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TOPIC: Odd Time Signatures
Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 12 Months ago
Hey - I would like to do some odd-meter stuff. Apart from having a 16x16 pattern and changing this to e.g. 15x16, is there any other way? For instance, if I have a 64x64 pattern and would like to make every page of is shorter, is that possible?
Also, I need this for combining different odd time signatures (e.g. 7/4, then 4/4, then 7/4, then 5/8).
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 697
Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 12 Months ago
Having a 64/64 pattern essentially means that you have 4 bars of 4/4. If you want to make each bar shorter, best way would be to use song mode and specify the length and offset of each bar.

When you say 'combining', did you mean having one track playing 5/8 and another playing 6/8? Cause that's not possible.. For sequencing patterns with different time signatures, once again, you need to use song mode, or chain patterns together.

My advise would be to use a DAW for that stuff.. It's quite annoying dealing with 5/4 or 13/8 when most sequencers' UIs are fixed in 16/16.
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Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 12 Months ago
Thanks for the quick reply!!

Yes, I meant going from a 4/4 to a 3/4 and then a 13/8 after that and so on, with the same sounds/kits.
I managed to do it by making a bank of just 16x16 patterns, and cutting some of them short. Playing with shifting individual trigs back and forth with Function and arrows makes for quite an entertaining little drum groove
To be used in a composition this weekend, made possible by a lot of extra time thanks to a thorough cold
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 12 Months ago
^ you might be best linking numerous patterns together for this... try using the tempo dividers too.
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Posts: 2387
Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 12 Months ago
yeah, tempo dividers can do polyrhythms - sort of. you still have to do the math to program the even rhythms out of it so the two can be heard in contrast and actually sound the polyrhythm.

odd meters are done by shortening the track length.

as for the mixed meter you are wanting to pull of, i think pattern chaining is the best option. linking, for example, four 1 bar patterns, each with a different time signature.

4/4, 3/4, 5/4, 4/4 is a nice one. they are many.
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 12 Months ago
My favourite wierd time sig trick on the MD is to use song mode, take 2-3 step randomly muted sections and tempo fix them... takes ages but fun!
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Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 12 Months ago
What do you mean by tempo fix? Isn't the tempo usually fixed in the MD?
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 532
Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 12 Months ago
tIB wrote:
My favourite wierd time sig trick on the MD is to use song mode, take 2-3 step randomly muted sections and tempo fix them... takes ages but fun!

Yeah, please explain!

What randomly muted sections, do you mean tracks? Take 2-3 step? Do you mean of one pattern?

I only got, 'weird trick', 'takes ages' and 'fun'. But that's not a whole lot to work with.
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 12 Months ago

Try that, the track is still up at my soundcloud somewhere too... ill add a link later. Should explain more about what I mean.

Tempo can be fixed in song mode on the md... you can set really short sections to different tempos...wild.
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:Odd Time Signatures 13 Years, 12 Months ago
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