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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
Posts: 154
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
Sunspots wrote:
seeing as how I can't sift through 85 pages

1) Effect all midi parameters with scenes (seems like a big obvious one)
2) Scene Naming mechanism. Would be nice to hold a scene down and have the "name" pop up on the screen" so I can remind myself oh, this is the "muteAll-but4" or "distortion" or "delay" or "rapefest" or something...
3) Pattern Naming - same reason "Break down" "riser-build up" or something
4) delete all function when naming something so I can quickly rename and not have to back out each character - am I missing something?
5) "clear track META" that totally clears all parameters and edits to a particular track so I don't have to do it screen by screen and potentially miss something.

talking about the Octatrack

6) also track naming for OT and Midi tracks? Maybe this could be coupled with an MPC style track mute view screen which shows the names & mute status for the OT and midi tracks.
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Posts: 43
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
KRAFTF I love you. Thank you.

Also, without the ability to mute midi tracks with scene parameters, they're basically worthless. I can't easily use a pile of midi tracks without the ability to mute them and submit them to the overall track progression by sliding my cross fader... I mean there's so many good reasons to allow midi track parameters to be 100% controlled by the scenes. I don't think I need to explain. Everyone gets it. I wonder if I can lock a custom LFO to constantly be down that controls the velocity? Is that a work around... will play with it later.

NEW SUGGESTION: it would be nice if we could "merge" as many samples together without having to manually sample them down one after the other. If we could merge samples into one larger sample, then we could mash up a bunch of different samples without using a computer. I specifically do not want to use my compter to do anything. ... ... although I don't mind using it to upload samples. That takes like 30 seconds.

It would be some kind of merge editor where you can just keep plugging in as many samples as you want into the next slot (like the sample selection slots), then press yes 2x, and it asks "what to merge these samples together into one file?" You say "yes" and it says "where/what name" and you answer, and then it processes it, and saves them.

NEW SUGGESTION: Why am I limited as to how many samples I have in my project? Why can't I have 1084 samples in my project? I know I can use trig changes/parameter locks of slice numbers... but that goes back to impressive memory skills, which I may not have. Take off those limitations and I could reasonably only use the slice technique where I want it instead of sort of forcing me into it by limiting my total samples per project - am I missing something here?

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Posts: 43
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
this is also a really cool idea. That would help me remember "oh, that's the TI2 chan2bass" *mute* or whatever I want to do at that moment.

When I only have one song in my project I can memorize this stuff... when it's like 10 songs, forget it I need names. FOR NOW, I realize i can use an "assignment convention" as a sort of way to remember... but naming is rad

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Chain Chomp
Posts: 381
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
Track relationships/links/groups.

For example, mute an audio track linked to a MIDI track and it gets muted too.

I use independent track lengths and I'd like to have super geeky mathematical relations between them.

For example, track 2 is 2 times longer than track 1 and track 3 is 1.5 times longer than 1. So if track 1 was 8 steps 2 is 16 and 3 is 12 and if you changed track 1 to 6 steps track 2 is 12 and 3 is 9, etc. Obviously the OT would show you the numbers not make you do the math in your head! Not sure if anyone else would have fun with this though.
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Posts: 146
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
kraftf wrote:
anigbrowl wrote:
Those are all good suggestions.

On a side note, some suggestions seem to crop up repeatedly...maybe it's time for a wiki or some sort of voting mechanism that would be useful to Elektron as a design document and to prospective buyers so that they know what they're getting into.

Totally agree.
I have suggested the same thing in the past towards the moderators but there was not much acceptance.


this thread is a mess, we need to submit to elektron a clear list of features to implement in priorities

i'd have to say note length is to me the single most important missing feature, the sequencer (especially midi) is rubbish without it
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King Koopa
Posts: 311
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
jonah wrote:
Track relationships/links/groups.

For example, mute an audio track linked to a MIDI track and it gets muted too.

I use independent track lengths and I'd like to have super geeky mathematical relations between them.

For example, track 2 is 2 times longer than track 1 and track 3 is 1.5 times longer than 1. So if track 1 was 8 steps 2 is 16 and 3 is 12 and if you changed track 1 to 6 steps track 2 is 12 and 3 is 9, etc. Obviously the OT would show you the numbers not make you do the math in your head! Not sure if anyone else would have fun with this though.

I would definitely have fun with that! Track lengths, scales, and odd time sigs are some of the best features of the sequencer, but I don't think they're quite fully integrated -- e.g. there should be 1-step resolution for pattern change quantization, QREC, etc.

other requests:

1 - an option to delink track levels from parts would be nice.

2 - 64 scenes/bank option instead of 16 scenes/part would be way easier to manage I think. It would also make transitions between patterns with different part assignments go more smoothly in many cases (and yeah, probably less in others).

3 - copy+paste banks pleeeease! This would go a long way to filling the hole of not having presets. An import bank function or a handful of bank presets would be even better! Copy+paste+renaming files on the computer is weak.

stray thought: what if the fader just output even 1 cc per scene? Couldn't some intrepid young programmer whip up a midi scene solution in max or arduino or something? Not ideal, but if it's really a limitation of the hardware, I'd take it. Speaking of which, I'm surprised no one has emulated scenes in max for live yet...
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Posts: 69
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
Any and or all of these improvements to MIDI functionality: +1 from me.
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Posts: 22
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
rewrite the manual!!!!!!!!!!!

i have spent so much time searching the manual and missing really important concepts due to its layout. it desperately needs an overhaul. all the information is there just not in the right places.
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Posts: 49
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
bobule wrote:
rewrite the manual!!!!!!!!!!!

i have spent so much time searching the manual and missing really important concepts due to its layout. it desperately needs an overhaul. all the information is there just not in the right places.

I totally agree. Rewrite it and give it a good index so its possible to find things easily.
Would be great with practical examples also how to use feature / what to use them for.
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Re:OT feature requests 12 Years ago
Not sure if it has already been asked, but what could be a huge improvement for workflow is a kind of macro option. Let me explain:

I like to use the Octartarck for sampling on the fly and mangle it (like it's supposed to do). What I (and most people here) don't like is the numerous tasks you have to do to prepeare everything before and the stuff you will have to do afterwards to make sure you won't lose a valuable recording.

Here it goes:
Somewhere in system settings you can choose your favorite recording macro settings (length, Rec quant, input, save to flex or static, etc). With the press of record + track it starts recording according to macro settings and place a trigg (playback) assigned to the track recorder with the same length is placed on the selected track. So now you can start recording and playback the recording with just a button press. No more hassle there. All we need after being satisfied with the sample is a single command to save the sample, assign it to a slot (flex or static, also mentioned in the same macro settings) and adjust the trigg to the saved sample slot assigned to it. If you want to do all kind of slicing and triggering stuff you are free to do that from here. With this macro setting recording loops and using them (even after powering off) is just two button presses instead of a whole bunch of confusing stuff it is now.

If I need to explain it more eleborate please let me know.
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