Name | Function |
AG | Enhances the high frequencies of the sound. |
ATT | Length of the attack. |
AU | Decreases the high frequencies of the sound. |
BC | Varies the sound between a bongo and congo drum. |
BELL | Introduces the sound from the inner bell of a ride cymbal. |
BEND | Pitch bend depth. Bends the pitch of the drum up or down into the basic pitch. |
BENV | Controls the envelope of the bump. |
BR | Controls the low frequences of the sound. |
BUMP | Adds a pitch shift at the start. |
CDEC | The clap decay time. A higher value gives a longer decay. |
CLIC | Adds a click at the start. |
CLIP | A special type of distortion. |
CLOS | Sets the time to closing the hi hat. A value of 127 means that that the hi hat does not close. |
CLPS | The number of claps. |
CLPY | Density of the clap. |
CLSN | Simulates slight contact between the two cymbals of the hihats. |
DAMP | Dampens the sound. |
DEC | Controls the decay time. |
DIRT | Controls a bit reduction function for the bassdrum. |
DIST | Distortion. |
DTYP | Hardness of the distortion. |
DUAL | Introduces a dual attack. |
ENH | Enhances the tone. |
FB | Feedback amount. |
GAP | Changes the hi-hat gap. |
GLEN | Adjusts the decay time for the individual grains. |
GRAB | Sets the time to grabbing the cymbal. A value of 127 means that that the cymbal is never grabbed. |
GRNS | Adjusts the number of grains in the maraca. |
HAMR | A higher value gives a softer mallet. |
HARD | Gives the sound a harder character. |
HARM | Adds extra harmonics. |
HOLD | Controls the initial hold time for the volume. |
HP | High pass filter frequency. |
HPF | High pass filter frequency. |
HPQ | High pass filter "Q" value. |
LPF | Low pass filters the sound. |
MDEC | The modulation decay time. |
MFB | Modulation feedback. |
MFRQ | The modulation frequency. |
MOD | The frequency modulation depth. |
MTAL | Adds extra metal character to the sound. |
NDEC | Noise decay time. |
NOIS | Adds noise to the start of the sound. |
NOISE | The amount of noise in the snare drum. |
PEAK | Gives the sound more edge. |
POS | Moves the striking point from the center to the edge. |
PTCH | Controls the basic pitch. |
RAMP | Ramps the pitch. |
RATE | Rate of the individual claps. |
RATL | Adds extra rattle to the sound. |
RDEC | Speed/decay time of pitch ramp/rattling. |
REAL | Enhances the effect of the brush. |
REV | Reverses movement of the maracas. |
RICH | Adds extra richness to the sound. |
RING | Controls the amount of ringing in the sound. |
ROOM | Adds a room sound. |
RRTL | Adds "ringing” to the sound. |
RSIZ | Changes the size of the room. |
RTIM | The time between each retrig. The time is relative to the tempo. |
RTRG | Number of drum retrigs. |
RTUN | Changes the tonal quality of the room. |
RTYP | Type of rattle. |
RVOL | The volume of the snares’ rattling. |
SDEC | The decay of the snare drum timbre. |
SIZE | Changes the apparent size of the instrument. |
SLEW | Controls the effect of shaking back and forth. |
SMOD | The modulation depth of the snare drum timbre. |
SNAP | Amount of snap. |
SNAR | Adds snare drum timbre to the sound. |
SPLEN | Length of the snap. |
SPTC | The pitch of the snare drum timbre. |
START | Moves the start point of the drum forward. |
STOP | Sets the length of the sound until it gets stopped abruptly. |
STRT | Moves the start point of the drum forward or makes it harder. |
SUS | Length of the sustain. |
TENS | Regulates the effect of a hard hit. |
TFRQ | Frequency of the tremolo. |
TICK | Adds a tick to make the start harder. |
TONE | Changes tonal quality. |
TOP | Amount of high frequency harmonics. |
TREM | Depth of the added tremolo. |
TTUN | Tunes the top. |
TUNE | Detunes the sound. |