern.

Yet another solution for an even more flexible way to copy and paste patterns would be to be able to copy and paste a pattern in the "background" regardless of what pattern is currently playing. Example: Holding [PATTERN + FUNCTION + TRIG] buttons and then pressing the [STOP] button would paste whatever pattern that is currently copied into the [TRIG] pattern whose button is being held. I.E. - start by copying A01, then hold [PATTERN + FUNCTION] + A02 and press the [STOP] button would copy A01 into A02 while A01 is still playing. Likewise this could also work for copying a pattern that is not currently playing by holding down [PATTERN + FUNCTION + TRIG] and pressing [REC] at the same time. This way you could move around patterns in the banks without having to switch over to them first. Although I'm sure a lot of people would find this to be too many buttons at once. Try it, it's not too tricky!

How would you find copying patterns with the Pattern button instead of the Function button?
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King Koopa
Posts: 257
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Very small but important thing for me:

It would be awesome to be able to SWAP positions of tracks.
When I am building patterns, the tracks are usually not in the position I'd like them to be finally.

I know I can copy & paste, but that usually needs another empty Track to use, which I usually don't have with only 7 tracks (track 8 is used up by the mastertrack usually here) to use.

So, for a final setup of tracks, SWAP TRACKS would be incredible.

And I guess, it would not be that much work to implement it.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1114
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Steril707 wrote:
So, for a final setup of tracks, SWAP TRACKS would be incredible.

I agree this could be usefull, but as a fairly easy workaround it is possible to first copy and paste to another bank and then copy paste each tracks from the "temp bank" to where you want them is it not?
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1128
The home of Future BASF
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Midi recorder: You sacrifice either a track or a midi track to the midi recorder, and when it is activated, it writes every button press or knob movement to a midi file on the CF card. Then (here's the tricky part), the performance can be (offline) processed by the arranger, and you get an arrangement of the performance, with all mutes and pattern changes, but without the knob movements. The original file can be used to recreate the exact performance, and the arranger file can be used to build a song.
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Posts: 173
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what a glorious feelin'
I'm happy again
Let the sine clouds chase
Everyone from the place
I've waves on my face
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 1 Month ago
1.Flex Machine to have RTRG parameter RTIM shown as a step resolution
rather than "tempo relative time between retrigs"
for example: from 256 to 1. 256 would mean RETRIG will be played when 256/1 of a single step
has passed from the 1st TRIG. 1/1 would mean that RETRIG will be played when a single step forward has passed from the 1st trig, essentially this would mean that you can time your RETRIGS very accurately instead of... well... this system (as of now) doesn't work for me at all!

2.Time-stretch for SLICES!
3.step-grid (essentially one part of the grid would represent one step in the sequencer - this would be relative to the set tempo) in audio-editor with on/off toggle.
4.Option to save slices as separate samples.
5. Granular-synthesis machine. ability to layer and process very small fragments of samples
and use that as a basis for certain type of synthesis.
6. step length parameter. 1/128, 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 5/4, 1.5, 1.75...
7. Microtiming to have a RTIM parameter as described above (and maybe even a visualization!)
8. ability to time stretch very short samples (doesn't work at the moment! sets the tempo to 300 and hits the roof immediately)
9. support for and recognization of musical notation "root notes" (for short samples)
and the ability to pitch shift them accurately to a certain note. use: for example - play a chord with modulated snare hit. E7 snare chord - E (original), G# (edited), B (edited), D (edited)
with the ability to easily toggle and use this kind of short-sample polyphony and use separate machines to do so.
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Posts: 37
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 1 Month ago
the sexy look of a monomachine
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Posts: 78
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 1 Month ago
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King Koopa
Posts: 242
Re:OT feature requests 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Thimk wrote:
1. Trigging of slices.
Instead of chromatic trigging where the pitch is locked accordingly, the STRT parameter is locked.

2. A better way to search this forum.

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