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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear MD SPS-1 Timing Performance Issues (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: MD SPS-1 Timing Performance Issues
Posts: 43
Re: MD SPS-1 Timing Performance Issues 17 Years, 5 Months ago
Go on then, there is a clip in the other thread. Do your best... if you can actually identify by ear the timing "faults" that is has then you might have a point... but until then, this thread is nothing but a fallocentric extension to your ego's with zero relevance to anything musical.

I doubt the candy shirt, shiny shoed pill poppers that you make music for give two shits either way... this thread to them is nothing more than a bunch of chinscratching wankery used to compensate for sagging ego's from the inability to write any music that is worth a shit.

Go on, the clip is in the other thread... prove me wrong.
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Posts: 43
Re: MD SPS-1 Timing Performance Issues 17 Years, 5 Months ago

innerclock wrote:

DLX wrote:

The only oversight in this thread is on your behalf and that was when you bought an MD and expected to get an MPC3K.

Sorry DLX - you really have missed the point well and truly. It is a hard thing to grasp - took me years (literally) to work it out and I resisted the notion that such fine variations in clock stability made such an impact in music.

Pfft... people for years said digital sucked, then they suddenly realised it didn't suck, it was just different. Take your wankery somewhere else, music only sucks due to one cause, and thats because of the person who created it.

Again, there is a clip in the other thread... prove me wrong. Until then your posts and thread are nothing more than pathetic wankery in an attempt to find a scapegoat for your music.
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Posts: 82
Re: MD SPS-1 Timing Performance Issues 17 Years, 5 Months ago

daswesen wrote:
I can't really understand the hate. One example of why this is important is for example when controlling a second synth using the MD. If I layer two kicks, one from the MD, one from the synth, it's always going to sound muddy because the MD will kind of jump around on *each* kick, phasing out my beautiful bottom end and flamming my attack.

If you fear that your music will become too rigid, you can alaways work around that with your programming, adding shuffle, playing with attack and decays (varying the decay on sounds can go a long way into humanizing it, even if the hit is dead on the spot), playing with volume. And I use the MD mostly to do techno kind of things, rythmic perfection makes it groovier.

Btw, if you want an example of the flamming and phasing, this is MD and reaktor controlled by MD (the recording skips a bit sometimes, dumb reaktor :/). But when the MD comes in at 0:14, you can hear that the hits are moving, it feels a bit untight, and checking the two tracks against one another in live, you can see that the reaktor recording is spot on, so obviously all the MIDI out of the MD and stuff is not the problem, but the sound out of the MD.

Another good example is just trying to loop something in Live coming in from the MD. It almost always sounds weird.

No doubt! That's basically my take on the situation.

There are too many trolls in this thread distracting from the fact that this is a simple, real-world problem for the reasons you mention.
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King Koopa
Posts: 242
Re: MD SPS-1 Timing Performance Issues 17 Years, 5 Months ago

DLX wrote:

Again, there is a clip in the other thread... prove me wrong. Until then your posts and thread are nothing more than pathetic wankery in an attempt to find a scapegoat for your music.

Your comments are juvenile mostly and if they had any genuine substance despite the venom I would try and offer something positive. You are obviously threatened by this thread and this topic or you would not return. I mostly understand why - maybe not. It is not my concern or interest in appeasing or pacifying your anger. No more Pepsi Challenges either. As I keep saying, the ball is in Elekton's court now. I have received enough unsolicited positive emails agreeing with the core of my thread posts over these last 10 days. Some/most of these will have emailed Elektron directly asking for confirmation at least and an explanation.

As to a fix/solution - we shall see. In the end you will seem hasty and foolish in your willful desires to refute my findings and in trying to put them down as fanaticism because Elektron can't debate the basic facts any more. Even if they might suggest these small variations in timing are not significant (which they won't because they made a detailed and strong case for Midi Clock stability from the start so they obviously well understand its importance in good electronic music making - unlike yourself it seems) - they will have to look at at it seriously simply because enough users of their equipment that I am certain they respect technically and creatively will have backed up the case for change. So, leave it for now. No more tests - it's all over anyway. Take it easy.
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Posts: 43
Re: MD SPS-1 Timing Performance Issues 17 Years, 5 Months ago
What findings? Your recorded findings that bare no significance to music thus far? Clip is in the other thread dude... go give I a listen and post your findings, because its those findings that really matter and its those findings that elektron care about. But you can't can you... you got nothing, just a bunch of hearsay.

So tell me, what is the lowest "swing" setting on the MD?
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Re: MD SPS-1 Timing Performance Issues 17 Years, 5 Months ago
Big ups to Dave. I think he is completely right. Isn't a sequencer supposed to play notes back at the specified and programmed times? Loocking at the slight internal jitter of the MD, doesn't the question have to be raised that piano roll sequencers (ie punch cards in the 1890s) had more accurate timing than an MD? If I set a note in a sequencer I want the note to play (and the sound to sound) at the exact time that I have specified. That is the whole point of a sequencer, isn't it? Or am I getting something wrong here.

I give Dave full props for his arguments.

Chris, MnM owner and not blinded by the brushed aluminum......
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King Koopa
Posts: 242
Re: MD SPS-1 Timing Performance Issues 17 Years, 5 Months ago

DLX wrote:

So tell me, what is the lowest "swing" setting on the MD?

What's the MD Swing setting got to do with anything?

It's already got enough jelly built-in without me adding to it.

I want the bolts tightened then maybe the swing might be worth using.

I'm not doing the taste test either and you can make of that what you will. The numbers are in. The results are final. SPS-1 needs a re-sleeve. Just wait and see what happens now.

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Posts: 43
Re: MD SPS-1 Timing Performance Issues 17 Years, 5 Months ago
What is the lowest possible "swing" setting on the MD? Tell me.

Yup, the numbers are in... but unfortunately numbers have nothing to do with music. I assume you aren't going to post your findings for the clip for no other reason than because you have none.
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King Koopa
Posts: 242
Re: MD SPS-1 Timing Performance Issues 17 Years, 5 Months ago

DLX wrote:
What is the lowest possible "swing" setting on the MD? Tell me.

Yup, the numbers are in... but unfortunately numbers have nothing to do with music. I assume you aren't going to post your findings for the clip for no other reason than because you have none.

Off I hope! tell me if I'm wrong...!

The numbers have everything to do with music my friend.

Ziggy's all-in-brawl slop-fest doesn't need analysis - it needs re-recording.

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Posts: 64
Re: MD SPS-1 Timing Performance Issues 17 Years, 5 Months ago

innerclock wrote:

DLX wrote:
What is the lowest possible "swing" setting on the MD? Tell me.

Yup, the numbers are in... but unfortunately numbers have nothing to do with music. I assume you aren't going to post your findings for the clip for no other reason than because you have none.

Off I hope! tell me if I'm wrong...!

The numbers have everything to do with music my friend.

Ziggy's all-in-brawl slop-fest doesn't need analysis - it needs re-recording.


Numbers have nothing to do with music, you only think they do because you consistantly use your eyes instead of your ears. You're a big talker for someone who is so persistant that there is a timing problem. If you actually put your money where your mouth is an identified the timing flaws in the clip in the other thread we probably would have had this wrapped up at page 5... Why does it need rerecording? Is it because you can't actually download it and analysis it with your eyes? Or is it simply because you can't identify sqwat and you are not manly enough to admit it? Have you used a MnM to know that is have similar timing to the MD?

Go on, press the swing button and tell me what the lowest possible "swing" setting is on the MD.
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