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TOPIC: Sounds Analog to Me
Killer Beez
Posts: 1120
3 brown dogs barking at each other....
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 10 Months ago
^ they have.
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Posts: 150
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 10 Months ago
willingness to waste time/money on scifi shorts vaguely for marketing purposes actually makes me respect elektron (far) less.
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Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 10 Months ago
Semitone wrote:
Well done

It's cool to watch

They make these to entertain us while we await proper release and delivery

Don't be so critical ; )

We are music makers..

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Posts: 12
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 10 Months ago
from comparing the real, actual size of the screens of all machines (without the black frames of the hardware layout):

the screen of a4 seems to be the same screen size as in the last youtube video, isnt'it?
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Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 10 Months ago
That was a very long ad just to show a face of a machine. I would find a grainy video of someone tweaking a machine a lot more appealing. Honestly who is the video aimed at? New users? Current users? Sorry big night last night hard to get excited.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 391
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 10 Months ago
WTF is wrong with all you haterz. Its their money, if they wanna make a short movie, fuggit, enjoy it or don't, but saying you respect them less? How does the movie clip impact the product they'll put out in any negative fashion? Goddamn it ain't like Elektron put out a Plocking pad controller for Ableton. NOW THAT SHIT would make me piss allover my trinity and throw in the trash can.

I'm certain it's called TRADITION AND FUTURE for a reason.

you need to have your head examined if your respect meter is measured by a movie clip.
It's entertaining (or not) nothing more.

I applaud them for the movie(s). they're not stupid. You EU folks will produce all the tutorials on Youtube for them, for FREE!!!
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Posts: 198
MnM MKII + MDUW MKII + OT + A4 + Eurorack Modular System
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 10 Months ago
tiparit wrote:
from comparing the real, actual size of the screens of all machines (without the black frames of the hardware layout):

the screen of a4 seems to be the same screen size as in the last youtube video, isnt'it?

Its hard to tell, but to me it looks like the screen is a bit thinner. Vertically.

Another thing that could indicate the box in the video is a prototype (or maybe just a shell) is that it's not even turned on. Or at least it looks like that. Not a single glowing led on the panel. I mean if they put all the effort into making this video they probably would have brought a generator to the wilderness to power the thing... if it was possible to power it (or at least make it look powered)… we´re in a mostly visual culture right =)

Cool video tho! I like it!
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Posts: 12
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 10 Months ago
(to put it more clearly: the screen of a4 seems to be the same screen size as from all other machines)
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Posts: 12
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 10 Months ago
(to put it more clearly: the screen of a4 seems to be the same screen size as from all other machines)
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Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 10 Months ago
The movie was fun

I'm far more interested to see the specs regardless of the advertisement

how long after the OT movie did it launch ? 4 months?

hopefully this will be in Q4 I need a Xmas synth...
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