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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
Posts: 154
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
coldfuture wrote:
How about a post master fx loop capture on track 8 when used as master with a simple level control and xfade volume. This would put a "dj transitioner" where it logically belongs and give us a track back.


I logged this with elektron a few weeks ago and they said "this is in the feature request list already, if it is possible to do we are not sure as it is not implemented in the original idea"
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Posts: 6
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Some more ideas from my side:

- Phase invert per track

- Micro timing per track ("move all triggers")

- Option to also affect CUE out with master fx (Compressor, Filter, etc)

. "Single Out Setup" -> MAIN OUT + CUE OUT -> 4x MONO out (per track routing)

- Midi Scenes (!)

- Record Midi Note Lenght
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Posts: 8
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
prplx wrote:

. "Single Out Setup" -> MAIN OUT + CUE OUT -> 4x MONO out (per track routing)

- Record Midi Note Lenght

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Posts: 54
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
prplx wrote:
Some more ideas from my side:

- Micro timing per track ("move all triggers")

- "Single Out Setup" -> MAIN OUT + CUE OUT -> 4x MONO out (per track routing)

- Midi Scenes (!)

- Record Midi Note Lenght

!!! +1
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King Koopa
Posts: 214
Nord Micro Modular
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
jonah wrote:
Slice recording? Call it "slice lock"?

With options for which slices get recorded into, if it's to auto step from one slice to the next after each record trig is active, loop or one shot per track and the option to treat slices as contiguous.

What I mean by contiguous is that every time your record trig gets activated it'll either record into the first active slice and stop or move on to the next one, but if it's set to contiguous it'll record into all active slices, as long as there is space to do so.

The granular possibilities would be mind boggling!

On a more simple level you could for example have a 16 slice loop and arm slices 3,6,9,12 to record live into. It would make it feel like you had a lot more tracks if you're better able to utilize the "empty" space per track.

You could set it up to one shot or auto step and build sample chains this way, which thanks to secret music we all know is an awesome way to use the OT!

For people that wan't more classic style sampling you could devote all your ram to one track, create a slice grid, de-couple it from the sequencer, turn auto step on and then manually trigger the track each time you want to sample and each sample would end up in a new slice ready to be sample chained to infinity.

+1 This sounds awesome although I doubt something like this will ever get implemented.

On a simpler note, is there a way to set a recording slice trig? Thinking here of minidisc recorders with a "track mark" button that can mark the beginning of a new track during recording, that is it splits up a continuous recording into separate tracks while the recording is being made. Put these slice-marking trigs within a pattern would allow pre-slicing a recording without ever opening the editor. Being able to pre-slice like this could make the OT even more of an MPC killer
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 381
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
license wrote:
On a simpler note, is there a way to set a recording slice trig? Thinking here of minidisc recorders with a "track mark" button that can mark the beginning of a new track during recording, that is it splits up a continuous recording into separate tracks while the recording is being made. Put these slice-marking trigs within a pattern would allow pre-slicing a recording without ever opening the editor. Being able to pre-slice like this could make the OT even more of an MPC killer
Now that we have the looper you can use that to piece together audio and it'd be a good fit if it added slice points or "track marks" where you overdub or replace.

What you describe sounds close to CREATE LINEAR LOCKS though. Have you messed with that? It's in the sample editor, but it adds slice points based on your pattern and automatically param locks each trig to a slice (start point). You have to change the playback setup to slice mode too.

Something that's interesting about the way it works now (or used to, last I checked) is that if you've already sliced a flex machine and record into it the slice points remain. I'll have to mess around with this and quantized recording along with pickup machines next time I use the octatrack. Maybe record some blank files and slice them first....

Also, one thing that changed in 1.2 onward is you can't do any editing at all while you're recording or playing back , but you could in 1.1. I don't remember exactly, but I think you could adjust loop points and preview play back. I'm not sure if they changed it for technical reasons, but it was the only area 1.1 was better.
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Posts: 70
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
like the monomachine & the machinedrum : 128 pattern available in 1 single project instead of 64 , 1 bank 16 pattern 4 part = 64, i know the sample trigs offers a lot more samples but that'll be great to have 128 pattern in hand without changing part.
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Posts: 42
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
prplx wrote:

. "Single Out Setup" -> MAIN OUT + CUE OUT -> 4x MONO out (per track routing)

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Posts: 42
Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Noisebuddy wrote:
isjtar wrote:
I agree, the current FX are a bit bland, especially the reverb.

Reverb ok, thats right... But for snares, far enough...

All other effects, exept the flanger (from my point of view) are, are quite well..... It depends always on the material which is used with the fx

I think elektron would need more programmers to cope with all this request, maybe the users want too much in this machine implemented, this is not a software like ableton

Let me put it this way:
aside from the reverb the fx are ok, they definitely sound decent.
but without single outs, and sacrificing tracks for neighbour machines in an 8-track device it is a bit too limiting.
it's a personal need, but I really do need it. The machine is partly marketed as a tool for sound design, so I want as much sound sculpting as possible
a plate reverb in the last slot won't give me that.

But not as much as a full-on granular machine, I'd be so excited by that and the DSP can take it since it already does much of the same in the flex and time machines, just need different access.
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Re:OT feature requests 11 Years, 8 Months ago
prplx wrote:

. "Single Out Setup" -> MAIN OUT + CUE OUT -> 4x MONO out (per track routing)

+ 1, or at least seperate levels for the 2 cue out put channels
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