Controls the threshold the signal has to reach before the compressor kicks in
Left: Lower threshold (signal only has to reach a lower level before the compressor starts working = 'more' compression)
Right: Higher threshold (signal has to reach a higher level before the compressor starts working = 'less' compression)
No effect: Hard right
+ RTIO - Ratio
Controls the amount of compression applied after the threshold has been reached
Left: Lower ratio (full left = 1:1) (less severe compression = 'less' compression)
Right: Higher ratio (full right = 1:256) (more severe compression = 'more' compression)
No effect: Hard left
+ KNEE - Knee
Controls how the compressor behaves around the threshold area
Left: Harder knee (harder compression effect after the signal reaches the threshold = 'more' compression)
Right: Softer knee (softer compression effect after the signal reaches the threshold = 'less' compression)
+ HP - High-pass Filter
Controls the base frequency of the high-pass filter for the signal fed into the side-chain of the compressor
Left: More low frequencies fed into the compressor ('more' compression)
Right: Fewer low frequencies fed into the compressor ('less' compression)
Turning this control to the left will tend to give you more dramatic compression because the compressor is acting on more bass frequencies. You'll tend to hear everything 'ducking' whenever there's a kick.
Note that you're only filtering the signal that the compressor acts upon, not the signal that you hear!
+ OUTG - Output Gain
Controls the amount of make-up gain applied to the signal after compression
Left: Less make-up gain
Right: More make-up gain
No effect: Hard left
+ MIX - Dry Mix
Controls the mix of wet (compressed) and dry (uncompressed) signal to output
Left: Less dry mix (full left = only compressed sound output)
Right: More dry mix (full right = only uncompressed sound output)
compressor_settings.txt (1030 views) · Last modified: 2011/11/25 18:08 by flocked