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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 10 Months ago
don't know if that has been mentioned before...

i'd love to see an INSERT Fx as ... well an additional Fx. with wet / dry control.
just to be able to use outboard fx for several tracks on the octa or on the master track...

o.k. you can use cue out and bring it back in C/D but that is not the same, ... oh have to try that

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Posts: 933
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 10 Months ago
... Why isn't this a sticky?
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Posts: 7
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Scene Assigning in Midi Mode:
How good would it be to assign ARP speeds to the scene Crossfader? Or velocity? Pitch? It would be a hardware dream come true!

Patterns triggered by Midi:
For integration into a live set run by a computer... it would be great to have patterns triggered by Midi notes or CCs.
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King Koopa
Posts: 278
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 10 Months ago
I'd like an LED indication of a neighbour machine and / or it's preceding tracks (alternating LED maybe?). Lost count how many times i've gone to do a mute and not muted the neighbour. Or the neighbour and preceding tracks LED's tied together so they both change to the desired colour no matter what one you push / mute etc
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Posts: 10
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Hi Elektron guys, hope you are all well and happy! I am hoping you will read this.

Just a quick one to ask if you can implement a feature in a future OS update for Octatrack.

Would it be possible to add a switch so that rather than MIDI notes 72-96 triggering the track chromatically, they trigger different slices instead. I appreciate this may be difficult to implement as there can be up to 64 slices but if there is anything you can do that would be amazing.

I am loving sequencing the OT from my DAW but am finding that trying to control slices with CC17 is a bit glitchy and quite fiddly. This would make it really fast and easy to get some hectic chops!!

If there is anything you can do I would be really grateful! If I am missing something and there is a better way to do this please let me know.

Thanks too for making life more fun with this magic little box!

Mr Modulator
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Posts: 24
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Great machine - almost finished ! .. except:

playback pattern from current page... editing on the fourth page then having to hear the first 3 pages first is pita for workflow...

improved midi mapping for the autochannel to focus more on playing midi/samples chromatically as well as individual slices at the same time. track/midi trigs on a keyboard seem useless when it can be done on the OT

export audio or mixdown/bounce AND ability to record performances into an audio file. (i assume this is also requesting recording directly and the CF card.)

I have a feeling they haven't used all of the OT's DSP potential and that they're saving that for more effects... I don't think the OT needs it!
BUT the DSP can be used to have the current effects improved in sound quality and more flexible (i'm sure some of the unused knobs on some of the effects can be filled with something useful!)

software editor via usb.

this thread needs to be sticky.

coffee machine and ash tray kit expansion option.

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Posts: 2839
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 9 Months ago
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Posts: 979
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Thanks @actuel!

My OT requests (currently):

1) Allow a personalization option to let the Volume knob control the main outs and/or headphone outs - the function-level trick is great but takes too many hands sometimes.

2) When automatically slicing a sample the options are (not surprisingly) 2,4,8...64. This is great and all but I had a sample of drum hits that I spaced all the same distance apart to facilitate slicing, however, there were 29 of them so all my slices got progressively more OFF after the auto-slice. I was able to manually adjust them all but it can be easier. My suggestions:

a) allow any number to be entered and slice evenly into that (i.e.: 29)
b) allow the ability to adjust the specific length of each slice after slicing, this way I could have tweaked them all "down to 29" basically.
c) implement a "smart-slice" that looks for transients and does the hard work for me regardless of how my sample is - this might be the COOLEST option!

Yes I could have added 3 "empty" drum hits at the end of my sample to compensate but that ship has sailed at this point

Loving the OT!
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Posts: 3
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 9 Months ago
ditto on the slicing Earsmack!
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Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Mixer/Mute Menu:

Please make the Parameter Lockable, like Function+hit the Button makes it locked!

I often run into the Problem of: Tweaking for Example the Filter on Track 5 and at the same Time i like to mute/unmute some other Tracks. If i go into the Mute Menu i have to stop tweaking but i often keep on tweaking the Knob so i change the Mixer settings...

The same goes for Function+Level, if i fade out a Loop on one Track and like to mute/unmute some other Tracks with Function+Level i often affect the Mixer Level...

And the Big and really nice looking Volume Knob dont have any Function for me, so it could be a great Volume Knob for the Main Level

I´m the only one struggling with it?
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