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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:question re: OT track transpose (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:question re: OT track transpose
Posts: 5
question re: OT track transpose 11 Years ago
Hi list,

I love writing little riffs on the A4, and then experimenting with chord progressions using the track transpose feature of the A4 and the little keyboard. Magic!

On the Octatrack, I'm having similar fun writing little riffs using an external midi keyboard, driving flex machines playing melodic samples, in live record mode. I prefer it with timestretching off, and I get two octaves of chromatic sample playback in a traditional sampler way.

This is great. But how do I transpose the melodic track I've just written to another key? Please don't say 'resample the track'. Since the p.locks that are generated by the live recording (or I would also presume with grid record and per trig pitch plocks) are offsets anyhow, is there a way to change the baseline pitch of all the trigs?

I suppose I could use multisamples (C, C#, D, D#,E,F, etc) assigned to different start points, but I think I'd hit the same difficulty - how would I offset the start point of every plocked step on a track at once?

Sorry if I'm abusing terminology. The OT makes perfect sense to me using it as a loop playback and mangler. But as a sampler instrument, it's a bit mind bending. I knew this going in - that the OT is not optimized to be a traditional sampler keyboard machine. But I am happy with the ability to play back samples over 2 octs, with basic A-hold-D envelopes, and midi chromatic control, and live recording. So ability to transpose (even if it was some hidden midi thing) would be most welcome.

Some kind of midi loopback, perhaps?? Can I use a midi sequencer track to trigger chromatic samples on an audio track?

Thanks, minphase
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Posts: 34
Re:question re: OT track transpose 11 Years ago
Ive been wanting proper transpose for so long! How hard can it be! Its a staple

Especially on midi tracks with the chromatic keyboard, and not just the arp (which has keyboard transpose).
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Posts: 69
Re:question re: OT track transpose 11 Years ago
the manual says following:

TRAN is used to transpose the arpeggio up or down in the specified amount of semitones.
This setting will affect the note trigs of the track even if the MODE setting is set to OFF.

so transposing midi tracks would be possible

edit: taking back the crap I wrote about the lfo
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Posts: 42
Re:question re: OT track transpose 11 Years ago
If you're live recording p-locks with external keyboard, wouldn't it be faster and easier just you record again in the key of interest? (it's not like you're recording dona lee in a different key, is it )
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Posts: 34
Re:question re: OT track transpose 10 Years, 12 Months ago
Transposing with the encoder is not accurate when you want to hit the right key in time.

Transpose with the Chromatic keyboard works with the arp, but not sequencers. You are either forced to use the encoder or the arranger.

Neither particularly good for jamming or quick exploration of a key change

Same goes for samples
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Re:question re: OT track transpose 10 Years, 12 Months ago
You can use a midi feedback loop, but be very careful about what is sent and received. Never a technique I am comfortable with.

Scenes and a static LFO is the way to go. In the LFO designer, design an all high and separately an all low LFO. Send the LFOs to pitch. Setup some scenes that control the LFO depth (the high LFO for transpose up and the low for down). The amount of depth will control the amount of transpose. Setup up different scenes at different depths for your needed amounts of transpose. Now, you can transpose with a button push or the crossfader.
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Posts: 5
Re:question re: OT track transpose 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Thanks a million, Stinkybeat -- that's just what I was looking for. Not simple (oh no, not with OT!), but logical enough and useable. Cheers! KevinC
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