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TOPIC: I'm in love with a machine
Posts: 825
MD Contest 2.0 proposal 19 Years, 5 Months ago
Proposal for a new MD contest, which is more of an MD collaboration in fact:

_ a certain number of MD-users form a team
_ 1 member starts a pattern and adds 1 track to it
_ the sysex pattern+kit is passed to the next member of the group and he/she adds a second track
_ (repeat until all members have added a track or all 16 tracks are filled)

We could just do it with one team for the fun of it, or have several teams compete to come up with the coolest pattern. Restrictions to which machines to use can be included, but for the first time I would allow everything.

What do we think about this (suggestions are welcome, of course) ? And who wants to participate ?

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Posts: 14
Re: MD Contest 2.0 proposal 19 Years, 5 Months ago
this would be interesting. to me the one thing missing is a provision for actually doing arrangement to prepare an audio demo. all 16 tracks banging at once would probably not be representative of what the team had in mind musically.

how about you do all this, passing around midi file between the team as described, then the final version of the sysex would be distributed to the members and each one of them could submit an audio demo with their own muting arrangement (or song mode if they want to save their arrangement's mutes). the rule would be that even if there was something blazingly obviously bad sounding in the final unarranged version, the arranger could only mute/unmute and mix track levels.

downsides: at this point we have stacks of possibly virtually identical audio demos. also, anywhere along the sysex passing chain some wise guy could throw in something that just sounded awful to intentionally throw the event.

possible solutions: one team member is pre-selected to arrange/record the audio demo... could just be that the final member, if there are enough participants, cannot add but has the responsibility of arranging.

also i think it would be easy enough to mutually agree that if someone has added something that sounds utterly cack and it is patently obvious that the member should be booted from that month's event and the offending track removed/replaced by a latter team member.


So with this, we'd have basically a lot of "track musicians" and a "temporary producer" with the role of making it into something nice. something similar to this could be applied to team MnM contests.

otherwise, i have to say that solo contests are likely going to be much much easier to deal with. it is right to say this is more of a collaboration, which is also a good thing.

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Re: MD Contest 2.0 proposal 19 Years, 5 Months ago
or we make it simple and just don't bother muting and building up. just play the pattern as is. the last one sets the levels and that's it.
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Posts: 35
Re: MD Contest 2.0 proposal 19 Years, 4 Months ago

Guest wrote:
or we make it simple and just don't bother muting and building up. just play the pattern as is. the last one sets the levels and that's it.

I agree! Muting is like censorship imo
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King Koopa
Posts: 291
Re: MD Contest 2.0 proposal 19 Years, 2 Months ago
Why don't we organise a new UW contest soon. My upgrade will be back next week or so. And i think it will be pretty cool to make a kit out of 2 or 3 pre selected waves

Hehe, i miss it so much

Also when is the next MD contest planned?
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Posts: 825
Re: MD Contest 2.0 proposal 19 Years, 1 Month ago
there is nothing planned but i'd love to get it going again

but a UW contest? that's gonna be pretty lonely for you! (till they're more widespread...)
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King Koopa
Posts: 291
Re: MD Contest 2.0 proposal 19 Years, 1 Month ago
Well, i have read that some other shipped them too. Including 2 from holland.
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Posts: 1368
OT, MD-UW Mk2, SFX-60 Mk2, SFX-6
Re: MD Contest 2.0 proposal 19 Years, 1 Month ago
Please let me know when you guys get it ready, and I'll formalize it on the site, creating the correct upload categories, etc.

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Posts: 2932
I'm in love with a machine 18 Years, 8 Months ago
I got my monomachine a few weeks ago, and I have to say that I have never been so excited about learning a piece of equipment. Fortunately work has been very slow lately -- and while I can't bring it to work and mess with it, I can read the manual. Which I've done. 4 times. And I think about it. Constantly.

So I just wanted to say "hi." And I can't wait to learn from the mm masters on this board.


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Posts: 108
Re: I'm in love with a machine 18 Years, 8 Months ago
The MnM rocks! Gota love it.

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