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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
King Koopa
Posts: 324
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Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 10 Months ago
would love to see a option in the part menu were you could link each part
over the patterns by turning part link to pattern to on or off:

part1 = linked to pattern1-4
part2 = linked to pattern 5-8
part3 = linked to pattern 9-12
part4 = linked to pattern 13-16
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Posts: 859
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 10 Months ago
The option to use the 4 OT outputs + 4 OT inputs as 8 MONO outputs i.e. one per audio track.
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Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 10 Months ago
In the personalization menu there should be a option for a safe transport.. so you have to hold [CUE + PLAY] and [CUE + STOP] to start and stop the transport... ( or some other unused combination) to avoid critical accidents...
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King Koopa
Posts: 311
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 10 Months ago
I'm sure someone has mentioned this before, but I went back several pages and didn't see anything. Anyway, it seems such a shame to have those blank parameter pages on the master track. They're just screaming to be filled with MD-style CTR knobs.

Also, short of a general presets feature, the ability to save default pattern settings would be nice. For example, I want the scale settings to be per track and the master length to be max -- every time.
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Posts: 90
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 9 Months ago
Not sure if someone has already posted this, but an autoload feature on the OT to Automatically load all samples in a given folder into either Flex or Static etc.
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Posts: 38
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 9 Months ago
making all I/Os only OUTPUTS would be great.

midi scenes

hey, elektronhq any news on some OT update?
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King Koopa
Posts: 311
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 9 Months ago
I'm really not into the whole "Ableton in a box" thing, but a few tricks that I think would be sweet to borrow from Live are "set 1.1.1. here," follow actions, and legato pattern triggering.

To explain the first: I know I'm not the only one who gets a nice pattern going with live recording, only to discover the downbeat is actually on step 8 or wherever. Ok, func+arrows to push each track back... not too painful. HOWEVER if the sound you really want to be smack on 1.1.1. is microtimed, you're screwed, because you would have to manually shift the microtiming of every other trig on every other track. So how about trig+tempo or something to set 1.1.1. and shift all other trigs accordingly? Having to stop playback for this would be fine by me...

Follow actions and legato patterns would just be icing on a cake that's arguably too rich already, and there's a good chance I would never use them if implemented anyway But legato with scenes and parts seems to have awesome potential...
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King Koopa
Posts: 276
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 9 Months ago
I use follow actions all the time in Live. They are especially useful for installations and the like. But they also need an update, so if there were implemented in the OT, it would be good if you could specify the number of times a clip would be allowed to play before all other clips play, and also a last clip.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 381
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 9 Months ago
JES wrote:
I use follow actions all the time in Live. They are especially useful for installations and the like. But they also need an update, so if there were implemented in the OT, it would be good if you could specify the number of times a clip would be allowed to play before all other clips play, and also a last clip.

I think expanding on arranger to Elektrons take on follow actions is a great fit for the performance oriented use of the Octarack.

At least that's part of the reason I made a request for user selectable groups within the arranger. You can setup some neat things now going between multiple short arrangements and different repeat, offset, mute settings, etc, but it's all manually triggered.

We already have jump and repeat too, which is nice.
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Posts: 89
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Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 9 Months ago
I wish the 8 track slot LEDs around the display would show audio level playback information like the 4 input level LEDs. This way you would get better feedback of which tracks are what while your playing live.

That and making the 1/4 inch input jacks omni jacks, so they could be ins or outs is also a great idea.
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