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TOPIC: Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests
Posts: 87
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 16 Years, 5 Months ago
a way to cue up songs (as well as patterns) via midi program change.
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Posts: 49
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 16 Years, 5 Months ago
an option in global to play pads on muted tracks
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Game & Watch
Posts: 3930
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 16 Years, 5 Months ago
hageir wrote:
NOW that is what I've been wondering about for AGES!!
YES PLEASE! -better yet, a little switch for the SRR machine: "Pre/Post-Filter/EQ"

yeah..tht´s would be the better solution but I think they doesn´t have a place for it in the interface...ell maybe a bidirectional SRR...counterclockwise sets it befofe filter/EQ and clockwise place it after those stages

This could could be switched around for the "AM" parameter (isn't it before the Filter+EQ? -I hardly use the AM anymore..)

yeah...and the frequency steps could be quantized in, say, quarter semitone steps, so you know that each 4 values you get exact semitone tuning

anselmi wrote:

LFO bipolar/unipolar switch

Inverted LFO?
If that's what you're talking about you can use the mix parameter to switch between them

bipolar: the way it´s implemented in both MD and MnM...i.e.: you set the cutoff frqeuency to 40, then set the LFO depht to 20, so the cutoff will be modulated 10 units UP and DOWN, so a total range of 20, but in bipolar way...10 UP nad 10 DOWN, from the original value

unipolar: the LFO will modulate the cutoff from 40 to 60...same modulation range of 20 but in a one way fashion from the original value (in that example possitive way)...that´s a real need for pitch modulation or another parameter you programed and want to be modulated from that base to another value and returned to the programmed point, not a different one
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 Last Edit: 2008/01/28 00:56
Chain Chomp
Posts: 478
Machinedrum SPS-1UW+ MkII
Monomachine SFX-60+ MkII
Roland Gear
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 16 Years, 5 Months ago
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Posts: 13
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 16 Years, 5 Months ago
Heh, Ive been happily using Mnm MKII for a while now and absolutely
love the workflow. I was thinking it would be very exciting if next feature/release
from Elektron would be software only..... There is a lot of these MD's and MnM's
around and i would be very happy if i could purchase a whole new synth-thingy
with new FX for my existing MnM MKII hardware.

The hardware is there, could it be possible to buy a new synthesis done by Elektron
into my MnM. I see no reason to build a new hardware when the 'old' hardware has good specs, a lot of buttons and juice to run something else too.
Imagine if you could load a whole new synth or something like that into your
current hardware with Sysex. ...later when you want to use MnM again backup your songs
you've done with the new 'synth' and load back the MnM.

I would happily pay a few hundred euros to be able
to expand the usability with this current hardware.
Don't flame me, i dream a lot
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1030
monomachine mk2, Analog 4, boss dr110
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 16 Years, 5 Months ago
Do you mean: software that allows you to create new user machines for the MD?
Yes this would be mad!

So too loop point modulation, wave-table scanning, transwave style emulation, different loop modes, granular stuff. But I'd readily give up any new functions/features for just a ram upgrade please!
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Posts: 13
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 16 Years, 5 Months ago
Hey that sounds great!!
I meant that when people discuss that what's the next release from
Elektron that what if it wouldn't be a new hardware but something new
that you could install into your MnM or MD that you allready have.

Like a MD running on my MnM or the other way around...
eh, that was a bad example.Maybe something more like Elektron
would announce a completely new concept ( new synthesis based on something )
just like they got SID synthesis on MnM. What if there would be something like a
Nes or DMG-01 synthesis machine that you could pay and download from their webstore
and use it with your current hardware. Maybe even completely new way of sequensing
and creating your sounds.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2163
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Theres no going backetron!

Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 16 Years, 5 Months ago
that's a very good idea; to make the Elektrons: Open-Source
a program to make your own e12 machines would be a killer too (with all the multi-sample layering, crossfading, etc.)

as for hardware requests:
I'd kill for an overall effects+mastering+processing unit
hell, maybe a hardware, multi-track recorder, with all of the above + parameter locks, etc.?
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1218
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 16 Years, 5 Months ago

Just like in the MnM. Easy way to copy kits, patterns, tracks and so on.

I just love the MnMs lfo trigs, like 'one' and 'half'. These should be made available also in MD. Whie you're at it, copy laso the lfo-waveforms.

Just like someone mentioned earlier. Couple of machines to sweeten your final outputs. Or you could implement them to master-effects section as well. Would love to see filter there or something along the lines of transient designer.

I've been saying this for a long time, but never has this materialized. Function+up in track edit mode and the trigs and parameter locks are reversed. Should be simple, shoud be rational suggestion, but doesn't seem to happen.

One rom machine, that has access to whole sample storage (not just slots). This would be usefull, when searching fucked up sounds by scanning start and end parameters with lfos. Just use the whole sample storage as one sample.

(I'll be back for more later )
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 478
Machinedrum SPS-1UW+ MkII
Monomachine SFX-60+ MkII
Roland Gear
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 16 Years, 5 Months ago
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