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TOPIC: Sounds Analog to Me
Posts: 53
M.I. Shruthi1
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Thank you, gentlemen.
Enough! Sorry to bog this thread down with personal troubles. Thanks again for concerns!

I'm with most everyone else! Specs! More Sounds! Please! Amazing what lengths Elektron will go to to please their currents users, and to draw more in with keeping with such visually stunning promo vids and real acting. I'm effectively Teased! *hat's off*! "You can't escape us, Hector." Love it!

And as in one of my few previous posts: I look forward to looking forward to OS updates.
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Posts: 53
M.I. Shruthi1
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 8 Months ago
VennDiagram wrote:

Nice to see my Elektron purchases going towards top notch video production .

My thoughts exactly.

(-and I'll let you folks know what happens next week)
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Posts: 39
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Going by the soundtrack... sounds like triggering samples is a big part of it, so analog filters.. supported by 4 analog synth machines?

The more experimental, fuzzy, warm, noise-making analog brother to the Octatrack..?
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Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 8 Months ago
The movie is cool. Show me that the Elektron guys are not only smart but creative. That's not a poorly produced vid. You can tell a lot thought went into it. Props!

I'm excited
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Posts: 57
MD UW, A4, Monomachine MK I, Yamaha CS-50, Chroma Polaris, SH-1000, EPS, ESQ-1, ASR10, MBase01, SP-404sx + 808
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Walked through the park.

Ate some fungus.

Got arrested.

What a ridiculous world...
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Posts: 1312
mr. applehead
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Maybe it wasnt you locksmith, but someone here has been eating swedish mushrooms
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Posts: 53
M.I. Shruthi1
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 8 Months ago
KOTARE wrote:

What a ridiculous world...

Ridiculous, indeed. Said that word a lot lately.
Glad they got to eat their's Neonleg.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 3930
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 8 Months ago
r05c03 wrote:
Dear Elektron, please do everything the way Anselmi want or he will not be happy. And the sound of your new box, which is completely unexplored by him and not even released yet does not sound impressive to him. Please address this problem very quickly.

I talk directly with the gods, boy...
thanks anyway for trying to´re so cute...
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Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Wow!! While 10yrs later I am still wrapping my brain about new ways to use my elektron machines!... They drop anotha BOMB! So dope.. So dope...
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Posts: 74
Re:Sounds Analog to Me 11 Years, 8 Months ago
I was a bit surprised by some of the reactions to the teaser video. I get the feeling that Elektron loves its users and that these elaborate teaser videos are more for "us" than for marketing.

Could Elektron make boring videos like Roland does? Yeah, and they could do it at less cost than these cinematic teasers. But they don't. Instead, they go above and beyond to give us something watchable and exciting. I think it's great to have a product from a company like that.

If you're disappointed because you aren't getting the info you want, then the teasers might be working. Or something. The boring videos can come later. Just my opinion.

Anyway. Back to it. I was initially hoping that the "Tradition & Future" thing turned out to be a collaboration between Elektron and Future Retro. Six Revolutions in a box or something wild like that. Not too disappointed though!

Consensus is four voices... But six track buttons? I may be a total noob here, but is anyone else bothered by that count? Are two or more tracks unaccounted for? Are you guys thinking four voices per track or is it possible that the "four" may refer to something else?
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