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TOPIC: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII !
Game & Watch
Posts: 2163
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Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago

rudebop wrote:

Ookpikk wrote:
Selling it for 1/2 retail would be idiotic. The new upgrades aren't that great, and there is a new OS around the corner.

It's too bad I really want the user wavetable feature, otherwise I'd be happy to buy a mono off someone for $600.

also true..actually old owners shouldnt do panic sells wright now... and elektron should rise the price for the mk2 for something like 8 months...

and of cause update the mk1..and especially debug it

this is a good idea.
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Posts: 173
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago

actuel wrote:

rudebop wrote:

ThinkTanx wrote:

BUT what of my MD that is in Sweden right now? I must say that is the one thing that really kinda disappoints me. I am assuming that it will come back to me as a MD-UW Classic. I would think that before I plunked down $500 (plus another $200 for shipping!), Elektron would let me know that there was about to be an MkII version coming out. I could have spent that money on an MkII after selling my SPS-1 Classic.

thats a kind of rip off... they extra anounced that they found some "extra" boards...after allready having stopped doing the upgrade... so they actually lured some users in to sell their reststock for a high price...thats pretty bad

you should ask for a reduction...

This issue was resolved, and was posted here in this very thread. If you have issue's with Elektron's sales methods send them here:


You may consider reading through the whole thread before responding to every post

Thats good to hear..because it defenetly wasnt wise to offer the upgrades so short of the internaly known arival of the new models, even when ther was no basd intention...
So its good tzo know that they fixed it.
elektron should have offerd such mk1 uw updates at a later point after the release of the mk2 versions... There might be still interst of some die hard mk1 owners..they are bigger..and bigger is better as we all know.

and about replying..its impossible to read all posts in this monster thread... and be cause everythiong is said here at least 4 times i choosed the right to show my opinion regardless...

Like often with small companys there is no publicrelations department with electron and so there are little mistakes happening...

like offering mk1 uw upgrades so short before day zero...
dont hqave a little bugfix update for the mk1 units before day zero..
dont have an oficial word about the future of mk1 units at day zero...

little things that help to keep the users trusty and help to prevent panic sales that get to much units on the second hand market just before christmas...
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Posts: 173
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
ok..i see.. i should have read everything... there is an official statement that makes things feel better... would have been worthy to be in an own thread and not hidden in this monster thread...

regarding the bigger is better thing... its a bit problematik that the new machines are slimmer.. i actually like the form factor of the old ones..its the wright high for being next to a 909 or 808..

slimmer looks a bit cheaper..but less wight is allway a good thing..and the md mk1 is heavy...

would be nice if there are more technical data and details published..

However.. elektron maybe should ship the new units with atachable feet so that they reach the same high as the mk1 units..
for peple that want to combine them with mk1 units or in general like to have more distance from dirty gig tables... wouldnt be too bad... cable can be put underneath a mk2 machine than.. even a spare sport cigarette woul find place within 12 mm
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Game & Watch
Posts: 1866
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago

jsrockit wrote:

ThinkTanx wrote:

zoot wrote:
little disappointing that the mk1 MnM cannot be fully upgraded. particularly the user waveform. which was the most popular wishlist request.

To be fair, Elektron (Daniel) always said that was never gonna be possible.

To be fair, I think he meant there would never be UWs like the MD... this is a different type of Userwaves isn't it? More like a traditional synth loads userwaves ie waveforms...not samples.

Yeah, it is totally different. But they obviously had to change the internal hardware and DSP to be able to implement it. I was just thinking that it is a bit unfair to call them to task over that being 'the most popular wishlist request' when they continually stated a UW upgrade couldn't be done to the MnM Classic.
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Posts: 2
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago

papertiger wrote:

I took delivery of a brand new Machinedrum SPS-1UW from one of your distributors here in the US last week.

Err. . . I don't want to come across as a smart-ass/jerk, but if you took delivery last week, does the place you bought from not have a 30 day return policy? Returning it from whence it came would probably be your best bet. . . then you can get an MKII instead if you wanted to -- although I'm not sure when Elektron is going to actually be delivering them...


I'm sure I could return if desired, I was just wondering what the options were If I decided to go down that path. I am quite pleased with my MD SPS-1UW mkI and will just stick with the one I have at this point. No harm done and no more waiting.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2163
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Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
So, I'm thinking about "upgrading" and selling my md uw..
because I want to buy the monomachine mkII and I thought, why the hell not buy them both at the same time.
AND have them matching in height
Ridiculous I know, but hey, that's me, I'm ridiculous :-D

so what are the prices now for the Classic gear?
have they dropped a lot since the announcement?
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Posts: 2950
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
I think they're around 50 Euros now, sell quickly, by next week they'll be around 20 I guess :-P
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 518
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
The prices shouldn't reduce that much if at all.

The cost of a brand new MDUW is ?1590, as it was before the mk2's came out. There wont be any mk2's on the second hand market for at least 6 months i would say. I cant see how prices would be effected that dramatically unless everybody sells their mk1's at the sametime.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2163
Once you go Elektron...
Theres no going backetron!

Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago

Nils wrote:
I think they're around 50 Euros now, sell quickly, by next week they'll be around 20 I guess :-P

bwahahahahaha :-P
I can't wait to sell mine for 15.. maybe 16 with the turbomidi+rack ears?

Wavecircle wrote:
The prices shouldn't reduce that much if at all.

The cost of a brand new MDUW is ?1590, as it was before the mk2's came out. There wont be any mk2's on the second hand market for at least 6 months i would say. I cant see how prices would be effected that dramatically unless everybody sells their mk1's at the sametime.

yeah, makes sense..
so $1450 / ?1300 is still on?
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Game & Watch
Posts: 1866
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 8 Months ago
I think I'm gonna try and sell my SPS-1 Classic for around $900-$950.
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