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TOPIC: Official Elektron MM & MD 'Bug' List
Posts: 198
MnM MKII + MDUW MKII + OT + A4 + Eurorack Modular System
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD 'Bug' List 14 Years, 9 Months ago
teacherofstalker wrote:
MD OS 1.53C

1) INP machines keep receiving input signal even after switching to a kit with no INP machines.

2) INP machines will not revert to default kit settings with [FUNCTION] + [CLASSIC/EXTENDED].
(they will do visually but not aurally)

3) Parameter values in CTR-AL machine stop 1 step before extreme values.
(i.e., 1-126 and not 0-127)

Just wondering if you have reported these bugs to Elektron support?

...the [FUNCTION] + [CLASSIC/EXTENDED] issue is really starting to annoy me =)
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 697
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD 'Bug' List 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Yes Petur! Last week. They said they'll look into it, but with the Xmas holidays, I guess we'll have to wait a bit.

I found some more bugs. I just updated my original post on this thread (page 13).
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Posts: 198
MnM MKII + MDUW MKII + OT + A4 + Eurorack Modular System
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD 'Bug' List 14 Years, 9 Months ago
teacherofstalker wrote:
Yes Petur! Last week. They said they'll look into it, but with the Xmas holidays, I guess we'll have to wait a bit.

I found some more bugs. I just updated my original post on this thread (page 13).

Good work! hopefully we will have fixes for these soon.

I have tested bug 2 - 4 and can confirm that i have the same problems on my machine (MK2). Cant test bug 1 right now... dont have any cables for the inputs here at the moment.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 697
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD 'Bug' List 14 Years, 9 Months ago
More bugs! See my post, page 13.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 792
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD 'Bug' List 14 Years, 9 Months ago
I don't know if it's a new bug or if it's normal, but I can't seem to be able to send sysex (backup file) to my computer on turbo mode...
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Posts: 112
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD 'Bug' List 14 Years, 9 Months ago
The Input machines blink with the parameters changed while recording, but the values don't sound any different on playback. However, the parameters modulate noticeably well via the LFO.
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King Koopa
Posts: 317
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD 'Bug' List 14 Years, 9 Months ago
1) INP machines keep receiving input signal even after switching to a kit with no INP machines.

This is a "feature" of the machinedrum. I had long chats to Erase about this earlier in the year.

Basically INP machines wont stop unless the next kit has another instrument triggered on that pattern.

Unfortunately this often causes "doubling" up of input machines if your track placement of them is not identical in all kits.

Another problem with this is that if the track on the next kit is a MIDI machine, then the INPUT machine will not be disabled!!! Apparently this was an intentional design decision. Big annoyance in my opinion
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King Koopa
Posts: 317
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD 'Bug' List 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Bug: MD OS 1.53C

This has been happening occasionally:
Harmonic distortion on all tracks independent of Master Volume.

I'm not sure of the circumstances. Have only noticed it on 1.53c
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King Koopa
Posts: 324
machinedrum sps-1 mkI
monomachine mkII
octatrack Dps-1
2x roland jx3p
roland spd-s
korg prophecy
crumar Ds2
crumar bit one
yamaha su-10
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD 'Bug' List 14 Years, 8 Months ago
1,53c is making my md going ape shit it doesnt send midi notes properly its sounds like its not fixed at all i cant record parameters locks on the steps when im recording on the fly very anoying what the f... happend with this new os even did a soft reset doesnt seem to fix anything it made my machine drum mk 1 totally fucked is there anybody out there who can tell me what the hell is going on with my md ? also my knobs turns are very rapidly and jump from 1 to 127 when you just turn it a little man please someon ehelp !!!!!!!!!

also the midi machine is weird if i set a length of 16/16 on the midi note the length it plays to is 8/16 not 16/16 this is really anoying programming my external synth layers i tought this was fixed i didnt have this in 1,53b what s going on this all make me want go back to os 1.01

and ps sorry for my f.... in there i just cant have this happening to my md I havr to fix this before the weekend I have shit loads of gigs coming up

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Re:Official Elektron MM & MD 'Bug' List 14 Years, 8 Months ago
my MDUW MKI ignores parameter locks w/1.53c!

oof that's a big one. no matter what i do.. it just ignores them

tried reinstalling the OS, soft reset etc.. no dice

seems to pick and choose when it wants the master FX to work as well

talk about a boner killer.
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