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TOPIC: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII !
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
now that's service for you Think - you really had the most extreme case of burn.

I got my Elektron gear within year but wouldn't trade my time with it for anything... that's silly. Again- I'm just glad that they are still in business, updating existing product lines and deveopling something new (hopefully).

If I do upgrade the amount of cash lost on the transaction will be pretty close to the cost of the UW upgrade offer Elektron extended for the MD. Expensive but fair.

as stated and I agree - however small the upgrades are - the level of detail in the Elektron gear is so usefull that each (small) function provides massive amounts of musicality. I'm intrigued by being able to sample 64 steps in RAM. I don't have my box in front of me now... is it possible to sample 64steps with the classic model while chaining patterns?
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Posts: 960
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
Now if Native Instruments could adopt that sort of customer service...........
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2163
Once you go Elektron...
Theres no going backetron!

Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago

ThinkTanx wrote:
Hey guys, I had to post a satisfying update on my situation. Jon wrote to me and offered to refund my money for the UW MkI upgrade so that I could go ahead and order the UW MkII. Then he is gonna ship my SPS-1 Classic back to me along with my new UW MkII at no charge. I accepted! Plus, I got the friend rebate, so, in the end, everything is very peachy! I am stoked!

I should say that I did not ask for this, Jon simply offered. Of course, it helps that they are gonna get an extra $1000 out of the deal, but everyone wins this way. The only downside I can see is the money I spent shipping my SPS-1 Classic over to Gothenburg. But the friend rebate pretty much made up for that. Very cool!

MkII on the way... I am going over to the dark side! 8-)

You wanker, YOU! :-x
what a deal!

I'll upgrade mine if you do
< admin edit (from ridiculous overly dramatic extra large bold font to bold) - STOP IT hageir! if you have Elektron specific questions, direct them to: , .
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OT Beta Team
Posts: 10
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
Hi all! The time is soon 11 PM here in Sweden and winter appears to be approaching fast. So, close to 40 hours have passed since we released the MKII versions of our products and it has been interesting to read the posts here at the forum. It is as we expected, some people liked the updates and others had their doubts. However, after reading many of the posts, I feel there are certain things that need to be set straight.

The main reason why the MKII units were released was because we really didn?t have any choice. Vital components of the MKI?s had become obsolete and because of this the internals of both the Machinedrum and the Monomachine had to be redesigned. While we were at it, we also chose to improve certain areas of the units. Sure ? we could have kept everything just the same, but we felt a little vitamin injection would do no harm. After all, surviving in the music industry is not the easiest of things and when you get the chance to hone your knives it is unwise not to do it.

If you have kept track of our homepage you would have noticed that we haven?t been selling anything for over two months. This was both due to delivery problems from the factory, but also because we didn?t want to sell MKI units when we knew we would release MKII?s. If we wanted, we could have sold MKI units until the day before the release of the MKII?s. Two months of basically no sales is quite frankly not very good for a small company like us as we rely solely on the income from our units. But we chose to be as caring as possible to our potential customers-to-be.

We also want to be as caring as possible to our current customers. One question that has arisen is obviously what will happen to all of you already owning a Machinedrum or a Monomachine. The simple answer is of course that we will still support your units. New OS?s will be released for both the MD and the MM. After all, MKI machines still compromise 99.9% of all Elektron units in existence. Some of the things found in the MKII units will not be possible to incorporate in the MKI?s due to hardware differences, for example the user waveforms soon to be found in the Monomachine MKII, but we aim to bring the MKI units as close as possible to the MKII?s in terms of features. At the moment it is hard to say exactly what will be implemented and not, but at the end of the day I hope and think you will be satisfied.

Daniel?s name has popped up here and there. Please remember that he safeguarded himself by writing (regarding releasing new versions of the same model) ?I can't promise it won't ever happen?. For the record, during a meeting everyone here at Elektron, including Daniel, came to the conclusion that taking the MKII path would be the only viable solution.

As you might?ve noted we haven?t exactly brought forward the big artillery to salute the advent of the MKII?s. The reason for this is that we really don?t consider them as ?new? products, but as the name alludes, updates to our current line. This inevitably brings us to the final stop of this lengthy excursion ? what about the future? All I can say is that new stuff will be released and that we have a quite clear image of what the future will bring. This future is, to cite Jony Ive when being asked by Steve Jobs what he thought about the newly released iPhone, ?not too shabby? looking.

The music machine quest continues!
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Game & Watch
Posts: 1866
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
Thanks for setting things straight, Jon. I'm sure everyone appreciates it.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago

Jon wrote:
This inevitably brings us to the final stop of this lengthy excursion ? what about the future? All I can say is that new stuff will be released and that we have a quite clear image of what the future will bring. This future is, to cite Jony Ive when being asked by Steve Jobs what he thought about the newly released iPhone, ?not too shabby? looking.

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Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
cant wait for the new machines!!!!!!!!!!! stoked!
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Posts: 2932
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
Hey Jon,

Thanks for taking the time to post -- gonna echo TT and say that I hope sure everyone can step away from the ledge now.

We really do appreciate you taking the time to stop by and make an announcement.

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Posts: 3802 - Specializing in mastering and mixdowns of electronic music.
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
See, problem solved.

Thanks Jon.
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Posts: 2839
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
Thanks Jon.
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