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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re: Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event? (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re: Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event?
Posts: 71
Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event? 16 Years, 9 Months ago

Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event? If not when will it be available?

Just completed a big eBay Jumble sale from a studio clear out and I'm now ?600 closer to a Monomachine
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Posts: 825
Re: Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event? 16 Years, 9 Months ago
surely turnkey has them in stock but why dont you ask them...?
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Hero of Winds
Posts: 1512
Re: Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event? 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Yeah that would be the best idea methinks....
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Posts: 36
Re: Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event? 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Make sure its a new one though!
Turnkey are owned by by Soundcontrol and Soundcontrol are awefull with stock (They dont keep any synths or expensive hardware in stock.) Whats on display is what they WILL sell you for full price if they can.
Turnkey are better since they are more web based it seems like everything dosent go strait out on display for anyone to jam with. But, when i got my machinedrum from Turnkey delivered to work imagine my disappointment when i opened the box to find no power lead and a machine with scratches and marks on. I dont live anywhere near london and it took two days to get my new one.

Also search for the best price and make them beat it.
Be carefull they may try and rip you off!! :-o
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Posts: 71
Re: Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event? 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Oh, I assumed they were out of stock worldwide because the direct order page on the Elektron site says 0 available to buy. Now that I think about it that isn't necessarily true I suppose.

(Wanders off to do do some Googling)
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Posts: 47
Re: Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event? 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Yo, I'm not so sure that they will. I've been waiting months to get my machinedrum and am still waiting. I had to cancel my first order with rubadub due to stock problems and I'm now getting it through soundcontrol in leeds who are the people that own turnkey.

The procedure is that all the elektron gear is ordered in to turnkey and then it's dispatched to the rest of the country from there. When I ordered the MD i was quite lucky because soundcontrol/turnkey had ordered in 22 units and I got the 20th and they said there was another 3 month waiting list after that. I rang them yesterday as well and they say the date the batch of elektron gear is arriving in the country is the 24th and that leeds will have my machine on the 30th.

Basically they made it sound to me like the elektron gear was selling like hotcakes and that everything was on back order etc etc, so I would have thought that all the monomachines will be reserved for other people too.

That being said though obviously the best thing to do would be to ring em and check. I maybe misinformed or u never know, they might be bringin some extra machines over from sweden!
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Hero of Winds
Posts: 1512
Re: Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event? 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Wow, didn't know SC owned Turnkey. Makes sense that their magazines are the same now.

I gotta say I've dealt with Turnkey and I found them brilliant. I bought my Alesis Ion from them after struggling for months with Digital [d]Bastards[/d] Village who pretty much took my ?400 and ran away with it.
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Posts: 47
Re: Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event? 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Yeah man, neither did I until I tried getting the MD, but I've been told this several times by them. This and the procedure in which they say elektron gear arrives in England means that it must be true though.

I do hope Turnkey are reliable with the dates they've given me for the machinedrum. I haven't had any problems with SoundControl in the past but have had a very bad time with Rubadub. They basically did the same thing to me with your Alesis Ion but with the Machinedrum, I bought one new from them off eBay and they apparently didn't have one in stock. So basically they took ?1089 off me for a product that didn't exist and then kept lying to me about the date they were gonna get it in. Luckily got my money back but waited a month. Now I've been waiting about a month with SC and I dunno if i could take it if they were lying to me as well! I've read through the instruction manual and seen all the videos on youtube so many times for this thing, you can imagine how mental i am going!

Obviously these things are gonna be hard to come by as there's only one place in the world that makes them, coupled with the the harsh nature of events that's happened at Elektron recently you can't blame them for things for going slowly. My advice based on my experience is that if your wanting to buy one of these machines then just get it ordered as soon as you can, don't just gamble on there being machines at the event otherwise you'll just be waiting longer if you do end up having to order one. Elektron said on there website that they're back pulling double shifts at the factory making these things so hopefully you won't have to wait too long to get one now anyway.
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Posts: 36
Re: Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event? 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Was it Soundcontrol themselves who said electron stuff goes straight to them? Because they will tell you that their sole distributors of anything if it will make you buy it from them. (cos it sounds good)
When i returned my access virus (which they said they are sole distributors of and got them before ANYONE else) because it had bad sync problems and realy loud pops and crackles i was asurred the old unit would go back to access. A couple of days later after i had swapped the virus for a Lead 3 i found mine complete with chip out of the side panel sold and reseved for pickup at full price.

In my experience Soundcontrol only ever have one MD, MNM at a time and both go straight on display.
Turnkey keep stock but they admited when i recieved my MD with no charger that i had been sent a return item.
Dont know about you but i like my stuff untouched so make sure you are receiving stock not display!!
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Hero of Winds
Posts: 1512
Re: Will the Monomachine be available to buy at the Turnkey event? 16 Years, 9 Months ago
I bought one new from them off eBay and they apparently didn't have one in stock. So basically they took ?1089 off me for a product that didn't exist and then kept lying to me about the date they were gonna get it in.
Are you sure Rubadub aren't run by Digital Village? :-P
DV kept on saying they'd get one in after selling MY ION to another person. Bastards!
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