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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear OT or Machinedrum as master tempo? (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: OT or Machinedrum as master tempo?
Hammer Bro
Posts: 618
Octatrack : Analog Four : NM G2
Re:OT or Machinedrum as master tempo? 11 Years, 7 Months ago
Awesome advice guys - thanks a lot! I would never have thought of swinging the downbeat, you've given me a bunch of new techniques to experiment with. I often find better advice on these forums than in I have in books and magazines!
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Re:OT or Machinedrum as master tempo? 11 Years, 7 Months ago
SecretMusic wrote:
StinkyBeat wrote:
Arps rarely ever swing.

I can swing arps on Waldorf synths and Access synths. Just saying

And just because some arps don't swing, doesn't mean that Elektron's arps shouldn't. Would you lose anything if that feature was implemented or considered ?

In any case, the OT is a great master clock, its timing is close to impeccable.

Cheers !

That is a much better point than what I said.

Back to OT/MD sync
I really like controlling my MD's tempo with a BCF2000. Is there any midi tempo control on the OT. Just got it last month and not gotten that far. The MD's tempo is controlled via sysex and I don't see any sysex info in the OT manual. I can achieve much better tempo changes with a fader than with an endless encoder.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2668
Re:OT or Machinedrum as master tempo? 11 Years, 7 Months ago
only having experienced the OT for 24 hours, I could not say, regarding external mid rotary -> OT tempo.

however, something of interest, as regards the Machinedrum, in the global settings,

->Mech Settings

there is an option to change (for MkII units) the knob resolution from 24 to 32.
this gives finer adjustment potential.
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Re:OT or Machinedrum as master tempo? 11 Years, 7 Months ago
^ no finer adjustment, just more control, but harder to sweep the full range.
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Posts: 103
Re:OT or Machinedrum as master tempo? 11 Years, 7 Months ago
I know this thread is mainly about OT vs MD for master tempo, but after some experimenting I decided on using the Monomachine as master for my trinity setup, as I didn't like the artifacts on the mono's delays when slaved. The MD and OT don't get such artifacts when slaved, and the OT's timestretching doesn't seem to be too bad either.
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Posts: 129
Re:OT or Machinedrum as master tempo? 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Anyone swing here? lol
Sorry had to put it in.
ps I don't.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 429
Re:OT or Machinedrum as master tempo? 11 Years, 5 Months ago
HighSage wrote:
Tarekith wrote:
Swing of 57, Accent track set to 7 or 8, bliss


For my 4 on the floor techno in the Detroit style, I swing at 52%, and include the 1/16 step and/or the 9/16 steps as swing steps (in addition to the default even number swing steps).

I like 54% too, but anything more than that, to my ears and style, starts to sound like the euro minimal swing vibe that I've grown tired of lately. All depends on what you're goin' for I suppose.

Also like to play around with zero swing (50%) set on some tracks, and 52% on others. Swinging the kick on that 1 and 9 steps, but NOT swinging the hats, for example... Swinging the claps, but not the snares for a slight flam effect on the 5 and 9, etc.

oh man I have to try that last part!
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Re:OT or Machinedrum as master tempo? 11 Years, 5 Months ago
I spoke with Elektron about this very subject two weeks ago and they suggested to use the Octa as the master because of both the time stretching, and that the Octatrack has a much more precise clock.
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Re:OT or Machinedrum as master tempo? 11 Years, 1 Month ago
I have had the OT 6 months and now I am going through this issue as well.

Okay, here's what I'm thinking. Percussion has been drawing more and more of my focus. The obvious choice and the one most people I have read choose is OT as master.

My setup consists of MD, OT, x0x, Little Phatty, and a Simmons sds-400 tom brain.

My main issue comes down to swing! But pattern changing, mutes, ect. are also a consideration.

If I use the OT as master the MD is limited to 4 swing percentages 0, 55, ?, and 80).

I can compensate on the OT with micro timing. I think I will be okay with slight warbling

I love sequencing the x0x with 2 to 4 MD tracks. Swing is a big part of that.

I want to give a solid go at sequencing MD mutes on the OT and OT mutes on the MD.

The routing I am considering:
MD master clock. Midi machines triggering the x0x and OT pattern changes/mutes (pattern changes on the OT not synced to MD pattern changes, I will be using bank/program change on the previous pattern and amp level mutes), 2 individual outs triggering two voices of the Simmons brain with the audio routed back into the MD.

OT slaved to MD clock and transport but not changing patterns automatically with the MD. OT midi tracks controlling the LP and MD (when retrig, micro timing, and different track length/time sig is needed and for mutes).

Any things to consider or a better way to do things?
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