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TOPIC: Odd Time Signatures
Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Hehe, i really wouldnt know what 5/4 would sound like. Would have to try it out.
Nothing wrong with art btw. Galleries yes, theyre wrong most of the time.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2668
Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 11 Months ago
cool mention about Autechre, i could imagine them enjoying the occasional 5/4 - or, even a 7/8.

helps to count in groups, eg 5/4, count 1-2-3 1-2 over a four beat measure.

perhaps Boards of Canada could also make appropriate utilization of non-even time figures.
whereas Air, maybe they would not use 5/4, although quite possibly would compose with 3/4.

currently i am in love with finding beautiful frequencies, simply playing the Machinedrum at live gigs with a DJ, two-hour set time, a variety of dance patterns on the Elektron...
simple 4/4 and yet incredibly improvisational; like a dream come true.

it is more like a craft than art, also a historical reference in the various hihat sequences, either of tribal rhythms from 20 thousand years ago, or 90's house ..

everything is a texture, a feeling (with a high quality dance club speaker arrangement) .. so, pretty much 4/4, although the search for the perfect bass frequency at the perfect time, is like a Monet painting in audio format.

there is a famous jazz song in 5/4, cannot remember the name .. anyway, the rhythmic signature of the bassline references the traditional approach of the 3/4 2/4 counting combination, and gives a lively feel to the rhythm by playing 1& &3 4 5.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 697
Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 11 Months ago
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Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 11 Months ago
previewlounge wrote:
cool mention about Autechre, i could imagine them enjoying the occasional 5/4 - or, even a 7/8.

helps to count in groups, eg 5/4, count 1-2-3 1-2 over a four bar measure.

perhaps Boards of Canada could also make appropriate utilization of non-even time figures.
whereas Air, maybe they would not use 5/4, although quite possibly would compose with 3/4.

currently i am in love with finding beautiful frequencies, simply playing the Machinedrum at live gigs with a DJ, two-hour set time, a variety of dance patterns on the Elektron...
simple 4/4 and yet incredibly improvisational; like a dream come true.

it is more like a craft than art, also a historical reference in the various hihat sequences, either of tribal rhythms from 20 thousand years ago, or 90's house ..

everything is a texture, a feeling (with a high quality dance club speaker arrangement) .. so, pretty much 4/4, although the search for the perfect bass frequency at the perfect time, is like a Monet painting in audio format.

there is a famous jazz song in 5/4, cannot remember the name .. anyway, the rhythmic signature of the bassline references the traditional approach of the 3/4 2/4 counting combination, and gives a lively feel to the rhythm by playing 1& &3 4 5.

I used to be in a band doing only odd-meter stuff, if you would like to know:
check the tunes Wonderland and Velocity on
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Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 11 Months ago
^^ sweet!
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