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Name Function
AG Enhances the high frequencies of the sound.
ATT Length of the attack.
AU Decreases the high frequencies of the sound.
BC Varies the sound between a bongo and congo drum.
BELL Introduces the sound from the inner bell of a ride cymbal.
BEND Pitch bend depth. Bends the pitch of the drum up or down into the basic pitch.
BENV Controls the envelope of the bump.
BR Controls the low frequences of the sound.
BUMP Adds a pitch shift at the start.
CDEC The clap decay time. A higher value gives a longer decay.
CLIC Adds a click at the start.
CLIP A special type of distortion.
CLOS Sets the time to closing the hi hat. A value of 127 means that that the hi hat does not close.
CLPS The number of claps.
CLPY Density of the clap.
CLSN Simulates slight contact between the two cymbals of the hihats.
DAMP Dampens the sound.
DEC Controls the decay time.
DIRT Controls a bit reduction function for the bassdrum.
DIST Distortion.
DTYP Hardness of the distortion.
DUAL Introduces a dual attack.
ENH Enhances the tone.
FB Feedback amount.
GAP Changes the hi-hat gap.
GLEN Adjusts the decay time for the individual grains.
GRAB Sets the time to grabbing the cymbal. A value of 127 means that that the cymbal is never grabbed.
GRNS Adjusts the number of grains in the maraca.
HAMR A higher value gives a softer mallet.
HARD Gives the sound a harder character.
HARM Adds extra harmonics.
HOLD Controls the initial hold time for the volume.
HP High pass filter frequency.
HPF High pass filter frequency.
HPQ High pass filter "Q" value.
LPF Low pass filters the sound.
MDEC The modulation decay time.
MFB Modulation feedback.
MFRQ The modulation frequency.
MOD The frequency modulation depth.
MTAL Adds extra metal character to the sound.
NDEC Noise decay time.
NOIS Adds noise to the start of the sound.
NOISE The amount of noise in the snare drum.
PEAK Gives the sound more edge.
POS Moves the striking point from the center to the edge.
PTCH Controls the basic pitch.
RAMP Ramps the pitch.
RATE Rate of the individual claps.
RATL Adds extra rattle to the sound.
RDEC Speed/decay time of pitch ramp/rattling.
REAL Enhances the effect of the brush.
REV Reverses movement of the maracas.
RICH Adds extra richness to the sound.
RING Controls the amount of ringing in the sound.
ROOM Adds a room sound.
RRTL Adds "ringing” to the sound.
RSIZ Changes the size of the room.
RTIM The time between each retrig. The time is relative to the tempo.
RTRG Number of drum retrigs.
RTUN Changes the tonal quality of the room.
RTYP Type of rattle.
RVOL The volume of the snares’ rattling.
SDEC The decay of the snare drum timbre.
SIZE Changes the apparent size of the instrument.
SLEW Controls the effect of shaking back and forth.
SMOD The modulation depth of the snare drum timbre.
SNAP Amount of snap.
SNAR Adds snare drum timbre to the sound.
SPLEN Length of the snap.
SPTC The pitch of the snare drum timbre.
START Moves the start point of the drum forward.
STOP Sets the length of the sound until it gets stopped abruptly.
STRT Moves the start point of the drum forward or makes it harder.
SUS Length of the sustain.
TENS Regulates the effect of a hard hit.
TFRQ Frequency of the tremolo.
TICK Adds a tick to make the start harder.
TONE Changes tonal quality.
TOP Amount of high frequency harmonics.
TREM Depth of the added tremolo.
TTUN Tunes the top.
TUNE Detunes the sound.

machinedrum_machine_dictionary.txt (1533 views) · Last modified: 2010/12/06 23:21 by ark

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