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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
Chain Chomp
Posts: 443
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Ozone wrote:
Two things that may already be requested...

1) Additional option in the scale section to adjust start point of pattern using triggers in same way as pattern length.

2) Option to 'save as' & 'delete' when saving sample settings in audio editor.
eg: I often have a sample loaded up a couple of times within a pattern & use different slice/length/trim options. Currently we can only have one version of settings saved.
EDIT: would also require a 'load' function here as well.

Also the ability to loop a certain page or a specified range of trigs. There is so many times the fact that you need to audition a certain loop segment and you have to wait for the whole loop to come back to the point you want. The workaround is to move the trigs you want to audiotion to the first page and make the pattern length equal to the segment you want to loop. Unfortunately this has to be done for all tracks seperately. There is no option to move all track trigs at the same time.
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King Koopa
Posts: 309
Trinity SH101 Juno6 JX3P cs10 NM1 Z1 K5000s MB33II Ipad3 MicroQ TX81z DX200 WS/AD VZ8m XD5 DP4 Gtrz
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
kraftf wrote:
Ozone wrote:
Two things that may already be requested...

1) Additional option in the scale section to adjust start point of pattern using triggers in same way as pattern length.

2) Option to 'save as' & 'delete' when saving sample settings in audio editor.
eg: I often have a sample loaded up a couple of times within a pattern & use different slice/length/trim options. Currently we can only have one version of settings saved.
EDIT: would also require a 'load' function here as well.

Also the ability to loop a certain page or a specified range of trigs. There is so many times the fact that you need to audition a certain loop segment and you have to wait for the whole loop to come back to the point you want. The workaround is to move the trigs you want to audiotion to the first page and make the pattern length equal to the segment you want to loop. Unfortunately this has to be done for all tracks seperately. There is no option to move all track trigs at the same time.

Can relate to this situation. I tend to duplicate pattern, nudging the all the tracks backwards however many steps & finally shortening the pattern length, but its a long workaround for something that's so simple in a DAW. This feature would be great on the MD & MM also. For auditioning it makes sense, but also it would make for another great option in live performance.

The other slight issue I have with the 'pattern scale' is that I can go down to one step pattern length on the Machinedrum, but the OT only goes down to 2 steps.- EDIT: wrong here checked again & all machines only go down to 2 steps... co-incidentally was hit in head by ball @ indoor cricket last night.. )) anyway would be good option to have on all.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 443
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Ozone wrote:
The other slight issue I have with the 'pattern scale' is that I can go down to one step pattern length on the Machinedrum, but the OT only goes down to 2 steps.- EDIT: wrong here checked again & all machines only go down to 2 steps... co-incidentally was hit in head by ball @ indoor cricket last night.. )) anyway would be good option to have on all.

Yeap don't like it either. I want faster stutters.
I don't like also the fact that when track length is modified most of the time the stepping looses sync with other tracks. This can be somtimes good introducing variation but it
There is a similar issue with the quantisation of track trigging. They allow this to happen in 1/16 resolution but trigging modes are not working as they are supposed to. Maybe there s a technical limitation that can't allow easy manipulations in the sequencer flow.
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King Koopa
Posts: 309
Trinity SH101 Juno6 JX3P cs10 NM1 Z1 K5000s MB33II Ipad3 MicroQ TX81z DX200 WS/AD VZ8m XD5 DP4 Gtrz
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
@Kraft... maybe get practise @ pressing stop & play again (in time) to reset stuff in start sync. Don't think much of it most times but possibly some sort of 'tempo+play' combo to reset in realtime? or an external clock with reset function as workaround.
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Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
'' 'tempo+play' combo to reset in realtime''

Cool idea!!!
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 443
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Ozone wrote:
@Kraft... maybe get practise @ pressing stop & play again (in time) to reset stuff in start sync. Don't think much of it most times but possibly some sort of 'tempo+play' combo to reset in realtime? or an external clock with reset function as workaround.

Yeah I do that via slaving OT to RS7k or Korg ESX. They both have the option of restarting the seq with one button hit. I also use Lemur to send stop and start messages at the same time.
Tempo and play would be very cool.
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Posts: 64
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
I was thinking it would be really nice to have a way to "freeze" a step. As in p-lock every parameter of a step automatically.
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Posts: 75
Pourquoi restez-vous là à regarder le ciel ?
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Don't know if this has been mentionned because this thread is becoming very long :
- The ability to add automatically loop points on each slice when creating a slice grid
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Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
For what it's worth, given that this is such a long threadv and perhaps the Elektrons are looking at this :

1/ Be able to trigger slices from a pad controller/keyboard

2/Recording needs a metronome, ie bass/guitar players

3/ looper machine, I know it's coming
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King Koopa
Posts: 321
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
seaborg wrote:

2/Recording needs a metronome, ie bass/guitar players

such a good idea, been missing this a couple of times (especially when OT has microtiming and all, nice to tap sounds in with hand...)
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