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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear md mk1 reboots during play (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: md mk1 reboots during play
Posts: 1312
mr. applehead
Re:md mk1 reboots during play 11 Years, 2 Months ago
I know it may seem odd. Thats what happened to me too. The wire breaks inside the cable and intermittently conducts. Its really shit cable on the mk1 md power supply. I dont expect you believe me but i just try to help u. This is your problem 99% sure. Take it or leave it. Bye.
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Posts: 1312
mr. applehead
Re:md mk1 reboots during play 11 Years, 2 Months ago
It defies all logic sure. Moving the cable may or not reproduce the problem. But its a very cheap solution besides paying to have it 'repaired' good luck!
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Posts: 39
Re:md mk1 reboots during play 11 Years, 2 Months ago
Neonleg, I was away from the forum for a whille ( i guess also due to very low respondsrate).
Yes that is indeed what I did, I moved the cable around to see if it reboots.

You seem to be very sure about your case, so I guess it cant hurt me to investigate this a bit more.

I would rather buy a alternative power supply, from a third brand producer. I cant really find them thougj.

thank you a lot for telling me, I will surely do something with the information.

i will post my findings
or actually, I will Pm them to you , since this forum does not seem to care about this issue at all
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Posts: 107
Machinedrum UW Mk I
Monomachine Mk I
Novation Ultranova
OTO Biscuit
Future Retro XS
Re:md mk1 reboots during play 11 Years, 2 Months ago
I had this same problem with my UW MK I a year ago. The issue was solved by my electronically knowledgable friend who only disassembled the machine and put it together again. Have not had the problem since. As far as I understand it had to do with oxidation or dirt in connection between parts.

I also could add that I tried using my MnM power supply before sending it to my friend. With no result. Using the MD PSU did not cause any problems with the MnM as far as I can remember.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 416
Re:md mk1 reboots during play 11 Years, 2 Months ago
audiohufter wrote:
I was away from the forum for a whille ( i guess also due to very low respondsrate).


this forum does not seem to care about this issue at all

it may be that we're a clueless bunch regarding your problem. we could post meaningless drivel, but that wouldn't help your cause either, would it.
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Posts: 39
Re:md mk1 reboots during play 11 Years, 2 Months ago
Thanks for reactions Credo and Void,

I guess the best I can do now is try to find a replacement psu ( if anyone has a clue to where to buy one? I have searched the net and ebay but no succes).
To see if i'm lucky with that and end this unclear journey

will post my findings for future references offcourse

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Posts: 107
Machinedrum UW Mk I
Monomachine Mk I
Novation Ultranova
OTO Biscuit
Future Retro XS
Re:md mk1 reboots during play 11 Years, 2 Months ago
Ask the Elektron HQ. They are very helpful.
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Posts: 1312
mr. applehead
Re:md mk1 reboots during play 11 Years, 2 Months ago
Of course i cant be sure that this is your problem.
just that in my case after disassembling the machinechecking the connevtors and solder joints then replacing the power connector socket, all in vain.. Much grief. And all it was was thepower cable as the power supply tested fine. I had always taken care of the power cable but when i cut it open it was obvious.. The internal wire is so light guage and not many strands. Pissweak. So this is why i am so sure.. Im suprised ot lasted this long!
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Posts: 39
Re:md mk1 reboots during play 11 Years, 1 Month ago
i v had the cable replaced today. (only the cable that goes between machinedrum and adapter). the proplem still persist. went fromt happy to very sad today. also lost a track that working in again. and that made me happy. all gone now again. innever had this with any other brand i have owned pretty much of these toys
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Posts: 39
Re:md mk1 reboots during play 11 Years, 1 Month ago
i v had the cable replaced today. (only the cable that goes between machinedrum and adapter). the proplem still persist. went fromt happy to very sad today. also lost a track that I was working on again by this. all gone now again. i never had this with any other brand and i have owned pretty much of these toys. grrr
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