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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
Chain Chomp
Posts: 522
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
binaural wrote:
I would love a feature from my 03d desk:

the ability to set the control channel for the compressor, so you can sidechain from any given channel (including master outs and the inputs, preferably). Shouldn't be too difficult, I think, but would enlarge the sound palette incredibly.


And also MIDI scenes, or at the very least slide trigs on the MIDI seq so I can slip around with my arp speed all funky like.
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Posts: 10
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
first post here (hi everyone). been reading a lot of requests, but not sure if this has been asked before (or if it is even possible):

- automatic generation of grid recording or of track trigging.
we could even apply an lfo to do that (not sure how we could map an lfo point to a trig pressing though). an example of this could be a combination of the recent "randomize" function of lfo designer and the slots trig mode, in which, we could "randomize" the trig events as if we were live-recording during this mode (without actually pressing each trig).

and if this lfo-trig keys combination is possible (for example setting a trig command when lfo passes above or below certain threshold points), it would also be crazy interesting to see an lfo also changing setup parameters (and not just the main parameters).
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Posts: 64
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
It would be nice if when you held down a p-locked trig key the pages with locked parameters lit up. Similar to how scenes work.

Noisebuddy wrote:
Just a Send-Machine

Isn't this the cue ?
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Posts: 126
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
sequencer level mutes

so i can on the fly mute the sequencer trigger of any sound, yet the tail of the sound will still be heard and any fx tails such as reverbs and delays will still carry on

everything else is perfect so far imho
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Posts: 33
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
skab wrote:
binaural wrote:
I would love a feature from my 03d desk:

the ability to set the control channel for the compressor, so you can sidechain from any given channel (including master outs and the inputs, preferably). Shouldn't be too difficult, I think, but would enlarge the sound palette incredibly.


And also MIDI scenes, or at the very least slide trigs on the MIDI seq so I can slip around with my arp speed all funky like.

+ another
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Posts: 813
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
Ozone wrote:
Two already mentioned requests that need propping up...

1. Scenes for midi. I don't really understand the 'midi overload' thing.
Reason: We can already have 80(10x8 tracks) assignable midi cc's p-locked + pitch/note/envelope + arp + 24 lfo's going out of one midi cable for the midi machines alone. Midi Scenes would seemingly just override these parameters with different settings, not additional data.

I've been asking for this since day 1 (well, day 1 + 6 months, when the OctaTrack actually had midi tracks).

Kept getting told 'maybe' till finally they said no. It is the greates flaw in the instrument for me personally.

I don't use the Arps or LFO's, and would happily sacrifice (or have the option to select) these in favour of midi scenes.

Still wish they would change their FAQ as well, it vexes me.
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Posts: 154
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
not sure if this has been requested before (and probably not possible?) but the ability to add note trigs to a scene would be quite neat

As the trig buttons are already used to select which scene is assigned to A/B, I guess it could work something like: hold down scene a or b button, use the trig button to select a scene, then press [enter] to activate "scene trig entry mode". from there enter the note trigs which are to be locked to the selected scene
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King Koopa
Posts: 309
Trinity SH101 Juno6 JX3P cs10 NM1 Z1 K5000s MB33II Ipad3 MicroQ TX81z DX200 WS/AD VZ8m XD5 DP4 Gtrz
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
Rusty wrote:
Ozone wrote:
Two already mentioned requests that need propping up...

1. Scenes for midi. I don't really understand the 'midi overload' thing.
Reason: We can already have 80(10x8 tracks) assignable midi cc's p-locked + pitch/note/envelope + arp + 24 lfo's going out of one midi cable for the midi machines alone. Midi Scenes would seemingly just override these parameters with different settings, not additional data.

I've been asking for this since day 1 (well, day 1 + 6 months, when the OctaTrack actually had midi tracks).

Kept getting told 'maybe' till finally they said no. It is the greates flaw in the instrument for me personally.

I don't use the Arps or LFO's, and would happily sacrifice (or have the option to select) these in favour of midi scenes.

Still wish they would change their FAQ as well, it vexes me.

Yeah Rusty I understand your frustration totally. They missed a huge trick here. I read somewhere (maybe you mentioned) that Elektron's reasoning was that excess of midi data could cause overloads & errors. This argument struggles to hold water with me for the reason listed above. P-locks are great, but beyond lfo's, there is no way to make midi data evolve & warp. Who wouldn't want to have scene control over parameters in their monomachine or Machinedrum.... would make a whole new instrument out of them, & give the OT a huge advantage as a midi sequencer alone. Agreed on the midi scenes over lfo's for useability also, or at least the option.
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King Koopa
Posts: 309
Trinity SH101 Juno6 JX3P cs10 NM1 Z1 K5000s MB33II Ipad3 MicroQ TX81z DX200 WS/AD VZ8m XD5 DP4 Gtrz
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
Oh & another feature request:

For the one handed among us, wouldn't it be great to have the same '2 second option' for changing scene as there already is for changing bank & pattern (ie. press scene A or B, then have 2 seconds to select a scene)
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Posts: 33
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
A couple thoughts -

- Option to assign track mutes to be saved to a pattern. As in when switching patters tracks will mute and unmute automatically. This seems so obvious - am I just missing it somehow?

- LFO rectifier options, leaving only positive or negative movement.
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