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TOPIC: Sounds Analog to Me
Game & Watch
Posts: 2350
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 7 Months ago
ok ok. back track corner.

To be fair i think it is a convenience thing, the mono takes more work to get there than my nord and to be fair i really know my nord, the mono is new.

The other thing is i feel bad using all that mono goodness for just one sound (in poly mode) when it excels at mono sequenced weirdness.

I wish you could pick the amount of mono/poly u wanted, that would be lovely. 5 note poly plus one neighbour machine to run it all through would be juicy.

One cool thing to get a sort of poly chord thing going on is, make sequence and then copy it to another track and just use the scale shift to give you a two note chord pattern. Might even work just from the track chaining trigger thingy.. done some interesting stuff with several arps triggered from one key with that.. might do a vid.. talking of which petur was it my poly mode vid you watched? I stuck one up this weekend.

@dataline: less of the use of the word preset please.
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Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 7 Months ago
dont think you need to backtrack Ross

horses for courses innit... the sort of mangled, ghostly pads I use a lot are a far cry from your classic lush pad which the likes of the Nord will generate, thats for sure. I never use Poly mode btw...I just love the sort of mega,moving pads you can create with an ENS machine & at least one neghbouring FX machine. crazy feedbacking delays...filter sweeps, pans. eq effects etc all going in different directions...bit reduction stuff. Not your typical pads at all really. Thats what I love on my Mono...I don't think I've ever produced sounds like it on any other machine I've ever used.

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Game & Watch
Posts: 2350
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 7 Months ago
xmit wrote:
dont think you need to backtrack Ross

horses for courses innit... the sort of mangled, ghostly pads I use a lot are a far cry from your classic lush pad which the likes of the Nord will generate, thats for sure. I never use Poly mode btw...I just love the sort of mega,moving pads you can create with an ENS machine & at least one neghbouring FX machine. crazy feedbacking delays...filter sweeps, pans. eq effects etc all going in different directions...bit reduction stuff. Not your typical pads at all really. Thats what I love on my Mono...I don't I've ever produced sounds like it on any other machine I've ever used.

Can't argue with any of that. This is why poly mode is missing the trick for me, just wish u could use the neighbour track to mash it up.. the reverb machine is great with the delay and filters set after it.. very odd.. but really useable.

I wonder if you kind of can get round it. Make a track on machine in poly mode, using only 5 note chords, then go back into mono mode and only use track 6 with an effects machine (input bus A. At this point wouldn't u still have a 5 note chord coming from your first track as you hadn't activated any sounds from any of the others?
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Posts: 198
MnM MKII + MDUW MKII + OT + A4 + Eurorack Modular System
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 7 Months ago
Might have been. I think the clip i saw was linked from matrixsynth a few days ago... Anyway. I am glad i saw it since my MnM was basically being used as a dust collector.

I agree that you loose a lot of potential in the machine using poly mode. But i really like how simple it is to operate it in this mode. And this fact might actually make me use it again =)
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King Koopa
Posts: 324
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Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 7 Months ago
that is why I bought it

i mean listen
this is what i get out of the Mono and I love it sounds made with the MD and the Mono-machine , lead is played with the prophecy and that machine it pretty hard to work with so what does the four forty makes it so different i mean those sounds when i listen to it, dont seem so convincing after a day or two
in other words what is so analog about it , and why should I want to buy one
i mean got a jx3p prophecy ds2 and stuff what does it do in comparison to those old school beasts when i think of polysix i think of its filter and arpeggio so yeah want to see more
and you guys just say nothing but I dont know ( scooby doo ) right shaggy !!!
IT is JUst EVIL!!!!!!!!

and just to say somethin about poly mode with the mono It does''nt work !! or at least mine doesnt work as it should all skipping notes and no velocity control it is never what i played and made while recording

on topic :::
and I say Its Poly Darn IT !!

Need more info
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Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 7 Months ago
wonder if you kind of can get round it. Make a track on machine in poly mode, using only 5 note chords, then go back into mono mode and only use track 6 with an effects machine (input bus A. At this point wouldn't u still have a 5 note chord coming from your first track as you hadn't activated any sounds from any of the others?

dunno?! sounds good....anyone care to chime in ? I'm about 7 miles away from my MnM at the mo....
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2350
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 7 Months ago
xmit wrote:
wonder if you kind of can get round it. Make a track on machine in poly mode, using only 5 note chords, then go back into mono mode and only use track 6 with an effects machine (input bus A. At this point wouldn't u still have a 5 note chord coming from your first track as you hadn't activated any sounds from any of the others?

dunno?! sounds good....anyone care to chime in ? I'm about 7 miles away from my MnM at the mo....

Aye similar, stuck at work but sounds possible doesn't it.
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King Koopa
Posts: 324
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yamaha su-10
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 7 Months ago
the only way to get a good poly synth is when you mess around with the super poly option s
placing single cycle chords on each track its just kills my workflow it somewhere on this forum and it called super poly or somethin but its possible it just takes alot of cum o h time hehehe

i think i hope the four fourty solves this problem

I am at home could try it out what should i do ????
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 7 Months ago
ipassenger wrote:
xmit wrote:
wonder if you kind of can get round it. Make a track on machine in poly mode, using only 5 note chords, then go back into mono mode and only use track 6 with an effects machine (input bus A. At this point wouldn't u still have a 5 note chord coming from your first track as you hadn't activated any sounds from any of the others?

dunno?! sounds good....anyone care to chime in ? I'm about 7 miles away from my MnM at the mo....

Aye similar, stuck at work but sounds possible doesn't it.

Not sure about that but I do loads of chord generatory stuff using the monomachine - tracks one to three with the same sound (or usually very slight variations), a couple of effects tracks and then something else on 6- I let a random arp select each chord for me within a set scale... so yeah, you can do what you want but its a PITA to program 'proper polyphony'. The other way is to copy the track across 5 and then transpose each of the tracks for a chord- song mode is good for this. PITA though!
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King Koopa
Posts: 324
machinedrum sps-1 mkI
monomachine mkII
octatrack Dps-1
2x roland jx3p
roland spd-s
korg prophecy
crumar Ds2
crumar bit one
yamaha su-10
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 7 Months ago
So how does the new Elektron machine Do this , it just makes me think they made it work and created a new synth with it ,still hope there is going to be a fix for the MNM , if they can let it work on a new machine ...... sorry just digging with a pick axe I want to know, tell me, us what it is

must say this new product it made my interest for the MNM Bigger , funny
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